
Qin Feng did not answer immediately.

He looked confused and hesitant.

As if he was thinking about it.

The diva didn’t push her.

She waited.

At the same time, he used his soft and boneless palms to tap and pinch Qin Feng's legs. The service was very professional and meticulous.

to be honest.

for this transaction.

Qin Feng was very interested.

Although the flesh and blood of the "Dark Goddess of Abundance" seems to be valuable, first of all, he still doesn't know what the value is and whether it is useful to him. Secondly... he has a large box of the flesh and blood of the goddess. .

Sell ​​a piece.

Nothing at all.


The incarnation of the god in front of him must have hidden some pitfalls in the so-called good things he brought out, such as the "limb fragments of the super-ancient god", although it can allow people to research relevant information about the super-ancient god.


Just a fragment of a body.

Whether we can really research something valuable.

Or two things to say.


Considered for some time.

Qin Feng suddenly looked at the singer.

The singer's eyes lit up and she stared at Qin Feng, the look of anticipation on her face became even stronger.

"Is such that."

Qin Feng looked embarrassed and said, "You also know how difficult it is to obtain the flesh and blood of the 'Dark Goddess of Feng Rang'. I only have one piece in my hand..."

The singer heard this.

His face couldn't help but lighten up.

The other party said this.

Obviously planning to trade.


Just want to bargain.

That's easy to say.

After thinking for a moment, the singer pointed out two fingers and said:

"Sir, as long as you agree to the deal, I can give you another copy of the 'limb fragments of super ancient gods'."

"This body fragment was excavated from the depths of the Crazy Mountains not long ago."

"It has not been studied by others, so it is guaranteed to be fresh and the most original."

Hear the words.

Qin Feng no longer hesitated or struggled.

He showed a smile:

"Okay, deal."

Of course, he could sit down and raise the price, but such greedy behavior would definitely make the incarnation of the god in front of him dissatisfied, so he could just take advantage of it.

Later in this stranger hotel.

Will definitely meet again.

Make a good impression.

It can also facilitate future communication.

And when she heard the word "deal" from Qin Feng's mouth, a bright smile bloomed on the singer's face.

Her whole body was pressed against Qin Feng.

He said softly:

"Sir, I will inform you of the official transaction location and time later."

"Oh, by the way, I am responsible for the business on the three floors above the Foreigner Hotel. From now on, as long as you want to go up to the third floor to enjoy the services, it will be free of charge."


"If you want to order my service as a No. 8 technician and proprietress, I hope you can come up with some good things to trade~"

between words.

The diva will have a hint of blush on her pretty face.

Buried into Qin Feng's chest.

"A piece of flesh and blood of the 'Dark Goddess of Fengran' can not only be exchanged for three good things related to the super-ancient gods, but also receive a special service from the incarnation of the god."

"have to say."

"Very profitable."

More than an hour later.

Qin Feng was sitting on the wine tasting sofa on the first floor of the Outlander Hotel.

While tasting the golden fruit wine liquid soaking in the mouth.

While reminiscing about previous special services from God.

The mood is very beautiful.


Thinking back to the touch of red on the bed after the service, Qin Feng felt even more strange.

He actually won the first incarnation of that god?

Qin Feng was very surprised at that time.

But under the influence.

He also gradually understood why this was the case.

"A god who wishes to create his own incarnation can take three forms."

"The first form is to choose a mortal body that meets the requirements, and through special rituals, bring the thoughts of self-god onto this body, erase the original consciousness, and completely control this body. This is also the way for gods to create incarnations. the most common way."

"The second form is similar to the former, except that it will not erase the consciousness of the original body. The incarnation of this form is shaped by the gods in order to facilitate the projection of their own consciousness. The self-god thoughts will not be reflected in this body. Stay on your body for a long time.”

"The third form, which is also the most difficult form, is to give birth to a physical body, turn it into an incarnation, and put it into the material layer. Only high-level gods can do this."

"And this kind of incarnation is also the most likely to form a new god."

Even the incarnation of the self is a god.

This type of god.

The most terrifying.


Relatively speaking, it is also rarer.

For example, the "Dark Feng Rang Goddess".

"That singer is the incarnation of the second form of God, and she still retains the self-awareness of her original physical body."

"Once the thought of God attached to his body leaves."

"She will regain control of her body."


"She seemed to be able to hear, see and feel what happened during this period."

"To a certain extent, this singer is not only an incarnation of the gods that can be used at any time, but also can be regarded as the spokesperson of the gods. I don't know the god she speaks for...which god is she?"

Qin Feng was very curious.


He didn't probe too much into the inquiry.

The name of the true god incarnated by a god is a closely guarded secret.

Once known.

It is easy to be targeted by enemies.


The other party also did not conduct a detailed exploration of his true identity. This is an extremely impolite and even taboo behavior.


At this time.

A gentle and touching female voice sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

Not long ago, this voice was still panting in Qin Feng's ears.

Qin Feng couldn't be more familiar with it.

He turned his head.

I saw the singer standing not far away.

She was currently wearing an elegant and intellectual long dress made of black gauze material. The hem of the skirt reached a little lower than her knees and did not drag on the ground.

From the ankle to the calf, there are thin black straps that are alternately tangled.

Attached to her feet are a pair of black women's high-heeled sandals.

The shoes are embellished with tiny diamonds.

So it looks sophisticated and shiny.

Coupled with the white toes painted with red nail polish exposed from the tips of the shoes.

Beautiful occasion.

It makes it more beautiful and delicious.


Qin Feng nodded slightly, looked at the woman with a polite smile, "What's the matter?"

he knows.

This singer at this moment.

It does not contain any divine thoughts.

It's his original consciousness.

Looking at Qin Feng's elegant and handsome face, and recalling the previous scene, the singer couldn't help but blush a little bit on her face.

she knows.

The other party is also the incarnation of a god.

Although I gave my first time...

But the man in front of me.

Not just God.

This is her favorite type.

She is very satisfied.

To know……

Beings like her, who are the incarnation containers of gods, generally have no control over their destiny. Whoever the gods dedicate her to, she will be their woman.

The person she was being offered to now was not only in good condition and good-looking, but also... actually very polite, not that ugly or rude person.

She feels lucky.

"Sir, I'm here to deliver a message to you."

"The time and place of the transaction have been determined."

The singer stepped forward.

After a little hesitation.

He naturally sat on Qin Feng's lap.

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