

The "tentacle bag" located at Qin Feng's coccyx flashed scarlet blood, and from time to time, it burst into irregular cracks like mouths, and scarlet tentacles spread out from it.

The tentacles swayed and floated.

Like blood-colored tails.

Coiled behind Qin Feng.

And Qin Feng's overall appearance was a little bit unlike a human figure.

Although the outline of the human figure was still retained, the skin all over the body was damaged, as if it was burned, and the blood vessels were entangled on the surface of the body, twisting and wriggling, looking very weird.

The eyes were soaked with blood.

There was only one pair of pupils.

Deep black.

But it was covered with cracks.

The overall look was quite sick and weird, more violent than a beast, and weirder than a demon.

This appearance was the disguise of the "Demon Spirit", and the change of the "Demon God Posture" was accidental.

Qin Feng did not change it.

Anyway, as long as people don't recognize his original appearance, it will be fine.

"After this delay, I don't know where Secretary Shen has gone."

"However, this hidden 'space abscess' should not be too big. We can always find it with a little search."

Qin Feng looked around and explored.

At the same time.

Thinking about how this "space abscess" was formed, what is the relationship with Secretary Shen, what she wants to do here, and... who she plans to meet?


About five minutes later.

Qin Feng paused slightly.

The outline of a dark red classical long skirt came into his eyes.

It was Secretary Shen.

Qin Feng's body was hidden in a corner.


Sweeping carefully towards Secretary Shen's location.

This "space abscess" is like an extremely irregular cave.

In addition to the twisted and inverted abstract space.

It is even more winding and complex.

If you want to hide, it is easy even without using "hide".

And at this moment.

Secretary Shen should be in the deepest part of this "space abscess", where there is a rare open space, wrapped in a pile of abstract space folds.



A familiar beating sound came into his ears.

It was a beating sound similar to that of a heart.

Qin Feng's face showed a strange look.

Because this sound...

He had heard something similar before.

That unique sound rhythm was deeply imprinted in his mind.

It was the fox demon egg that was about to be born in the raccoon apartment before!

"Could it be that Secretary Shen also gave birth to a snake demon egg that was combined with a human and belonged to her?"

Qin Feng looked weird.


He had had enough.

Why do I always encounter such a mess about demon eggs?

However, as he looked deeper.

When he saw the appearance of the place where Secretary Shen was.

Qin Feng realized...

He was still too young.

The situation on the scene was more explosive than he thought.


Deep in the space abscess.

A relatively empty place.

Secretary Shen prostrated herself on the ground.

Her crimson dress fluttered on the ground as she prostrated herself, but it was not scattered, but spread out very neatly, as if a human skin had been completely peeled off and laid out neatly on the ground, without a single wrinkle.

In front of Secretary Shen...

There were stacked monster eggs half a person's height.

These monster eggs were throbbing.

Blood vessels protruded from the surface of the monster eggs.

They were densely packed.

It was so scary to look at.


They were all monster eggs that were about to hatch, and they had many similarities with the fox monster eggs.

There was only one thing...

They were different.

On top of these stacked monster eggs, at the highest point, sat a little girl.

The little girl looked no different from an ordinary person.

Her face was like delicate porcelain.

Pink and white.

Smooth and lovely.

There was nothing special about her body, only an elegant and classical silk dress, draped over her body.

The reason why it is called draped... is because this dress is clearly for adults to wear. When it is covered on the little girl, it does not look like she is wearing it, but wrapped around her body like a cloak.

The little girl looks quite cute.


Her face is very cold.

At this moment.

She is slightly lowering her eyelids, staring at Secretary Shen below.

At the same time.

The little girl grabbed with her fingers.


A demon egg under her body was easily torn by her like tofu, and then the little girl grabbed her palm into it and squeezed out a ball of flesh and blood from it.

At first glance, this ball of flesh and blood actually revealed some human-like outlines, and vaguely some snake-like appearances, as if... it was actually a demon placenta that was still in its embryonic form and had not yet developed into a complete demon!

When the little girl took the placenta of the monster out of the monster egg, she licked the corner of her mouth with her pink little tongue.

The next moment.

She elegantly put the flesh and blood in her hand, which looked like a human but not a human, and a monster but not a monster, to her mouth.

She bit it gently.

She chewed it carefully.

It was like a rich person tasting caviar in a pretentious way.

Secretary Shen didn't dare to look at this scene directly.

Hearing the little girl chewing.

She was lying on the ground.

In an instant, he became more pious and respectful.

At the same time he said in a pious tone:

"The goddess of darkness and abundance, the noble and supreme mother goddess, the black goat of the forest who gave birth to thousands of descendants!"

"These snake eggs are all tributes that I carefully cultivated."

"There are unions with humans, there are unions with beasts, and there are unions with demons."

“Everything tastes different.”

"Please also ask the Mother Goddess to taste it slowly."

The little girl heard this.

But he didn't speak.

She just glanced at Secretary Shen who was prostrate devoutly, and then continued to taste the flesh and blood in her hands.

Secretary Shen did not dare to say anything.

She pressed her face to the ground politely.

He didn't dare to look directly at the little girl in front of him.

"Isn't this little girl... Secretary Shen's five or six-year-old daughter?"

A corner not far away.

Qin Feng opened his eyes wide.

Pupil earthquake.

For a moment, my breathing stopped.

Ever since he learned that Secretary Shen was a demon, Qin Feng knew that the persona Secretary Shen made for him - "a single divorced mother with a child" - should be fake.

He was in the secretary's office.

I’ve seen photos of Secretary Shen’s “daughter”.

I originally thought that this so-called "girlfriend" was just a random fabrication by Secretary Shen and was not a real person, but I never expected that... this person actually existed.

At least the little girl in front of me.

She looks exactly like the girl in Secretary Shen's photo.

Even the stern expression without a smile was exactly the same.

"Secretary Shen actually called this little girl...the goddess of darkness and beauty?"


"Is it possible that this little girl is a god?"


Qin Feng thought of one of the five items he had obtained from the warrior officer's Pim secret box:

A mysterious letter without any written content.

And the recipient of this letter...

Astonishingly it is——

The goddess of darkness and abundance!

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