We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 146: Cultivation and Development, Qualitative Changes in Three Skills

In the spiritual world.

Qin Feng has two conscious bodies.

One learns and comprehends the "Great Sage Secret Posture" and acquires a lot of martial arts practice knowledge.

The other challenges the "Divine Ladder" and obtains the reward of divine power.

Very happy.

After becoming proficient.

It is almost fully automatic.

It is not tiring.

As long as the amount of "Demon's Spiritual Essence" is sufficient, Qin Feng can "refuel" anytime and anywhere after the spirituality is almost dry, then he can continue to learn and practice like this.

In reality.

Qin Feng eats a mouthful of blood crystal rice.


In the soaked blood crystal water.

Posing the practice posture of "Great Sage Secret Posture".

Learning and comprehending the secret post knowledge is one thing, if you want to practice it, you naturally need physical practice. Fortunately, Qin Feng has a sufficient number of Titan blood crystals.

As the blood crystal energy permeates the body.

One acupoint after another.

Slowly condensed from his body.

Originally, Qin Feng's health preservation secret pile, plus the dragon and tiger secret pile, condensed a total of fourteen acupoints, nine of which have been upgraded to "open acupoints".


The door of the fifteenth acupoint is gradually opening.

Then the sixteenth acupoint.

The seventeenth acupoint.

The eighteenth acupoint...


Time passed day by day.

Every day, Qin Feng controlled his hidden body to go to work in the factory and complete the task of dissecting the six-winged strange boa. In addition to going out to hunt monsters, he practiced the "Great Sage Secret Pile" in the underground base.

And use the "divine ladder" to exercise his spirituality and obtain divine power rewards.

On the first step.

Just hold on for ten seconds.

Every millisecond thereafter, just keep standing on the steps and break through your own limits little by little, and you can get the reward of divine power.

Although the reward of every millisecond.

is just a trace of divinity.

Whether compared with the divine power in the "Whisper of the Ancient God" or the "spiritual divine" power offered by the three-headed four-legged female demon, the quantity seems very small.

But it can be accumulated continuously!

A little bit makes a lot.

A little bit makes a tower.

As long as it keeps developing.

One day.

Quantitative change will lead to qualitative change!

In the rest of the fragmented time, Qin Feng strolled around the ruins market, read Xia Qingchuan's flesh and blood technology notes, practiced armored gun skills, planted dragon essence ginseng fruit, etc.

It is worth mentioning.

Perhaps it was because Qin Feng killed a lot of demons.

As the news spread.

Among the demons in Canglang City, a legend of "a demon-eating warrior" gradually spread. It is said that this human warrior is extremely cruel. Not only does he kill demons, but he also dissects and eats demons!

For the demons that were killed, let alone leaving a complete body, not even a bone can be left!

This caused the demons in the demon group to be in danger.

Even though it is now the time of "demon food sacrifice".

They all stayed at home.

They were isolated.

They were afraid that they would be cut open and eaten if they went out.

This made the environment in Bailang District in the lower city much safer. The people in the lower city, who had been isolated at home, began to go out, work and shout, and the popularity gradually recovered.

Especially the ruins market.

In just a few days, it restored its former prosperity.

The elders and high-level officials in the monster group in Canglang City were furious after hearing about this. It has always been the monsters who eat people, so how could it be the turn of humans to eat monsters?

The high-level strongmen among the monsters hated those human warriors who practiced the "eating monster martial arts" the most!

So they contacted the people in the upper city.

They were determined to ask for an explanation!

The people in the upper city were confused by this.

What the hell?

Monster-eating warriors?

They didn't know!

"Eating monster martial arts" has always been a dangerous and unpopular "divine martial arts path".

Generally, human warriors would not choose this path of martial arts unless they are mentally abnormal, have special needs, or have a deep hatred for monsters.

Moreover, there is no entry-level belief method for the "monster-eating martial arts" in the Goddess Church in the upper city.

He had to find someone who knew the "monster-eating martial arts"...

The only one who knew it was the officer from the official warrior army of Yanxia a few days ago...


Isn't the other party dead?

The only remaining head was also completely destroyed by the acupoint self-explosion caused by the incident in the Bailang Funeral Home.

Could it be that...

The other party is not dead?

After realizing this possibility, both the monsters and the people in the upper city panicked, and they held meetings every day to discuss a solution.

Even humans and monsters joined forces to ambush the mysterious "monster-eating warrior".

But just when they were planning to ambush.

The mysterious "monster-eating warrior" disappeared.

It would be fine if it didn't disappear.

Once it disappeared.

It immediately caused the people and monsters in the upper city to be more panicked, fearing that their previous good deeds would be reported to the official army of Yanxia, ​​although... Canglang City had long been rebellious and was constantly developing its own warrior army.

But if the official army of Yanxia got the news and came in advance.


All the plans would be completely messed up!


When there is no decision.

Continue to hold a meeting.

The upper-level monsters and the Goddess Cult of the Upper City are either in meetings or on the way to meetings every day.


This day.

Early morning.

The sun is pouring down.

As the simulated sunlight from the base dome shines on his face, Qin Feng slowly opens his eyes.

He looked at the panel of the Crimson Cheater:


1. Dissection: Perfect

2. Breathing: Perfect

3. Bast: Mastery (78%)

4. Hiding: Perfect

5. Great Sage Secret Posture: Entry (20%)

6. Armored Gun Technique: Mastery (5%)

7. Dragon and Tiger Secret Posture: Mastery (3%)

8. Demon God Meditation Method: Mastery (7%)

9. Blood and Flesh Technology Foundation: Mastery (55%)

10. Planting: Skilled (96%)

11. Spiritual Warning: Skilled (62%)

Martial Arts Foundation:

1. Deconstructing All Things: Dissecting the Real into the Virtual (92%)

2. Breathing the Heavens and the Earth: Deep Sleep and Fetal Breathing (60%)

3. Hiding the Gods: Hidden Body (56%)

The harvest of practice these days is quite rich.

The original White Ape Health Secret Posture has completely evolved into the "Great Sage Secret Posture".

In addition.

There are three skills.

From the original "skilled" level, it has reached the "proficient" level.

They are:

"Armored Gun Technique", "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake", "Demon God Meditation Method".

These three skills have all undergone a small qualitative change after reaching proficiency.

The qualitative change effect of "Armored Gun Technique" allows Qin Feng to have a very high probability of critical hit effect when using gun skills. To be honest... after being promoted to a warrior, the power effect of gun skills is too common for Qin Feng.


It is also because the flesh and blood weapons in his hands are not strong enough.

There are also powerful things in flesh and blood weapons. High-standard flesh and blood weapons are not weaker than "divine weapons", but if you want to obtain them... you need unusual channels.

Of course, Qin Feng is not interested in this for the time being.

Let's talk about it when there is a need in the future.

The qualitative change effect of "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" is quite interesting.

It can materialize Qin Feng's spirituality to a certain extent, thus forming a "Dragon and Tiger Shadow" comparable to the real thing. While fighting physically, it can also send out a long-range attack similar to a "shock wave" from time to time, and the power intensity depends on the spirituality of the self.

As for the "Demon God Meditation Method"...

The qualitative effect of this method.

It is the most special of the three skills, and it is also the most incredible to Qin Feng.

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