"Oh? The Outlander Hotel?"

Qin Feng followed where Chen Gui pointed.

The first thing that catches the eye.

It is a garden house.

Not too high.

About three floors.

The artistically complex structure, enamel windows, five-color flowers dotted on the stairs and walls, and the dazzling yet warm ambient lighting make the whole house look like a classical and elegant aristocrat. The girl, while pleasing to the eye, makes you want to kiss her.

It is worth mentioning that.

The stairs of the bungalow are outdoors.

In a spiral shape.

Connecting the second and third floors.

From time to time, people come and go on the stairs. Everyone has a partner beside them, either a man or a woman, a man or a woman, all of whom are doing intimate gestures.

An ambiguous breath blew in the wind.

With a bit of fragrance blowing on the face.

Qin Feng, who had not done any craft work for a long time, couldn't help but blush.


He held a half-fist.

He put the back of his hand lightly against his mouth and let out a low cough to relieve his embarrassment.

At the same time, he looked at Chen Gui:

"Is there anything special about this Foreigner Hotel?"


Chen Gui thought for a moment, then a lewd smile appeared on his face.


"Master, if you want special service and a taste of ordinary people, then this Outlander Hotel will definitely not disappoint you."

"According to what my friend said, the upper three floors of the Foreigner Hotel are actually mainly engaged in that kind of business, you know~"

"The main goal is to make foreigners from all over the world feel at home."

Qin Feng heard this.

Can't help but be stunned.

Special service?

Apparently Chen Gui had misunderstood what he meant.

Qin Feng originally wanted to ask if there was anything special about the Foreigner Hotel. It was surrounded by high-rise buildings, and the lowest building was no less than ten stories tall. It looked like giant steel beasts sitting around.

Against the backdrop of this scenery.

The foreigner hotel in front of us, which is only three floors high and full of artistic and pastoral atmosphere, is obviously a bit out of place.


Qin Feng had doubts.

But I didn't expect that this guy Chen Gui actually thought wrong...


This can be regarded as a beautiful misunderstanding.

Qin Feng's eyes rolled around.

Then he said calmly:

"anything else?"

"As for other special features..."

Chen Wei seemed to be recalling relevant information:

"According to the information my friend gave me, it seems that this Foreigner Hotel has more than just three floors."

"Underground, there are thirty floors of structure."

"It is said that the founder of this hotel is a big boss of our 'Martial Arts Takeaway Service' organization. He discovered a miracle in a certain 'Dragon Cave' beneath the crazy mountains."

"This miracle is quite a blessing."

"It seems to be the inheritance of a god from a super ancient era."

"More importantly."

"This miraculous inheritance has not been truly obtained by anyone until now, including the founder of the hotel."

"So this foreigner hotel, especially the rooms close to the underground miracle inheritance, is quite expensive if you want to book a stay."


"The 'Dragon's Cave' where miracles were excavated has been transformed by the hotel founder into the 'Supreme Miracle Suite' that is unique in the entire hotel. If you want to stay there for one night, wow... the price is... The unit is 'billion'."

"But even so, there is an endless stream of people who want to book this 'Supreme Miracle Suite' every day. It is said that the queue has been waiting for a year."

Hear this message.

Qin Feng couldn't help but call him a good guy.

Stay for one night.

The price is actually in "100 million"?

have to say.

The founder of the Foreigner Hotel has something, and he is obviously a good marketing expert.


"If we can really obtain the inheritance of God contained in that miracle."

"The price of one night's stay is not a bad deal."

Qin Feng had no interest in being taken advantage of.

But if there is a chance.

He doesn't mind getting some benefits either.


About paying...

Qin Feng is more willing to have sex for free.

"Whether it is various martial arts methods, occult methods, or methods such as monsters, tricks, extraordinary items, etc., we can all explore the underground."

"So you don't have to go deep into the 30 floors underground of the hotel, or even the extremely expensive suites, to get in touch with the miracles hidden underground in the hotel."

"I think most of the tenants who come to stay in this foreigner hotel have the idea of ​​​​having prostitutes for free, right?"

While thinking.

Qin Feng took steps.

Follow Chen Gui into the hotel.

Chen Gui was more familiar with things like check-in procedures, so Qin Feng didn't need to do it.

He found an empty passenger seat and sat down.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

Inside the hotel, it is more lively than outside the hotel. Generally, the first floor of the hotel is mainly for dining spots and check-in. Under normal circumstances, not many people stay.

But this is in a foreigner hotel.

Not so.

The entire first floor is shaped like a bar, but unlike a bar it is dimly lit and filled with eardrum-shaking metal music.


The light is bright.

The decoration is elegant.

A crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the ceiling, and the ceiling is covered with colorful art murals.

There are many extremely precious and luxurious art paintings hanging on the four walls.

The aroma of wine fills the entire first floor.

The drinkers drink elegantly.

Or hug women.

Or hug men.

Even hug some strange-looking flesh-and-blood punk reformers.

In the intimate moment, they did not do any indecent behavior.

On the contrary.

They are like well-educated noble men and women.

Tasting wine.


At the same time.

Watching the performance on the stage.

That's right.

On the first floor of this foreigner hotel, there is also a stage, and it is not small, occupying the most core area of ​​the first floor of the entire hotel.

On the stage.

A singer is singing.

"The song is not bar-style rock music, it seems to be... classical songs?"

Qin Feng stared at it with interest.

The singer on the stage was wearing a classical dress, which had a Victorian flavor.

She wore a pure black, delicate women's hat with flower inlays.

A black mesh veil hung from the brim of the hat.

Covering her eyes.

With a long dress that was as dark as night and dragged on the ground.

It gave people a noble and mysterious feeling.

At this moment.

The singer sang:


"Please pierce my eyes!"

"Please cut my internal organs!"

"Please connect my umbilical cord so that I can return to the fetus!"


"Please dissect my ignorance!"

"Please dismember my blasphemy!"

"Please swallow my soul so that I can return to the chaos!"

The singing was very classical.

The lyrics were very strange.

However, the people present seemed to be familiar with the strange lyrics. No one felt strange. They were all immersed in the singer's music, and some people even showed a deep intoxication.

Squinting his eyes, his face flushed.

It seemed as if this song was the real wine.

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