In the spiritual world of Qin Feng's mind.

The deep and thick gray mist floated everywhere, covering the three tall and majestic pillars of the martial arts foundation, revealing only some vague outlines.


The dark gray mist rolled up.

A black worm appeared.

This black worm was full of ominous and filthy aura. As soon as it appeared, it exuded a thick dark aura like ink, turning into black tentacles, intending to wreak havoc in this spiritual world.

But at this moment.


The whole spiritual world shook violently.

The dark gray mist, which was still calm, suddenly rolled up wildly at this moment. At the same time, the whole world began to tremble violently, with a tendency to collapse in the next moment.

This situation.

The black worm was stunned for a moment.

"What's going on?"

The black worm was transformed by the divine thoughts of the little girl "Goddess of Darkness and Plenty". She knew that the self-spiritual world structures of all intelligent life in this world were all strange and bizarre.

Weird, abstract, indescribable...

They were all commonplace.

But one thing is very important.

That is, no matter how strange the self's spiritual world is, it must have a boundary, must be stable.

The spiritual world has no boundaries.

And it vibrates and roars at any time.

This means...

The spiritual world will collapse and shatter at any time!

And such a collapsed spiritual world...


Only those crazy and extremely distorted lunatics have it!

"These weird gray fogs seem to have no boundaries at all..."

"Plus this vibration and roar..."

"This human is definitely a lunatic, a completely crazy lunatic!"

"But this person's appearance and mental state seem to be very normal."

"Why is this?"

A question mark appeared in the little girl's divine thoughts.

She tried to think hard.

She always felt that this situation... was very familiar to her.

It seemed that she had seen this kind of existence before.

Then soon...

The little girl gave up thinking.

"Forget it, I have just recovered some of my abilities as a god, and they are only some extremely shallow powers. I don't even have a trace of divine authority in my hands."

"And without authority, my memory is broken."

"I'd better give up thinking."

The little girl muttered in her heart.

She knew.

On the surface, she seemed to be powerful and could use the power and ability of gods, and even grant gifts to others, but in fact... everything just relied on the divine power she had recovered.

Above the divine power.

There is also the most critical power of divine authority.

Without authority.

It means that it is a false god.

And she, at most, is just a slice of the "Dark Plenty Goddess".

"No matter what is special about this human."

"Since you have provoked me."

"You make me unhappy."

"Then torture him to death and grind his bones to ashes!"

The little girl was filled with murderous intent.

Just about to take action.



In Qin Feng's spiritual world, there was another violent roar, and a large amount of dark gray mist rolled wildly, stirring up a fierce wind, causing the black worm containing the little girl's thoughts to be blown back all of a sudden.

The black worm felt a little dizzy for a while.

"Is it over yet?!"

Anger and irritability rose in the little girl's divine thoughts.

However, the next moment.

As she stared forward.


She was stunned.

In the violently surging dark gray mist, one, two, three... tall and magnificent pillars filled with a strong sense of mystery appeared.

The pillars supported the sky.

It was too high to be seen.

And the breath emanating from the pillars...

That kind of ancient, vast, magnificent and majestic breath!

The little girl's divine consciousness actually caused a subconscious feeling of fear, a fear that was engraved in her bones and soul!

"That, that is..."

The little girl's face changed drastically.

Her whole body trembled and shivered:

"Why did this thing appear here?!"


The next moment.

The little girl's consciousness in the black worm disappeared instantly.

Before it disappeared.

She only felt that in her consciousness, there were strange, terrifying chewing sounds that even she, a god, felt terrified...


The ether layer of the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory.

Deep in the space pustules.

"No! No no! Don't eat me..."

The moment the little girl's face changed, the black mist throne behind her instantly collapsed and disappeared.

With a plop!

She fell directly on the ground.

She fell hard on her buttocks.

Feeling the severe pain spreading through her body, the little girl's mind became clearer, but the haze on her face was thick and dark, as if she was completely broken.


Qin Feng's side.

As the dark tentacles that bound his body dissipated.

He immediately regained his freedom.


Looking at the little girl in front of him, the "Dark and Full Goddess" fell from the air in a very unbearable way, with a dull face and a look of being beaten up, his face couldn't help but look a little strange.

"What's going on?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin.

What happened in the spiritual world.

He knew it.

The divine thoughts of the little girl, the "Dark and Full Goddess", were eaten up by the three pillars of the foundation of martial arts before they had time to stir up trouble in the spiritual world of his mind.

Don't look at the little girl's divine thoughts.

It's just a small black worm.

But the essence contained in it.

It's really not small.

After the three pillars of the foundation of martial arts were eaten up, Qin Feng only felt that these three pillars became more and more huge and mysterious.

Originally, he always felt that these three pillars seemed huge and majestic, but in fact, they were illusory, making people feel that they were not too real.

But now...

It gave him a strange sense of reality.

"The pillars of the foundation of martial arts in my mind can indeed devour the thoughts of gods."

"However, I don't know what is contained in the thoughts of gods that can make the pillars of the foundation of martial arts suddenly become so hungry?"

Qin Feng was a little curious.

The thoughts of gods...

No matter what.

It should be just a wisp of thoughts, right?

It does not contain spiritual energy such as spirituality and divinity.

Why would the pillars of the foundation of martial arts want to devour so eagerly?

"This kind of question can only be understood slowly in the future."

"After all, the existence of the status of gods, ordinary people may not meet one in their lifetime, right?"

While thinking.

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

Looking at the little girl "Dark and Voluptuous Goddess" sitting on the ground in front of him.

Seeing that the other party did not react for a while.

He narrowed his eyes.

A few cold lights flashed in his eyes:

"Now, it seems to be a good time to kill this 'Dark and Voluptuous Goddess'..."

He raised his palm.


A cold light flashed in the void.

The whisper of the ancient god.

Appeared in his palm.

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