The whole day passed quietly.

The hidden body that worked "conscientiously" in the Rising Sun Behemoth Factory, under the control of Qin Feng's spiritual consciousness, left the factory as soon as it was time to get off work. Before leaving, he also placed the Titan Blood Crystal in the old place for supply. Lu Yunsong can take it at any time.

Lu Yunsong is in the etheric layer.

I stayed there for a whole day.

Nothing gained.

"Is it really true that I have been under a lot of stress and emotionally unstable recently, and my spiritual warnings have gone awry?"

In the Office of the Quality Director.

Lu Yunsong looked at the transparent glass box on his desk and the Titan blood crystal that shone with blood.

Touching his chin.

His eyes were wandering.

However, the warning in his mind was still faintly ringing.

Although much shallower than before.

But Lu Yunsong still had doubts in his heart:

"Let's stay here for a few more days. Maybe today is just a coincidence. It just so happens that Mr. Qin didn't do anything sneaky."

Ruined market.

Underground flesh and blood base.

After gathering wool all day long, Qin Feng gained quite a lot.

A total of eighteen "Demon Spirit Seeds" were harvested.

That is to say.

He killed and dissected eighteen demons.

Twelve of them were little demons.

The six are first-year demons who are comparable to ordinary warriors.

Although he is comparable to a warrior, Qin Feng does not think that he will have a great advantage against normal human warriors. The reason is very simple - whether it is the field of demon god rituals or the use of the demon god's emblem to cast Fei. The moon enchantments all contain a strong aura of demon gods.

At first.

He can have a powerful deterrent effect on the demon.

Just like the overlord color haki in One Piece.

The moment of battle.

The aura of the demon god can also invisibly suppress the demon's own strength, making it impossible for the demons to fully display their peak combat power. Even some special abilities derived from the "demon god's gift" are ineffective against Qin Feng.


Qin Feng's overall combat experience is more like frying fish and eating vegetables.

But if it is against a normal warrior who is not suppressed by his demon god's aura.

But there is no such advantage.

"After dissecting eighteen demon queens, in addition to the 'demon spiritual seeds', I also harvested a large amount of 'demon spiritual marrow'."

"The amount of spiritual marrow that a little demon can dissect after dissection is about one to three drops."

"The amount of spiritual marrow found after dissection of a first-year demon is about eight to fifteen drops."

"From the total of eighteen demons, I harvested one hundred and two drops of 'demon essence'."

Qin Feng waved his hand.

One hundred and two "water drops" sparkling with the illusory light of crystal and exuding a strong spiritual aura emerged from the spiritual world and appeared in front of him.

Whether it is "demon spirit seed" or "demon spirit marrow", in essence, it belongs to an illusory energy body.

Therefore, it can be easily absorbed into one's own spiritual world.

It's not like the demon god's emblem.

It's the real thing.

It seems that it must contain a certain amount of divine power before it can be qualified to be included in the spiritual world... Of course, it may also be because the threshold for entering Qin Feng's spiritual world is relatively high, and ordinary physical objects are not eligible to be included.

"With these one hundred and two drops of 'Demon Spiritual Essence', I can successfully enter the 'Stairway to Divinity'."

Qin Feng counted them several times as if counting banknotes.

Then he took back these "demon souls" with satisfaction.

He waved his hand again.


One after another golden light filled the air.

In front of Qin Feng.

There are five "golden elixirs" shining with bright, strange and mysterious light, quietly suspended in the air.

It was exactly five "demon pills".

It can also be called "the gift of the demon god".

After killing and dissecting the six first demons, the tiger demon's "Demon God's Gift" has been absorbed by Qin Feng, and accidentally opened the real practice method of the white ape's health-preserving secret pile. There are still five "Demon God's Gifts" left.

"This 'demon god's gift, at present, I only know that it is of certain use in practicing the White Ape's secret method of health preservation."

"I don't know if there are any other uses?"

While Qin Feng was observing.

There are many thoughts in my mind.

There is no trace of divine power in the five "Demon God's Gifts" that sparkle with golden light and mysterious aura.

Obviously, it is not easy for demons to condense their divinity.

The three four-legged bird banshees that are suspected of being "mythical atavisms" are indeed extremely talented.

And now.

This demon is considered to be in Qin Feng's palm.

"All that's left is some demon corpse flesh and blood. It doesn't seem to be of much use for the time being. When I plant the next batch of dragon essence ginseng fruits, I'll try feeding them with demon corpses to see if there will be any effect."

Qin Feng also brought the "Demon God's Gift" into the spiritual world.

Then store a pile of demon corpse flesh and blood.

at last.

The three four-legged bird banshees named "Si Yan" were imprisoned and contained, sealed in a high-strength transparent experimental container, and anesthetic fluid was sprayed to make them comatose more completely, and they were combined with the fox demon eggs. Looking at each other from the other side.

After processing.

Qin Feng began to make preparations for daily practice, cooking blood crystal rice.

At the same time, he looked at the panel of the crimson cheat device.


Spiritual Warning: Proficient (32%)

No surprises.

Qin Feng's "Spiritual Early Warning" skill successfully reached the "Proficiency" level after constantly picking up the wool and brushing up on proficiency. After arriving, a small qualitative change occurred.

Surprisingly, there is not just one qualitative breakthrough effect.

Instead there are two:

[Effect 1: Increased spiritual counter-warning ability. When others have a spiritual warning about you and are wary, your spirit can also receive a reminder. 】

[Effect 2: Increased spiritual anti-warning hiding ability. You can weaken or even erase other people’s spiritual warnings to you by condensing your own spiritual aura. 】

Effect 1 and Effect 2 can obviously be used in combination.

The former is used as a reminder.

The latter is used for hiding.

When you perceive that other people's spirituality lists you as someone who needs to be vigilant and careful, you can eliminate yourself from the vigilance list by restraining your spirituality, thereby interfering with other people's judgment.

"In this way, I can effectively reduce Lu Yunsong's vigilance towards me."

"To avoid all kinds of trouble."

have to say.

The effect of this proficiency breakthrough.

It gave Qin Feng a big surprise.

"Well, before the blood crystal rice is finished cooking, I will first study the real practice method of the White Ape's health-preserving secret pile, and at the same time use the 'divine ladder' to exercise my spirituality."

Qin Feng's heart moved.

The mind is immersed in the spiritual world.

In a spiritual world filled with dark gray mist.

Three fundamental pillars of martial arts.

Still so mysterious and grand.

Qin Feng condensed a conscious body.

As the outline of the body was gradually outlined by the blending of spiritual particles, Qin Feng's thoughts moved and he outlined a second body of consciousness on the side.

In the spiritual world of oneself.

Conscious body.

Nature can't just be condensed into one.

As long as you are energetic and spiritual, you can condense as many paths as you want. This is the so-called "multitasking".

With Qin Feng's current ability.


It can be said to be as simple as eating and drinking.

"One body of consciousness goes to the 'Stairway to Divinity', and the other body of consciousness goes to study the secret pile of white ape's health after transformation."

"If the spirituality is not enough, use the 'demon spirit essence' to supplement it."

"If the physical body in reality is hungry, just eat a mouthful of blood crystal rice, take a bath, plant it, and practice the two moves of the dragon and tiger secret pile."

"Well, let's arrange it this way for the next few days."

Qin Feng planned to give himself a few more days off.

Work matters.

Let the hidden body do it.

Based on Qin Feng's understanding of Lu Yunsong.

Even if there is no spiritual warning, that guy will definitely stay there suspiciously for a few more days. He has been restrained in recent days, and there is no need to touch Lu Yunsong's bad luck.

After the two conscious bodies are condensed.

Qin Feng's figure moved.

Controlling one of the conscious bodies, walking towards the "Stairway to Divinity"...

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