This is a strange and chaotic world.

Various color blocks are piled up like a mosaic.

Lu Yunsong's entire body was wrapped in a scarlet block, forming a squirming sphere that looked like flesh and blood. It moved forward in an orderly manner in the corridor formed by a whirlpool of color blocks, as if it was drifting with the flow.


"Although there were many twists and turns in the middle."

"I was almost tricked by Qin Feng."

"But the good thing is, it turned out perfect."

Feel that you are moving smoothly.

Didn't encounter anything unusual.

Lu Yunsong sitting inside the sphere.

Breathe a long sigh of relief.

Ben's tense spirit.

Finally relaxed.

"The only pity is that although Qin Feng was sacrificed by my blood, nothing valuable fell from him."

"Originally, I thought he had more Titan Blood Crystals hidden away."

Lu Yunsong couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity.

The reason why he strongly emphasized that the final destination of this "ether wormhole" cannot be determined.

Just so that Qin Feng can carry all the valuable things with him.

Otherwise, the future is uncertain.

All good treasures are hidden somewhere.

not available.

Isn't this a loss of blood?


The reality was that he was quite disappointed.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Qin Feng is a guy who has just entered the realm of warriors, and has also entered the "Demon God Path" with a high probability. He has extremely good strength at the beginning of the warrior realm, except that the "Demon God Path" itself is relatively powerful in the early stage.


It also uses and digests all the good things that can improve strength.

Therefore, he was completely poor and white.

Nothing good dropped.

It's also reasonable.

"Haha, although Qin Feng is smart and cautious, he suffers from insufficient knowledge in martial arts and mysticism."

"This most rudimentary 'ether wormhole' is indeed unable to determine the target end point."

"But, I can make up for it in other ways."

Lu Yunsong sneered.

The palm of his hand moved.

He saw a mysterious light blooming from his palm.

In the light.

It can be seen that it is a mini shrine the size of a palm.

Generally, shrines are made of wood, engraved with various mysterious patterns, or engraved with various majestic and sacred statues, making them appear solemn, solemn, brilliant and grand.


This shrine is made of pale bone.

It seemed to be carved out of the skull of a giant beast.

The patterns engraved on it are not mysterious, sacred, or majestic, but appear sinister, strange, and evil.

It is supposed to be a majestic statue of a god.

On top of the bone shrine.

But they are all filled with indescribable weird tentacles and pieces of flesh, which makes people look at them and make them fall into madness.

Even Lu Yunsong.

At this moment, I didn’t dare to look directly at the indescribable weird statues on this bone shrine.

"This 'Shrine of the Weird Buddha' makes me feel terrified every time I take it out."

"It is indeed a sealed-level flesh and blood weapon."

"And he is also the fifty-ninth ranked existence in the seal level."

Lu Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief.

The adjustment was so tense that I couldn't stop my beating heart.

Sealed level flesh and blood weapon.

Each one is extremely terrifying.

Not to mention being in the top 100.

Although the "Shrine of the Weird Buddha" in his hand is not an original product, but a replica, and it is the fifth one to be copied, and it is of the lowest quality among the replicas.


It can still cause a bloody storm in the market, causing warriors from all walks of life to fight with each other wildly.

This is the "Shrine of the Weird Buddha" numbered 2-59-5.

It can be said to be Lu Yunsong's most valuable treasure.

"But it's a pity."

"When I use this treasure, there are many restrictions. I can't exert the power of its sealed-level flesh and blood weapon at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so passive before and saved the trump card for the last time."

"It's a pity that I have accumulated the divine power for a long time."

Sigh softly.

Lu Yunsong waved his palm.


The "Shrine of the Weird Buddha" in his hand is like a floating lotus in the water, swaying in the void.

Within the shrine.

Dark and deep.

It's hard to see what's inside.

As he floated in the void, Lu Yunsong poured his spiritual power into it. Suddenly, he heard a "bang" and a faint blue flame emerged from the shrine.

At first glance, it looks like a will-o'-the-wisp.

I feel that my spiritual power is rapidly depleting.

So fast.

The veins on his forehead couldn't help but surge out crazily, becoming densely packed.

Lu Yunsong didn't waste time.

He immediately whispered in a strange tone:

"Weird Buddha and strange Buddha."

"Cross me, cross me."


The blue flames dispersed like mist.

And wrapped around Lu Yunsong.

at the same time.

Lu Yunsong had a very clear sense of direction in his mind. He could sense where he was ahead, and he could sense... the "anchor" he had set in a certain place.

One of the functions of the "Shrine of the Strange Buddha".


"The Crossing of the Strange Buddha".

Once you use the "Strange Buddha's Ferry", with full functions, you can immediately go to a place that is extremely far away from you. As long as you have set up a strange Buddha's "anchor" at this place, you can go there instantly.


Lu Yunsong's ability is limited.

If you want to use the complete "Strange Buddha's Ferry" function, you must infuse enough divine power.

There is no way.

A sealed flesh and blood weapon.

Infusing divine power can use relatively complete functions. This is a well-known basic operation.

As a veteran warrior, Lu Yunsong has accumulated some divine power after years of hard practice, but this little divine power is simply not enough to satisfy a complete "Strange Buddha's Ferry".


He can only settle for the next best thing.

Infuse spiritual power and use some functions of this "Strange Buddha's Ferry": with the help of the strange Buddha's power, you can clearly perceive the anchor point you have set up and the traction force between the anchor point.

"This most basic 'ether wormhole' just can't confirm the direction of the shuttle, but it is not impossible to adjust."

"With the help of the traction force of the 'Strange Buddha's Ferry' anchor point, I can use this wormhole to successfully reach the place I want to go."

Sensing the traction force of the anchor point and here is successfully connected.

On Lu Yunsong's face.

Just now, he was completely relieved.

"Very good!"

"Next, I can say that I am completely safe!"

Lu Yunsong exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

Showing a relaxed smile.

He leaned back.

Lying up directly.

The long-term plan was finally successfully completed, and a big stone in his heart was really dropped.


It will be a new world for him, Lu Yunsong!

New life!

"I am!"

However, the voice has not fallen yet.


A tentacle, accompanied by spurting blood, pierced through Lu Yunsong's chest!

Then there is another one!

Another one!

There is another one!

Lu Yunsong's body was instantly turned into a hornet's nest by the tentacles!

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