We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 215 The True Appearance of the Goddess, Ether Wormhole


Qin Feng's pupils shrank.

This beautiful and sacred goddess suddenly showed such a weird and sick smile, which really made his scalp numb and his back cold.

Especially when he thought of the craftsmanship he had performed on this goddess statue...

He suddenly felt bad.

"Boss Qin, do you think the beautiful image of this 'bright sin-eating goddess' has collapsed in your heart?"

"Even once, have you ever fantasized about being intimate with this goddess?"

Lu Yunsong's leisurely voice.

came in his ears.


Qin Feng couldn't help but look at Lu Yunsong.

He saw Lu Yunsong showing a sentimental look:

"Don't feel embarrassed."

"I used to be obsessed with this goddess for many years, just like you. She was all in my dreams and fantasies..."


"Once, I was 'fortunate' to witness the true image of this goddess..."


Lu Yunsong actually took out a cigarette from his body.

Light it.

He took a deep breath.

He looked like he had a story to tell.

The cigarette in Lu Yunsong's hand was not simple. It seemed to be mixed with Titan Blood Crystal powder. As it was lit, the familiar fragrance spread, mixed with a kind of exciting stimulation.

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a closer look at the cigarette.

It seemed that this cigarette...

was not just the powder of Titan Blood Crystal?

However, his attention was all on what Lu Yunsong said, "The true image of the goddess."

He couldn't help but ask curiously:

"The true image of the goddess? What does it look like?"

Lu Yunsong seemed to recall some extremely painful scenes.

His face was a little distorted.

After he took a deep breath of the cigarette.

His expression calmed down a little.

He exhaled a puff of smoke and said slowly:

"Mr. Qin, I advise you not to have any illusions about the image of any god, even if this god is a goddess with a beautiful and sacred appearance."

"I can't describe to you the true image of the 'Light Sin Eater'."

"I can only tell you that I almost lost control and fell into madness at that time."

"And what I saw at that time was just the tip of the iceberg of the true image of the goddess."

Qin Feng heard this.

His expression couldn't help but be a little weird.

Lost control?

Falling into madness?

Is it that scary?

After just a few puffs, the cigarette in Lu Yunsong's hand quickly shrank until only the cigarette butt was left.

The smoke escaped from the nasal cavity.

Pinch out the cigarette butt.

Lu Yunsong glanced at Qin Feng:

"Okay, Mr. Qin, we only have a few minutes to plan the next action."

"The purification and cleansing operation of the Upper City Goddess Church is almost a dragnet. Once the location is locked, even a fly will find it difficult to escape."

"But I have some understanding of the various deployments of the Goddess Church. As far as I know, first the Goddess Church sent several warriors who practiced the "Bright Martial Arts" to use divination, deduction and other tracking methods to track the "ghost" that appeared in the factory."

"Once it is tracked, it will be killed at all costs."

"Then there will be a purification and cleansing."

"Once the purification and cleansing begins, we will not be able to escape and will inevitably be arrested. If we dare to resist, it is possible to be eliminated on the spot, so... our There is only one chance to escape. "

"That is when the Goddess Cult is tracking and hunting the 'gui'."

Qin Feng asked:

"What should be done specifically?"

Lu Yunsong said:

"It is absolutely impossible to leave in the material layer. Even if you escape, you will be detected immediately, and then you will face endless capture."

"So, if you want to escape quietly, you can only escape in the ether layer."

"I have a way to open up an 'ether wormhole' in the ether layer of the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory. Through this 'ether wormhole', you can travel to other places unknowingly."

"It's just that... this 'ether wormhole' is not so easy to open up, and the movement of opening up will inevitably attract the attention of the Goddess Cult warriors. At that time, you will need Mr. Qin to protect me a little bit."


Ether wormhole?

This word Qin Feng heard for the first time.

He knew.

The ether layer is not like the material layer.

The space of the material layer is continuous and boundless, and it is an absolutely open world.

The world in the etheric layer is divided into regions. One region is equivalent to an independent block, and the border of the world is a barrier adjacent to other regions.

If you want to go from one etheric layer area to another, you have to find the corresponding "door".

But even if you find the "door".

You can only go to a neighboring area.

You can't travel very far.


From what Lu Yunsong said, it seems that this "ether wormhole" can travel very far at once?

"Mr. Qin, I know you still have doubts in your heart and don't believe me too much."

"But now I will teach you the knowledge of this "ether wormhole" in detail and prove its authenticity. There is definitely not enough time. I can only tell you... If you want to travel in the world in the etheric layer, there are only two ways."

"First, find the 'doors' to the worlds in two adjacent etheric layers. But with this method, the most we can do is shuttle to another area adjacent to the Rising Sun Beast Factory. There is no way to escape the purification of the Goddess Cult. If you are too clean, you will alert others and be directly surrounded by people from the Goddess Sect. "

"Second, it is what I call the 'ether wormhole'. Different from the 'door', this 'ether wormhole' travels a very long distance, and it is a one-time operation. Even if the people of the Goddess Sect witness our travel, they will It is impossible to stop and pursue us, and it is impossible to predict the end of our shuttle."

"Because...even I don't know where the end of this shuttle is."

Lu Yunsong looked solemn.

Looking at Qin Feng.

said quickly.

"I don't even know where the end point of this shuttle will be?"

Qin Feng heard this.

His brows couldn't help but frown.

In this case.

There are so many little tricks that Lu Yunsong can do.

"Lu Yunsong's city will not lay mines in this so-called 'etheric wormhole'. I, Qin Feng, write the word upside down."

"But, according to Lu Yunsong, if you want to escape the purification purge of the Goddess Cult, it seems that... you can only use this method. This is obviously a conspiracy..."

Qin Feng's eyes rolled around.


Something moved in his heart.

It seemed that a piece of information was perceived and passed into his mind.

His eyes flashed imperceptibly.


With a smile on his face, he said to Lu Yunsong:

"Mr. Lu, what did you say? What do you mean that I still have doubts in my heart and don't quite believe in you?"

"Don't worry, I absolutely trust you."

"Next, feel free to go and open this 'ether wormhole' in the ether layer. I will protect you well and won't let anyone disturb you!"

"I promise!"

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