"Sir, what services do you need?"

Qin Feng stepped onto the second floor.

I just feel that the space in front of me is rippling and spreading like ripples on the water.

next moment.

The noise on the first floor disappeared instantly.

It can be felt.

The surroundings are filled with the beautiful fragrance of incense.

Soothing light music fills my ears.

at the same time.

A handsome young man wearing a white shirt, a black suit vest, straight black trousers, and a pair of exquisite, shiny black leather shoes stepped forward with a smile and asked Qin Feng in a soft voice.

Qin Feng did not reply.

Instead, his eyes glanced around him strangely.

Immediately he said:

"Your second floor has a occult barrier set up?"

"Yes, sir."

The young man smiled and replied:

"The first floor is the public performance area of ​​our Outlander Hotel. There are concerts held every night. Although the singers' singing is moving, the services on the second and third floors are a bit lacking. Noisy."

"Therefore, we set up an occult barrier on the second and third floors to block out the noise."

"At the same time, privacy isolation has been implemented in each room to ensure that no matter how much noise the guests make, they will not be heard outside."

Qin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

This enchantment is very simple.

The effect is approximately as the man said.

However, although the barrier is simple, it is not something ordinary people can do to maintain the operation of this mystical barrier. They probably have to use some flesh-and-blood weapons or extraordinary items.

Moreover, a lot of spiritual energy is consumed.

"It seems that there is a device specifically designed to supply spiritual energy in this foreigner's hotel."

"I don't know what the 'energy' of this spiritual energy is?"

The spiritual power that a warrior can produce through meditation practice is relatively limited.

It certainly cannot sustain spiritual consumption for a long time.


There must be a special 'energy source' that can permanently provide spiritual energy to power the barrier.

"If I want to practice continuously on the 'Ladder of Divinity' and obtain the rewards of divine power, I have to constantly squeeze and consume my own spiritual power."

"I collected as many as five hundred drops of 'demon essence' before."

“Once spirituality dries up, it can be replenished instantly.”


"As my spirituality becomes stronger and stronger, this 'Demon Spirit Essence' is no longer enough to replenish, and the stock is getting less and less... I have to find a reliable substitute as soon as possible."

The thought suddenly changed.

Qin Feng couldn't help but become interested in the "energy" specially used to power the barrier.


Now I'm looking for special services.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry.

Enjoy and seek happiness first.

Qin Feng showed a polite smile.

Asked the young man:

"I wonder what services you have here?"

The young man replied:

"Sir, our services are divided into three categories."

"Gentle health care."

"Lying down for comfort."

"Extremely luxurious."


Qin Feng heard this.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

This sounds very interesting.

He couldn't help but ask:

"What exactly is this third 'extreme luxury' service?"

"Sir, this 'extreme luxury' is mainly a collection of the first two services, and no matter which service it is, considering that our customers are all high-status people, we have added Some occult elements that are beneficial to martial arts and meditation practice.”

"I guarantee that you, sir, will enjoy a supremely luxurious and pleasurable experience."

I see……

Actually, some mystical elements that are beneficial to martial arts and meditation practice have been added to the service?


Qin Feng couldn't help but become more interested in this.

He didn't ask about the price.

Instead, he waved his hand directly:

"Give me an 'extreme luxury' project."

"Okay, sir."

The young man made an invitation gesture, "The service location of the 'Extreme Luxury Exclusive' project is on the third floor, where only the most distinguished guests can go. Sir, please come with me."


Qin Feng nodded lightly.

On the surface, he is as stable as an old dog, as if he is a familiar customer.

His heart couldn't help but beat loudly.

Tsk tsk...

Are you going to the third floor now?

Not bad.

He followed the young man.

The ground was paved with expensive blankets, which were very soft and comfortable to step on. Near the third floor, the young man gave Qin Feng a pair of slippers and said:

"Sir, you need to take off your shoes before going to the third floor."

"Don't worry, someone will take good care of your shoes."

Qin Feng nodded lightly.

Put on slippers.


Follow the young man towards the third floor.

On the third floor.

The overall environment should appear darker and quieter.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Compared to the night outside.

Qin Feng felt that it was the real night on the third floor.


Pitch black.

Not a single sound was heard.

The only sounds were my own breathing and heartbeat. In this extremely quiet night, not only did I not feel panicked or uncomfortable, but... it was like I was back to the beginning, back to the very beginning when I was a fetus being conceived. People feel at ease and comfortable.


Even though it was night, the surroundings were pitch black and there were no lights.

But Qin Feng actually realized that he could easily see things around him.

It seems to have "night vision" ability.

"Does this third floor... contain mystical elements of 'dark night'?"

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

The young man's voice came:

"Sir, this is your room."

"Please come in and take a rest for a while."

"By the way, are there any familiar gold medal technicians?"

"This 'extreme luxury' is something that only gold medal technicians are qualified to serve you."

Qin Feng's first time here.

There is no technician that I am familiar with, and he is also a gold medal technician.

But he still tried his best to save himself and said calmly:

"You introduce me."

"I like to let things happen."

The young man smiled and said:


Immediately, after Qin Feng entered the room, he closed the door respectfully and left.


Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say that this extremely quiet atmosphere is indeed suitable for enjoying indulgent pleasure.

He looked around.

The entire room is about sixty square meters, with separate wet and dry bathrooms, simple and warm furniture and facilities, an oversized holographic projection TV, and a very spacious bed.

The quilt on the bed was folded into tofu blocks.

Neatly arranged.

There is also a bright red rose on it.

"This bed is really soft."

Qin Feng sat down on the bed, and his whole body instantly fell in. He was wrapped in a ball of warmth, and the comfortable feeling came over him, making Qin Feng feel like he didn't want to get up again.

"This bed seems to contain mystical elements of 'sleep'?"

Qin Feng immediately noticed the extraordinary quality of this bed.

Can't help but feel strange.

"This bed should be a technological creation of flesh and blood, but under the influence of occult elements, it seems to be enchanted and has some extraordinary effects."

"The combination of technology and mysticism seems to create a different kind of spark."

Qin Feng observed curiously.

at this time.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

at the same time.

An elegant and pleasant female voice sounded outside the door:

"Hello sir, Gold Medal Technician No. 8 is at your service."

"Excuse me, is it convenient to come in now?"

As soon as Qin Feng heard this voice, his expression suddenly changed, with a somewhat surprised look on his face.

This woman's voice.

He was actually very familiar with it.

"Isn't this the singer who performed on the first floor before?"

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