"Master, according to the information I know, there are many entrances to the 'Dragon Cave' in this Crazy Mountain Range."

"It's like a hornet's nest."

"Some entrances contain miracles, while others contain all kinds of indescribable strange existences. Of course, there are also some empty entrances, which are relatively safe areas."

"If you want to leave, just follow the cave corridor straight ahead. The cave is generally not complicated."

"If we are close to the surface, we can get out soon. Most of the secret towns established by various forces in the Crazy Mountain Range are above the surface, and some are in the underground mountains. A very small number of powerful forces will choose to build their bases in the deeper part of the Crazy Mountain Range to facilitate the search for miracles."

Chen Gui said.

Qin Feng nodded gently.


Step forward.

Female Gui Yanzhi, Snake Demon Qingcen, and Chen Gui followed one after another.

Lu Yunsong's realm is only close to "Star Warrior".

With his strength.

They probably didn't dare to set up an anchor point in the "Dragon Cave" deep in the Crazy Mountains. At present, this cave is most likely close to the surface, and there should be no need to worry about safety.

Choosing to set up the anchor point here is obviously because of the safety and convenience here.


A white halo appeared in front of him.

That is where the cave entrance is.

"You go out first."

But just when he was about to reach the cave entrance.

Qin Feng suddenly stopped.

Turned around.

Looking at the three figures behind him, he said so.

One person, one ghost, and one demon did not doubt him.

Nodded respectfully.

Then he walked towards the cave entrance leading to the outside before Qin Feng.

Seeing the figures of his servants submerged in the bright sunlight at the cave entrance, Qin Feng's figure suddenly twisted and flickered, and in an instant, a hidden figure walked out of the shadow.

"This is my first time in this Crazy Mountain Range. Even if I can ensure safety, I must be cautious."

"Let my hidden body explore the way."

"My original body should return to the underground flesh and blood base in Canglang City first."

Due to the purification baptism of the Goddess Church.

The residents of the entire Bailang District were forced to move to other districts at this moment, and it seemed quite chaotic for a while. Fortunately, no matter how the Goddess Church purified and baptized, it could not affect Xia Qingchuan's underground flesh and blood base.

And Qin Feng had already left a hidden body in the underground base through Chen Gui's "Ether Wormhole".

Want to go back.

Anytime, anywhere.



The original figure of Qin Feng disappeared.

Only a hidden body was left standing there.

"Well, in this case, there is no need to worry about safety for the time being."

"But for the sake of caution."

"In this "Dragon Cave" where an anchor point is set up, I will leave another hidden body for displacement."

Hidden body, ether wormhole, strange Buddha's ferry, count them, Qin Feng currently has three methods of displacement, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, which can make up for each other's shortcomings.

Compared with the other two.

The hidden body can be said to be the fastest displacement speed, it can leave in a thought, while the other two need time.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

The hidden body can only condense two.

"Next, go and see this crazy mountain range."

"And see where is suitable as my second base."

Qin Feng took a step.

Walked towards the cave entrance.


The dazzling sunlight reflected in his eyes.

Qin Feng squinted.

Looking outside the cave.

Seeing outside the cave...

It was a vast snowfield!

Looking up, the terrain is uneven, like layers of waves.

The highest terrain is a hill about 100 meters high.

The lowest terrain is equivalent to a small basin.

The surrounding dense forests are surging.

The sky is full of snow.

The biting cold wind blows, and you can still see a huge, dozens of meters long bird flying across the vast sky with its wings flapping, and the sound of its cry causes the snow on the hill to collapse.

The color of vastness.

It suddenly became more intense.

"The flying beast is 50 to 60 meters long, and its wingspan is close to 100 meters. It is a beast that is very close to the 'quasi-Titan' level..."

"As for the type..."

"Even I have never seen it..."

Qin Feng looked up at the flying beast flying by.

I couldn't help but open my eyes wide.

Take a deep breath.

If in the past...

If he encountered such a giant beast, with its unparalleled power, he would have peed even at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

But now.

The giant beast flew by.

The strong wind blew.

He felt the breeze on his face, and even felt a little excited in his heart.

"Is this the world outside the city?"

"Giant beasts can be seen everywhere."

"And the types are extremely rich. Even though I have dissected many giant beasts, I can't recognize them for a while."

The giant beast corpses transported to the major giant beast factories in Canglang City are generally easy to dissect, and the various products dissected are suitable for human use in all aspects of life, and are very universal.

So there are only a few types back and forth.

Even if some people can obtain some rare giant beast corpses.

There are only so many varieties.

But outside the city...

There are so many behemoths of all kinds that it is almost dazzling to see. Even if the body of the behemoth that Qin Feng dissects is long enough to circle the planet several times, there are still many blind spots in knowledge.

"It seems that if I have a chance, I will have to collect as many illustrations about giant beasts as possible."

"Although I have perfected my anatomy skills, the structures of various behemoths are different. Knowing more about them can trigger as much of the 'dissection and hiding' effect as possible."

Qin Feng was interested in dissecting the corpses of giant beasts that he had never dissected before.

Very interested.

The giant beast in the sky quickly flew past.

Qin Feng and others were not noticed.

Qin Feng raised his eyes and looked around.

Extend your own spiritual tentacles.


He said softly "Huh".

At the same time, his brows furrowed.

Doubtful in mind:

"Didn't I say that there are many intricate towns built in this crazy mountain range? Why, at first glance, I didn't see even a single house, let alone a town?"

At this time Chen Gui said:

"Master, I just contacted a friend of mine and learned that there is a stronghold of our 'Martial Arts Delivery Service' organization in this crazy mountain range."

"In addition to takeout, there are many other services in this institutional base."

"Master, are you planning to go?"

Although Chen Gui knew a lot of information about this crazy mountain range, it was obviously his first time here.

Based on previous exchanges.

Qin Feng knew.

Chen Gui’s original residence.

It's in...


A small country called "Weiying".

It is a large country with the same strength as the Yanxia Kingdom, and a subsidiary country under the Star Cross Country.

The Yanxia Kingdom advocates an alliance system and strives to establish alliances with various human countries for common development and fight against the Blue Star invaders for the sake of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Star Cross Country advocates a subsidiary system and rules many small subsidiary countries with absolute power.


Although Yanxia Kingdom and Star Cross Country have friendly relations on the surface and even formed a national alliance, in fact, there are undercurrents going on behind the scenes.

"Okay, lead the way."

Qin Feng nodded.

He doesn't know how to move forward now anyway.

There is no information about the Crazy Mountains in Lu Yunsong's memory fragments or the knowledge in his mind.

It would be better to just follow this crafty warrior first.


Chen Gui responded.

Then he took steps in one direction.

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