"It seems that using the 'Hide' skill in front of this floating spirit guard, whether successful or not, has a miraculous effect on improving proficiency."

This discovery.

made Qin Feng suddenly happy.

At the same time, he also summed up a rule.

That is -

If you want to improve the proficiency of the "Hide" skill.

It is not enough to just use it.

There must also be an "observation object" to detect and observe yourself at all times.

And at this moment...

There is more than one object observing Qin Feng?

The whole dissection workshop is full of them!


Qin Feng also discovered next.

Once the "observation object" can no longer find him, his hiding is completely successful, and the other party will no longer be able to provide him with proficiency improvement when observing him.

That is to say.

Only by being stimulated by "being observed" can Qin Feng's "Hide" skill be tempered and his proficiency can be improved.

Just like a sword, it must be constantly tempered to take shape.


The dissectors at the scene are just ordinary people, and basically cannot help him brush the proficiency of the "Hide" skill.

On the contrary, it is those floating spirit guards with extremely sharp perception.

They can help him continuously brush up his skill proficiency!

"This is a perfect match!"

Qin Feng smiled.

Without any hesitation.


Qin Feng turned on the "Hide" skill throughout the whole process, allowing himself to enter a hidden and silent state, while strolling leisurely in the dissection workshop, trying to "visit" each of the more than 100 floating spirit guards and let them help him brush up his skill proficiency.

It can be said to be delicious.

Time passed quietly.

Unknowingly, it was already afternoon.

"Huh? Strange, did you see Mr. Qin today?"

"Mr. Qin? Oh... I don't think I saw him. Did Mr. Qin take a day off today?"

"No, I think I saw Mr. Qin this morning, and he gave me some guidance."

"Maybe we were too involved. We were all dissecting the six-winged anaconda to make money. Even if Mr. Qin was passing by, we might not have noticed."

"That's true..."

Several dissectors took a break and chatted during the break.

Little did they know.

The "Mr. Qin" they were talking about was standing next to them, looking at them with a smile on his face, but these people didn't notice it at all.

Even if they glanced at Qin Feng's face, they seemed to see only a ball of air, and they subconsciously ignored it.

"After a morning of brushing proficiency, the 'hidden' skill successfully broke through the entry level and reached the proficient stage."

Qin Feng looked at the panel of the scarlet cheat.

Hidden: Proficient (6%)

I have to say.

Those floating spirit guards are really awesome.

A whole morning.

The proficiency of the "hidden" skill is skyrocketing.

Although the improvement speed is slower than that of the entry level at the proficient stage, the efficiency is still very good.

It is estimated that in two days.

I can brush the proficiency of the "hidden" skill to mastery.

"After reaching the 'proficient' level, even if there is some simple physical contact, ordinary people can't find me at all."

Qin Feng raised his hand.

He put his palm on the shoulder of Liu Shuaijie who was bragging with his colleagues, and even pinched it.

"Lao Zhang, let me tell you, the girl in the 'Dream Club' is too strong... Ouch, who is pinching my shoulder, it's so strong, it hurts..."

Liu Shuaijie turned his head.

His eyes moved on Qin Feng's face beside him.


His eyes were not focused.

He looked as if he didn't find anyone.

"Strange, why is there no one? Someone is pinching my shoulder here."

Liu Shuaijie's eyes turned left and right.

He couldn't find the culprit.

He could not help scratching the back of his head in confusion.

He said to himself:

"Is it my illusion?"

Qin Feng retracted his hand and left with satisfaction.

This "hiding" skill has extraordinary effects. It can reach this level at the proficient stage. If it is mastered, even perfected, and even derived from the mysterious "foundation of martial arts", what effect will it have?

"However, it is still impossible to completely avoid the surveillance of those floating spirit guards. Once I get close to the body of the six-winged strange anaconda tiger, the floating spirit guards will reflexively move their eyes over, thus exposing me to surveillance."


"The area close to the body of the six-winged strange anaconda tiger is a dangerous area that is heavily monitored. It is very difficult to hide."

Qin Feng came to his own dissection table.

A huge figure, which is obviously a circle larger than the ordinary six-winged strange anaconda tiger, is lying quietly on it. Even if it is not dissected, it exudes a strong stench and a strong smell of pollution.

Fifty thousand six-winged anaconda tigers, although they are all young animals, there will be some "big young animals" that grow stronger.

This kind of six-winged anaconda tiger is larger, as tall as five or six floors, with greater muscle and bone density, more complex meridians, and more difficult to dissect.

Ordinary dissectors cannot deal with it.

Naturally, Qin Feng can only do it himself.

"I can't just walk around without dissecting, after all, I have the highest dissection skills among the people present, and the higher the dissection skills, the greater the probability of producing Titan blood crystals."

"Then Lu Yunsong must have been staring at me, expecting that I can get a big deal."

"If I keep fishing and don't do it myself, I might arouse Lu Yunsong's suspicion and dissatisfaction. Then it would be bad to trouble me and give me little shoes to wear."

Fang picked up a dissecting chainsaw.

Swish, swish, swish!

Qin Feng felt that there were more than twenty slightly anxious eyes staring at him.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

To know.

Right now, he has activated the "hidden" skill, and he has also broken through the entry level and reached the proficiency stage.

But despite this, he was still being stared at by more than twenty floating spirit guards.

in this case.

Want to make money.

How difficult is it?

"However, in this case, the proficiency of the 'hidden' skill increases significantly faster. After all, being stared at by dozens of eyes, the skill is fully stimulated and tempered, which is also a benefit. "

Take a deep breath.

Qin Feng got rid of distracting thoughts.

Begin the dissection.

Although there is no way to make money.

But it is not a loss if it can improve the proficiency of "dissecting objects to find hidden objects".


He also wanted to prove his ability and worth to Mr. Lu. With his willingness to reward, if he made a big deal, he might be able to get some unexpected big benefits.


In the upper city.

In a dark room, Lu Yunsong was sipping the wine glass in his hand. The wine inside was dark blue and dotted with starlight, making it look dazzling and confusing.

It’s a wine called “The Dying Kingdom.”

Brewed from the blood of a giant beast called "Deep Fantasy Blue Eyes".

The blood of this beast contains strong hallucinogenic factors.

The brewed wine can make people enter the most beautiful psychedelic land in their hearts, and then sink into it. The moment they die, they will be in an intoxicating country, making people feel happy.

Ordinary people drink this wine.

There is only one ending.

That's so cool.

It is a joyful death in the physical sense, with the soul going to heaven and the body sinking into hell.

But for Lu Yunsong, a warrior, this drink is just a way to relieve fatigue during ordinary times.



Lu Yunsong's eyes paused.

in front of him.

Countless grid-like holographic windows are flashing.

It's all surveillance footage.

Lu Yunsong's eyes were fixed on a holographic screen, in which Qin Feng's figure was displayed - he took a dissection chainsaw, walked onto the dissection table, and looked up at the five or six-story-high body. With a huge tiger body, there was a leisurely smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? Are you finally going to do it yourself?"

Lu Yunsong narrowed his eyes.

Showing a hint of expectation.

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