"Damn! This damned banshee!"



Above the Rising Sun Monster Factory.

Inside the super private floating car "Flying Magic Leopard".

Lu Yunsong's face was gloomy and he was furious. He punched the steering wheel hard, and actually broke the steering wheel directly, and it burst into pieces.

The whole car was also shaken instantly.

It almost broke.

Fortunately, this is a super flying car of extremely high quality.

It also uses "flesh and blood technology".

After a while.

All the scars in the car were automatically repaired, and even the steering wheel "grew" a new one.

Lu Yunsong never expected.

His own plan.

It was at the critical moment, because of that kind of thing, and could not be smoothly implemented.

The pollution from the gods.

This is a key link in his plan!

But now...

"If the plan is not sound and I cannot guarantee my own safety and retreat 100%, the best solution... is to give up temporarily."

"As long as the green mountains are there, there is no need to worry about the lack of firewood."

"As long as I don't touch the whole piece of Titan Blood Crystal this time, even if I have some stains before, I can still have a chance to wash it away if I think of a way and give up some things."

Lu Yunsong had some retreat in his heart.

He is very cunning.

He is not a reckless man.

The plan is not right.

There is no need to insist on it. After all...although the whole Titan Blood Crystal is good, my life is still important!

But at this moment.


A phone rang.

The caller...

It was Secretary Shen!


In the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory.

The administrative building.

The secretary's office.

The moment she hung up Lu Yunsong's phone, Secretary Shen felt very excited. Although she had played various postures, this special phone call plot was her first time.


Everything was just her performance.

And not real guns and live ammunition.

"Master, how was my performance?"

Secretary Shen looked at Qin Feng as if to ask for credit.


Qin Feng nodded, and then said, "Tell me about you and this human."


Secretary Shen nodded without hesitation.

In this regard.

She did not hesitate at all.

Instead, she was very proactive.

If you want to win the master's trust, then naturally, you have to reveal all your previous not-so-clean background, so that you can show your loyalty.

"So that's it, it's almost the same as I guessed."

Qin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Then he said:

"Next, call Lu Yunsong."

Based on the information provided by Secretary Shen, Qin Feng keenly sensed... Secretary Shen's divine pollution should be a key link in Lu Yunsong's plan!

Without this key link.

The effect of creating chaos will be greatly reduced.

Ask yourself.

If you were Lu Yunsong. When a carefully tailored plan goes wrong at a critical link, what will happen next?

"With my cautious personality, I will simply give up the plan and will not rush for success."

"Lu Yunsong is essentially a man of great cunning, not a reckless man, so it is very likely that he will retreat next... and only when the fish retreats, I will directly pierce its mouth with a hook, and the fish will be completely and firmly caught by me."

Qin Feng's eyes turned.

He has already thought about what to do next.

This time, the whole Titan Blood Crystal was accidentally born from Liu Shuaijie's hands, which affected not only Lu Yunsong's plan, but also Qin Feng's plan.

He was originally thinking about how to deal with Lu Yunsong in the future.


Not being noticed by "that adult" in the upper city.

Free from now on.

No need to worry that there will always be a dog sniffing and chasing after you.

And now...

Isn't it a great opportunity?

Although once chaos occurs and problems occur at the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory, it will definitely not be possible to live a peaceful and profitable life in the future, but compared to freedom, Qin Feng still knows what is more important.

"So, next I have to fish Lu Yunsong out."

"I have to fish him into the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory."

"I can't let him watch the show outside and then take the benefits and run away directly."

As for Lu Yunsong's plan.

Qin Feng has guessed it almost exactly.

In fact.

Want to make Lu Yunsong unlucky.

The quickest way is to let Secretary Shen reveal the information here directly to "that lord" in the upper city, and then let "that lord" catch Lu Yunsong.

Everything is happy.


This is not good for Qin Feng.

Because he doesn't want to be noticed by "that lord", but he drives away the wolf with his front foot and the tiger comes with his back foot.

After all, the culprit who wanted to exploit his labor force was not Lu Yunsong, but the "big man" who had been hiding behind the scenes and whose identity was unknown until now.

At best, he would "die" in the chaos that followed.

Brush off his sleeves.

Without taking away a single cloud... Oh no, maybe he could consider packing all the six-winged anaconda corpses in stock and putting them into the high-end Pym secret box that Secretary Shen gave him?

While thinking.

Qin Feng said to Secretary Shen who picked up the phone and was about to dial:

"When you are on the phone with Lu Yunsong, follow my instructions and introduce him to this factory."

"I'm very interested in this human warrior."

"I plan to do some dissection and study."

As soon as I heard the words "anatomy research".

Secretary Shen couldn't help but trembled.

The image of the "Dark Feng Rang Goddess" being dissected and sliced ​​came to mind again.


She didn't know what kind of god the master was.

Why do you like dissection so much?

What is the purpose of coming to earth?

But she didn't dare to mention it.

Don't dare to ask.


No matter what the master does, it must have profound meaning!

As long as Ma Liude does as he is told!

"Many times, only bears with no brains can survive for a long time..."

Secretary Shen sighed inwardly, "A shrewd guy like Lu Yunsong always likes to do small tricks secretly. No, he will be directly targeted and will be arrested and sliced ​​for research."

Qin Feng said this just to enrich his image as an "anatomy god"... Oh no, it should be said as a "divine image".

Since you want to lie to the end.

Naturally, I have to pretend to be more dramatic.

At his command.

Secretary Shen started dialing Lu Yunsong's number.

After Lu Yunsong answered the phone.

He didn't speak immediately.

Just now I was very emotional.

After calming down at this moment.

He was very suspicious... Who was the guy who was exercising with that woman, Secretary Shen, just now?

Could it be "that adult"...

After all, Secretary Shen is the doting wife of "that lord". It is a very reasonable thing for him to leave the factory and go to the city to serve his legal partner.

In this case.

That's a big deal.

Fortunately, he did not mention the titan blood crystal surgery, nor did he expose his illicit relationship with Secretary Shen. He only mentioned the "contract."

But this "contract" matter can be said to be big or small.

It all depends on how you make it up.


The guy Ruona and Secretary Shen were playing sports with was not "that lord", but some other guy... Lu Yunsong's eyes narrowed slightly, so that guy must not be allowed to stay.

"Hey, Mr. Lu~"

Secretary Shen made a sweet voice as always.

It's a bit charming.

He seemed to be in a happy mood.

Lu Yunsong frowned:

"Madam, where are you?"

"Where? Of course I'm in the factory."

Secretary Shen said.

"Oh? In the factory?"

Lu Yunsong relaxed his brows slightly and raised them slightly, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

But the tone is still very calm and indifferent:

"Madam, when you were exercising just now, you were quite indifferent to me... What, have you found a new and more satisfactory exercise partner?"

"Where, Mr. Lu~"

"Which sports partner can be as good as you?"

Secretary Shen chuckled and said:

"But don't tell me, don't tell me, this sports match really makes me very satisfied!"

"You...want to know who he is?"

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