"Here is the true appearance of Lu Yunsong's spiritual world."

The moment the Star Spirit Pearl passed through the "incision", in Qin Feng's mind perception, he felt that the surrounding space became illusory and overlapping.

A kind of coldness.


The extremely bleak feeling surged.

A thousand people have a thousand faces, and a thousand people have a thousand spiritual worlds.

The spiritual world is abstract and indescribable.

But in some cases, the spiritual world of the self can actually represent the most real and essential side of a person.

All real emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

Will be reflected in it.

"Cold, empty, bleak, lonely... This is the first feeling of Lu Yunsong's spiritual world."

The illusory overlapping space gradually stabilized.

Qin Feng's thoughts outlined a tangible consciousness body.

The Star Spirit Pearl was held in his hand. Suddenly, the thick gray mist wrapped around it dispersed and enveloped the body of Qin Feng's consciousness. Under the continuous condensation, it formed a gray windbreaker.

The long hem of the windbreaker fluttered.

Qin Feng raised his hand.

He fiddled with a strand of gray mist and formed a silk hat, which he wore on his head.

He looked around:

"The first impression of the interior of this spiritual world was not the distortion and madness emanating from the surface, but a kind of despair wrapped in coldness, emptiness, desolation, loneliness and other emotions."

"Yes, despair."

"I didn't expect that Lu Yunsong's inner world would be so depressed?"

The surrounding scene.

Gradually clear.

What appeared in front of him was an endless deep space.


It was the main color.

The dark night filled the eye sockets and looked endless.


Hanging above the night.

Shining with brilliant light.

From a distance, Lu Yunsong's spiritual world looks quite beautiful at first glance. There is no sense of confusion, abstraction, or indescribableness, and it is incompatible with the atmosphere of despair.


As you get closer and deeper.

This night sky begins to distort.

The seemingly endless night is just a repetitive, desperate maze shrouded in darkness. In fact, it is narrow and cramped. Floating in it, you either keep circling or repeatedly hit the wall in the maze.

And the stars hanging above the night sky seem to be bright and shining, but in fact they are dilapidated.

Get closer.

It seems that the dilapidated stars are hung by giant intestines that are constantly wriggling.

And these stars are also composed of pieces of messy and broken flesh and blood.

The veins are twisting on it.

There are rotten sores, abscesses, and blood-stained hair.

The hair is very long.

Like a woman's hair.

At this moment, these blood-stained long hairs spread around like a spider web, connecting one broken flesh and blood star after another.

The deeper you go into this desperate maze.

The more flesh and blood stars there are.

The blood-stained long hair is also thicker.

The surrounding atmosphere...

is also more desperate and indescribable.

These despair and indescribable auras turned into mental pollution, like surging waves, sweeping over one after another, impacting Qin Feng's body.


The gray coat on his body seemed like a layer of extremely solid armor.

No matter how mental pollution hits.

Qin Feng remained motionless.

"Women's long hair..."

"So that's it."

The coat kept swaying in the fierce wind of mental pollution.

Qin Feng put his hands in his pockets, turned his eyes, looked at the thick blood-stained long hair around him, and thought about it.

When he entered the "Ether Wormhole" earlier, he vaguely remembered that Lu Yunsong seemed to have said something to his father.

The words indicated that... Lu Yunsong's father seemed to have sacrificed his mother.

Moreover, it was sacrificed to a certain god.

"So these blood-stained long hairs connected to the flesh and blood stars, to some extent, imply Lu Yunsong's mother who was sacrificed to the god?"

"I don't know which god she was sacrificed to?"

"Is it one of the three goddesses of the Goddess Church?"

Although the maze is extremely complex.


With the death of Lu Yunsong, this spiritual world is also gradually collapsing, including the desperate maze that looks extremely complex.


Qin Feng does not need to solve this desperate maze.

He observed.

While moving forward.

Seeing a collapsed wall.

Stepping directly past.

Soon he came to the depths of the maze.



Qin Feng's eyes moved.

I saw a feather pen lying quietly in a broken flesh and blood star.

"The Pen of Lies."

Qin Feng went over quickly.

He took the pen in his hand:

"Well, not bad, not bad, the first harvest."

He happily put away the "Pen of Lies" and continued to move forward.

He hadn't walked a few steps.


A finger passed by.

"Pale finger?"

"Tsk tsk."

"Sure enough, the deeper you go into the maze of this spiritual world, the greater the probability of encountering good things."

"Lu Yunsong should have put all the good treasures he collected in the depths and core of this maze."

He also put away the "Pale Fingers" that passed by.

Qin Feng continued to move forward.

After a while.


"This thing seems to be a forbidden-level flesh-and-blood weapon. According to the information transmitted by the weapon itself, it seems to be called... 'Gentleman's Notes', numbered 3-76-7."

"Good stuff, in the ranking of forbidden-level flesh-and-blood weapons, it is higher than 'Pen of Lies', I'll take it."

After a while.


"This seems to be... a rare material specially used to make flesh-and-blood technology products?"

"I have seen it in Xia Qingchuan's flesh-and-blood technology notes. It should be called 'Creeping Yellow Clothes'. It is a naturally derived flesh-and-blood material. It actually has some special and extraordinary effects. It is considered an extraordinary item."

"Good stuff, I'll take it."

After a while.

"I don't know this thing very well."

"But it is also a good thing."

"I'll take it."


I don't know how long it has been.


"What a great harvest."

Looking at the dozen good things wrapped, stored, and placed on his body by wisps of gray mist.

Qin Feng was in a very good mood.

I have to say.

The feeling of harvest is really great.

The worst of them is also a forbidden-level flesh and blood weapon ranked more than 100.

It can be said.

All are fine products!


Qin Feng has not yet gone deep into the core of the maze.

I don't know what Lu Yunsong will place in the core of the maze?


Just then.

The whole spiritual world made a violent roar, and Qin Feng could clearly feel a sense of shock coming from the surroundings. The desperate maze, which was already a bit messy and collapsed, became more broken and more desperate in an instant.

"This spiritual world is about to collapse completely."

Qin Feng took a deep breath.

"Next, only the deepest core of the maze is left."

"There should be the treasure that Lu Yunsong values ​​most."

The violent vibration just now.

The core of the maze has been revealed.

Qin Feng did not hesitate at all.

He took a big step.

He headed straight to the core of the maze.

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