Shengshui Village.

Outside the dilapidated old monastery mansion.

The water gurgled.

Pink flowers swirl and fall.

Ripples are dotted gently on the water surface.

The slight ripples reflected the figures of Qin Feng and his three servants - Chen Gui, the cunning warrior, Qing Cen, the snake demon, and Qiu Concubine, the paper demon.

It is worth mentioning that.

Because I went back to my hometown "Weiying Country" before.

Chen Gui harvested another "Cui".

Finally, he is no longer a sly warrior in name only.


The "Gui" who signed the contract with him this time is actually very powerful, with a state that is almost on the [Absurd] level.

To know.

The female Gui Yanzhi is only at the [Rules] level.

Weird tales, rules, absurdity, mystery, and mystery are these five levels. Every time you break through a level, the ability of "cunning" will be greatly increased, and the strength of the cunning warrior who signed the corresponding contract will also be greatly enhanced.

Although "Cunning Martial Arts" is also a divine martial arts path.

However, the core of its practice.

But it is not a complete self-mastery.

It also pays great attention to the cultivation of "cunning".

The "cunning" is stronger.

The stronger he becomes.


The gap between each other cannot be too large, otherwise it will be easy to suffer the backlash of "cunning".


There was a small green-haired monkey lying on top of Chen Gui's head.

Squint your eyes.

Sounds of deep sleep.

Every snoring sound seems to trigger the vibration of the power of rules, causing the surrounding space to resonate with the sound, as if there are countless huge apes surrounding everyone, snoring loudly from 360 degrees without blind spots. Ming.

This made the snake demon Qingcen and the paper demon Qiuqiu who were standing aside look quite dissatisfied.

"Two beauties, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, haha..."

Chen Gui apologized a little embarrassedly.

Also explained:

"My new harvest of 'Gui', I call it 'Water Monkey'."

"The water monkey comes out from time to time every day and sleeps on my head. I can't get rid of it even if I want to, and I can't control the time."


Chen Gui rolled his eyes.

Looking at Qin Feng:

"Master, may I avoid it for a moment?"

Qin Feng observed the green-haired water monkey above Chen Gui with great interest.


This is the "gui" that Chen Guixin signed the contract with.

It has a strength that is beyond the ordinary [rules] level and is almost at the [absurd] level.

On the surface.

There seems to be nothing special about this green-haired water monkey except that it looks a little special and has strange lines on its face.


Qin Feng carefully examined the Wei, but he could faintly feel that there seemed to be something abnormal in its hollow body, on the "Weird Core" that represented the foundation of the Wei clan.

To know.

One of Qin Feng's key skills now.

"R'lyeh's Call" is essentially the strange text content on the "Cruel Core" of the Cree family.


For the "core" in any mystery body.

There will be a faint feeling and resonance.

And at this moment.

He sensed that the "weird core" in the green-haired water monkey seemed a little unusual. It seemed that... the text on it was a little different from that of the female Wei Yanzhi?

"Strange, according to what the female Gui Yanzhi said before."

"The words on the 'Creepy Core' in the Clan of the Clan should all come from the same source and be exactly the same. They are all prayers for 'Raleye's Call', which involves the origin of the birth of the Clan."

"But what's so unusual about this water monkey?"

"Or am I wrong in my perception?"

Qin Feng found this water monkey interesting.

I couldn't help but raise my hand and touch it.

And seemed to sense something.

The green-haired water monkey woke up from a deep sleep and stopped snoring.

It was still a little angry, but when it saw Qin Feng, it suddenly froze.


He tilted his head.

He seemed to be very curious about Qin Feng.

"Chen Gui, this water monkey of yours seems to be destined to me."

Qin Feng said to Chen Gui with a smile.

Chen Gui heard this.

My heart suddenly thumped.

Ah this...

You snatched away my daughter Gui Yanzhi before...

Is it possible that we still need to...

Looking at Qin Feng's smiling face.

Chen Gui was stunned for a moment.

Quite speechless and choked.

"Master, I..."

"From today on, your main task is to take good care of this water monkey."

Qin Feng patted Chen Gui on the shoulder.

"Okay, Master."

Chen Gui nodded quickly.


Fortunately, the owner didn't say to take away the water monkey, but just asked me to take good care of it. I thought I would have to find a new partner again... Hey, why does it feel like something is wrong?

At this time.

Qin Feng began to give instructions to the two banshees on their respective tasks.


Naturally, he had to arrange for his followers to meet with the friends and relatives brought from Canglang City, and work hard to assimilate them into believers.

And how to become a believer?

Very simple.

Draw a pie.

Just say how beautiful the future life will be, how happy and free you are here, and you don’t have to be oppressed in Canglang City.

Use the banshee's ability to "confuse people with her evil words".

Think about it.

There is nothing wrong with fooling people.


The workers were arranged to get familiar with the production equipment and conduct production training every day to prepare for the formal work in the future. Qin Feng handed this over to the paper demon Qiu Qie.

After a deep understanding.

Qin Feng knew.

This female demon, who was originally a martial arts takeaway waitress, actually had a lot of knowledge about flesh and blood technology. She once worked as a researcher and executive in a large flesh and blood technology company in the "Star Cross Country".

I have to say.

This is also a rebellious demon.

She doesn't believe in the demon god.

She actually studies flesh and blood technology.

Tsk, it's interesting.

In addition.

Qin Feng also brought a little nun Liu Qingyue.

It has to be said that it is still quite difficult to convert this little nun who believes in the Goddess Church into his own believer. He can only lock her up in a small dark room and starve her for three days.

I believe that after the previous kidnapping.

In addition to being locked up in a small dark room and starving.

This little nun should be honest.

However... Qin Feng had only locked up the little nun for less than half a day.


"I'm so hungry..."

"I will never give up my faith, unless... I have food and accommodation!"

The little nun who was locked up in the small dark room said so with her eyes full of circles.


After a good meal.

Little nun Liu Qingyue also successfully joined Qin Feng's camp and became a believer.

Of course.

Qin Feng also knew that under coercion, this woman's piety was limited.

But he was not in a hurry.

For the time being, he would use the little nun's mystical religious knowledge to help him teach the believers and let the believers learn how to perform basic prayer rituals.

After all, this little nun is a top student who can be admitted to Shangcheng College. She has a wealth of theoretical knowledge and is very suitable for ordinary people to learn.

Like the knowledge in Qin Feng's mind.

All are taboos.

He dare not teach others easily.

After the value of this little nun is fully utilized, he will observe the situation and decide whether to stay or leave.

If the little nun dares to have second thoughts.

Just deal with it when the time comes.

After arranging various matters in Shengshui Village, Qin Feng returned to the underground base of Canglang City again.

“Tomorrow is the day agreed with Qiangwei and Honglian to go to the upper city for procurement.”

“Now we have the production equipment, but there are still gaps in the production raw materials. Some raw materials for blood and flesh technology products are even only available in the upper city of Canglang.”

“We must purchase them all at once when the time comes.”

Qin Feng already had a product production plan in mind.

He casually wrote an electronic plan.

After sending it to Secretary Liu.

Then he continued to practice martial arts.

At the same time.

He controlled a "secret shadow incarnation" and studied Xia Qingchuan's many blood and flesh technology research notes in the base.

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