This feeling is very subtle.

As a god, he will feel more deeply the inner desires and desires of his servants and believers.

No matter whether the servant believer is a human, a demon, or a "trick".

But as a person.

A man who is merely playing god.

Qin Feng also knows that demons are on the opposite side of humans.

He shouldn't feel empathy for the demon.


You must have hatred.

When these two feelings collide, these two different emotions intertwine... In the early stage, Qin Feng knew that he could still maintain himself, but once it reached the middle and later stages, when thousands of emotions and desires flooded into his mind , wishes, beliefs...

By then.

How should you respond?

Will it spiral out of control and become crazy?

"Playing God..."

"And always remember that you are just playing God..."

"These two rules seem simple, but in fact they are almost unsolvable opposing rules. It seems that I will have to find a way to solve this problem in the future."

Thoughts abound.

Qin Feng looked at Secretary Shen who looked a little sad and said:

"Let me give you a name."

Secretary Shen was stunned when he heard this.

Then he became happy.

The haze on his face disappeared in an instant, and he knelt down and kowtowed:

"Thank you Master!"

Giving names to his servants can be regarded as playing the role of a god and interpreting the behavior of a god to a certain extent. Qin Feng is not aimless.

After thinking about it for a while.

He held out his hand.

Hanging palms.

Gently caress the head of the snake demon in front of you:

"From now on..."

"Purify the past life..."

"Regardless of the afterlife..."

"Your name..."

"Just call it..."



The snake demon murmured this name, and for some reason, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"As the saying goes, 'The green cens can be seen as waves, the blue sea can be regarded as dust.' Everything in the world has changed over the years."

"This sigh is about the feeling that things are right and people are different, but it actually writes about the ever-changing fate."

"No one's destiny is predetermined, it just depends on whether you can grasp it."

Qin Feng said.

He took the name.

It's about the future life.

Whether he is practicing martial arts in the extreme realm or playing the role of a god, his path of cultivation is destined to be different from that of ordinary warriors.

There is no clear direction for Jida martial arts, and playing the role of a god is destined to be difficult in the future.

to be honest……

If you say that you don't feel a little confused and uneasy in your heart, it is definitely a lie.

Therefore, when Qin Feng said the words "Green Cen can be like waves, blue sea can be like dust", Qin Feng was also warning himself.

The sea is changing, and fate is unpredictable.

Can you...can you control the future?

"It's better to seize the moment first."

Smile casually.

Qin Feng put aside the turmoil and worries in his heart.

Whether you are practicing martial arts in the extreme realm or playing the role of a god, being too worried about the future will limit your current pace and just move forward step by step.

Think of this.


Qin Feng felt that his thinking became clearer.

There is an extremely comfortable feeling.

The original two rules - "Remember to always play God" and "Remember that you are only playing God" - were stuck in his mind like a lump in his throat, turning into wisps of worry in his heart.

But at this moment.

These two rules…

There was actually a feeling of digestion.

That's right.


Although it was not completely digested, only a part of it was digested, this part alone made Qin Feng feel that he... seemed to have mastered more of the power of God and the skill of "Raleye's Call" in an instant. Proficiency has also become higher.

Qin Feng looked at the panel of the Crimson Cheat Device:

Call of R'lyeh: Getting Started (10%)

"The entry-level proficiency suddenly reached 10%?"

"You must know that after I accepted the female Gui Yanzhi and the snake demon as my servants, my proficiency has not even improved."

"Now it suddenly jumped by ten percentage points?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel shocked and surprised.

He originally thought that the proficiency of the "Call of R'lyeh" skill could be improved simply by recruiting a large number of servants and followers, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.


Qin Feng carefully recalled the feeling just now.

"It seems that improving the proficiency of this 'Raleye's Call' should mainly depend on the digestion feeling after playing it."

"Acquiring a sufficient number of servants and believers and performing rituals are also considered as conditions for improving proficiency, but they should be mainly used for proficiency breakthroughs."

After realizing this.

Qin Feng couldn't help but have his thoughts racing.

This sense of digestion is particularly important.


His feeling of digestion just now was more of an accident and coincidence. How should he ensure that he enters the next stage of digestion in the future?

Is it just a matter of playing the god step by step, or... is there something I need to understand?

"Currently, in order to trigger the digestion of these rules, I can only play as gods as much as possible, and during the play, I must always remember that I am just playing."

"Let's experiment later. Let's see how much divine power the 'Call of R'lyeh' has given me."

Here are his thoughts.

Qin Feng looked at the two maids beside him.

"Yanzhi, Qingcen, you two go and keep an eye on the deliverymen that Lu Yunsong called using the martial arts delivery service."

"Report to me immediately if there is any situation."

"By the way, pay attention to the movement in the upper city."

"Once there is any movement in the upper city, no matter what, you two will come back to me immediately."

The two maids nodded respectfully:


They left immediately.

Qin Feng's thoughts were immersed in his own spiritual world.


In a world surrounded by endless gray mist.

Qin Feng's conscious body.


The divine power given by "Call of R'lyeh" is not just a casual mention in the skill description.

It is real.

It will allow him to master the great power of God little by little.

The power of God is mainly composed of three kinds of power - divine power, authority power, and faith power.

After taking the female ghost Yanzhi and the snake demon Qingcen as servants, two strands of faith power were derived. At this moment, this faith power showed a "spider silk" state in the gray fog.

Just two strands of faith power silk threads cannot form a "spider web".

More need to be interwoven to form an existence similar to the fate weaving web, connecting the faith of all believers and servants together to generate powerful power.

It can be said that.

The collection and weaving of this faith power "spider silk" is still a long way to go.

In addition to this faith power silk thread.

At this moment.

In the thick gray fog.

There is also a piece of... a broken square monument floating.

As soon as Qin Feng saw the broken square monument, his eyes lit up instantly.

He waved his palm.

"Shua" sound!

The broken square monument flew in front of him.

A simple and mysterious charm.

Suddenly it came to me.

"According to the information just transmitted by the skill 'Call of R'lyeh'."

"This broken stele should be the power of the three gods..."

"The power of authority!"

"It can also be called - 'The stele of authority'!"

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