"Huh? Special divinity?"

Qin Feng had a thought.

The tentacles that were about to stab the banshee suddenly stopped mid-air.

"It seems that the aura of the demon god is really powerful for demons. Not only have they completely lost their will to fight, but they actually want to dedicate their divinity to me?"


Or maybe the banshee in front of me is too timid.

This banshee gave him a silly feeling.

Doesn't seem very smart.

"I don't know what is so special about the 'special divinity' he mentioned, that it can actually help a god-level existence like the Demon God regain its strength?"

Qin Feng's eyes rolled.

The killer was not killed immediately.

He is still somewhat curious about the "special divinity" mentioned by this demon. Although after killing the opponent, he can obtain the good things hidden in the opponent's body and even the spiritual body through dissection.


Touch the "cutting things apart to find hidden things".

After all, it is a probabilistic thing.

not to mention.

Once dead.

Will the "special divinity" disappear immediately? No way to recover?

I thought about it for a moment.

Through the cocoon of the demon god, Qin Feng was filled with spirituality, and the spirituality was intertwined into a voice pattern, forming a brilliant and majestic voice:

"Give it."

As a special power in the field of occultism, spirituality has many wonderful uses.

Just like this moment.

Using spirituality to interweave voiceprints and produce sounds, not only can the pitch be changed at will, but it also has a spiritual level of deterrence.

Especially Qin Feng also added the aura of the demon god into it.

For demons.

Whenever you hear this sound.

The mind will feel stressed.

My thoughts were chaotic for a while.

It's difficult to elaborate on the details.

In this way, the various flaws and ailments in him will not be discovered.

In fact, the cocoon of the demon god disguised by Qin Feng through the Star Spirit Pearl has not yet reached the level of perfection and authenticity. If it is seen by an experienced demon, it will be easy to see the flaws.

Fortunately, the banshee in front of her was so stupid that she took care of it by herself before Qin Feng said anything, so she didn't have to spend too much effort.


He saw the tentacles like steel thorns on the top of his head gradually retracting.

Si Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


She was also quite doubtful as to why the ancestor of the demon god suddenly appeared here.

But because she had always had a rebellious spirit, and she was very resistant to becoming a tool for breeding the eggs of the demon god, she secretly always scolded the ancestor of the demon god several times every day.


Some have a guilty conscience.

Didn't delve too deeply into anything.

"The demon, ancestor of the demon god, Si Yan's true form is a three-headed four-legged bird. A demon like me is unprecedented, so... it has always been defined as a deformed 'foreign demon' by the ethnic group."

"But in Si Yan's view, just like the biological science of humans, Si Yan is not an aberration, but a genetic mutation, and it is a benign mutation."

"Siyan had a sarcoma-like crown from her head with nine pupils. Others said it was ugly, but Siyan always regarded it as a crown."

"The nine pupils above are like nine gems, each one has a special function."

"That's actually true."

"And the special changes in divinity are only due to these nine pupils."

Si Yan was a little nervous at first.

The more he talks.

The tone of voice also became smoother.

She stretched out her white palms, and suddenly, her head twisted and deformed, transforming from the original human face into a strange bird head with a long beak, beautiful eyebrows and colorful feathers.

On the bird's head.

It looks like a deformed chicken comb with a strange bright red fleshy comb.

On the crown of flesh, like inlaid gems, there are nine pupils arranged in rows.

These pupils are very strange.

Not only are every color different.

Pupils inside.

Each shape is also different.

There are vertical pupils, round pupils, horizontal pupils, star pupils... they look all kinds of strange, but there is something mysterious about them.


Qin Feng saw this.

I couldn't help but become more and more interested in this special three-legged bird succubus.

The demon he encountered before.

The main body is either a fox, a bat, or various birds and animals.

In fact, if it weren't for the ability to transform into humans, the demon's physical appearance would not be much different from those normal animals in the old days.

Unlike the giant beasts, many of them are strange and even abstract.


In front of me are these three four-legged bird banshees.

But it's different.

"These three four-legged birds, except for the fleshy crests on their heads, which are a bit mind-boggling, are otherwise fine. Their feathers are also beautiful. It doesn't look like they are deformed, but like..."

No reason.

The words "mythical creature" came to Qin Feng's mind.

He thought of the Classic of Mountains and Seas from his previous life.

I thought of all kinds of strange "mythical creatures" described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"If creatures like demons are evolved from the former 'mythical creatures', then could this special image of three-headed four-legged birds... be an atavism?"

Qin Feng had many speculations in his mind.

in historical records.

Demons, demons, weirdos, monsters, and giant beasts all come from the gaps after the collapse of time and space, that is, different worlds and dimensions, but... after knowing the concept of mysticism and the composition structure of the world - the material layer, the etheric layer, the astral layer, and the spiritual layer.

Qin Feng had some doubts about this.

The material layer is solid and unbreakable.

Even gods find it difficult to descend and cannot do anything about it, and cannot break the shackles of the material layer.

However, the official historical records of mankind say:

A war among humans caused the collapse of time and space.

The collapse of time and space.

That is to say, the material layer was broken.

The material layer that even gods cannot break, but a war among humans... broke it?

Is it that humans are too awesome.


What is the trick hidden in it?

And what level of war can actually break the indestructible material layer? It might be a war between gods, right?

And if this is the case, then doesn't it mean that... in the old times, everyone was like a god? Everyone is a human god. After a war, the divine power is so fierce that it directly tears the material layer?


Qin Feng felt that his imagination was too big.

In the old times, everyone was like a god?

Everyone is a human god?

How is this possible...

Just as Qin Feng's thoughts were scattered, Si Yan's words continued to sound:

"Ancestor Demon God, the special divinity I cultivated in the gift is because of one of my nine pupils, the 'psychic pupil', which has undergone a mutation, so... I call it 'psychic divinity'."

"This 'psychic divinity' is bound to my life at the moment of birth. Once I die, the divinity will also disappear."

A strange light suddenly lit up in the nine pupils on Si Yan's bird head.

In the interweaving of light.

A mysterious and brilliant power permeated.

Qin Feng's attention was immediately attracted.

He was too familiar with this kind of power.

It is divinity!


It is an extraordinary divinity!

It actually caused the "whispers of the ancient gods" in his mind to emit bursts of clear and melodious sword sounds!

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