"Different strengths, different mental states, and the way we look at things... will also gradually become different from before."

"I don't know if I can look down at the upper city in the future."

"Instead of looking up."

While thinking.


Qin Feng's eyes moved.

He saw fog spreading around.


The turbid fog rolled with the wind.

Like rolling dust.

The morning sun was obscured and eroded.

Until only a turbid and vast mist was left, covering the surroundings, covering the high piles of ruins and garbage.

The figures of garbage men and scavengers were hidden in it.

There were only a few.

Not many.

But it gave people an indescribable feeling.

There were faint whispers, dreams, and crying in the air.

Compared with the past.

The current ruins market has a more depressed feeling.

There was also a sense of weirdness.

The vendors, shop owners, and customers who were supposed to go to the early market were now scattered, their figures interspersed in the fog, and from time to time they would startle a series of broadcasts:

"Attention! Attention!"

"Recently, the strange disease of 'delirium' is not only at its peak, but has gradually changed!"

"Now it is not just at night, even during the day, as long as you go out, you will be very likely to get sick!"

"Pay special attention to the sudden appearance of unknown fog, which contains deadly strange disease factors. Everyone who encounters fog, please hurry into the blocked house and don't go out. If you hear someone knocking on the door or any strange noises outside, don't respond or peek, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"Please remember: be careful at night, hurry back when you encounter fog, and don't respond to strange sounds when knocking on the door. If you don't comply, your loved ones will cry!"

Qin Feng listened silently to the harsh broadcast.

Looking at the figures running wildly in the mist.

In the blink of an eye.

No figure was seen.

His eyes flickered slightly:

"It seems that the 'Demon Food Festival' held by the demons has completely begun."

"Now is the time for the demons to start harvesting the 'crops'."

According to the various information obtained before.

The so-called "Demon Food Festival".

In essence, it is a huge, special demon god ritual involving a wide range.

Within the scope of the ritual.

All the demon god dead eggs in the bodies of the people in the lower city will have a certain probability of reviving and becoming live eggs, thus giving birth to new demons.

"To put it bluntly, the so-called 'Demon Food Festival' is a birth-inducing ceremony."

"If the birth is successful, everyone is happy, and the demon god has harvested another offspring."

"If the birth fails, various abnormalities will occur, and the demons can just harvest it and store it as 'crops' in the granary."

Qin Feng's face was not very good.

I wanted to take a leisurely walk.

Bask in the morning sunshine.

Suddenly, a demon fog floated up.

It was really unlucky.

"However, in the 'Demon Food Festival', hundreds of demons are walking, and the probability of encountering a demon will also increase. You can probably encounter one just by walking on the road."

"In this way, I can find an opportunity to verify the method I have in mind to improve the proficiency of the 'Spiritual Warning' skill."

Qin Feng's idea is very simple.

"Spiritual Warning" is similar to Spider Sense.

When Spider-Man fights with the enemy, he will continuously trigger Spider Sense to help him avoid some attacks and risks.


If you want to trigger the "Spiritual Warning" frequently.

The best way.

Of course, it is to fight!

"As a warrior, it is definitely not okay to sit and practice dryly. You must also properly gain some practical experience and enrich your combat skills."

"Well, let's practice with the demon first."

"With my current strength as a warrior, there is no need to be afraid of some ordinary demons."

Thinking of this.

Qin Feng did not return to the underground base.

Instead, he walked in the deep and turbid mist.

He did not use the "Hide" skill to hide his body.

He wanted to improve the proficiency of the "Spiritual Warning" skill.

"Hide" will definitely not play a positive role.

Instead, it has a counter-effect.

Of course.

Qin Feng did not take any risk avoidance measures.

He left a secret body in the underground base as an anchor point. If he encountered any dangerous situation that he could not defeat, he would move back immediately without any hesitation.


Time passed little by little.

Qin Feng gradually left the core of the ruins market.

He walked onto a plastic track.

This plastic track was very old, with traces of damage everywhere, but it was very long and gradually extended into the vast fog in front.

In the fog...

Qin Feng saw a figure running towards him.

"It seems... someone is running?"

Who would run in the demon fog for no reason?

Is it a demon?

Qin Feng became a little suspicious and prepared for the fight.

His hand was in the shape of holding a knife.

The whisper of the ancient god.

It seemed to appear in his hands at any time and anywhere.


Qin Feng's "Spiritual Warning" skill did not react at this moment.


The outline of the figure became clear in the mist.


It was a girl.

Looks like she's about 18 or 19 years old.

She's wearing a purple sports suit.

Her long ponytail bounces behind her head as she moves, making her look quite lively.

As for the girl's appearance...

Qin Feng glanced at the girl's face, and saw her eyebrows raised, and her eyes also turned to him, and their eyes intertwined.

Qin Feng saw long eyelashes.

Eyes as deep as stars.

A pretty nose.

Red lips.

And a faint smile on the corners of the girl's mouth.


The girl stopped her morning jog and looked at Qin Feng's face with some curiosity.

Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something, and the faint smile on the corners of her mouth gradually became stronger.

Then it became exaggerated.

More and more exaggerated.

The corners of her mouth were actually hooked to the roots of her ears!

The next moment.

There was a "snort" sound!

The skin at the corners of her mouth actually cracked open, pulling out strands of suture-like fiber flesh, and the girl's face instantly became sick and deformed!

Sharp, dense, steel-like teeth emerged from the torn flesh on both sides, making a friction sound:

"You taste... so delicious!"

"I want to eat..."



The blade flashed.

There was already a blood line on the girl's pink and white neck.

The blood line tilted.

The neck slipped.


The girl's head fell down with a gurgle, and bounced on the ground several times, like a ball.

"I almost forgot that monsters are best at disguise. No wonder my 'Spiritual Warning' skill didn't react at the beginning."

"But as this monster removed its disguise, the 'Spiritual Warning' skill immediately moved."

Qin Feng looked at the skill panel of the Crimson Cheater.

He saw some changes in the skills.

Spiritual Warning: Getting Started (7%)

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