
Qin Feng was stunned for a moment.

There's something weird inside.

It hadn't been long since he'd been in town, and his butt hadn't even warmed up yet. He had been greeted by two waves of romantic encounters in succession, either stuffing small cards or going to the box.

Tsk tsk...

have to say.

Uptown this place.

It's really amazing.

As long as you show some of your financial resources, you will have a continuous flow of romantic encounters, and they are all high-end goods.


There is a lot going on in the lower city.

But there are very few "beauties" and "beautiful men" in the city because of the contamination lesions.

Even if there is.

You should also worry about whether there is any hidden pollution in the other person's body.

If it is accidentally contaminated.

That's not just a problem with the cauliflower. It's estimated that there will be some weird distortions in that thing...

And uptown.

Although there are many technologies.

But at least it can guarantee no pollution.

The main thing is a safe and reliable vehicle, in good condition, and stable driving.


Once you indulge in this.

The originally bulging pocket will suddenly become shriveled as the thing is released.

Qin Feng is here to do serious business.


He doesn't like having people following him when he's shopping.

So he said:

"No thanks."

"I can just wander around by myself."

When the female clerk heard this, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on her face.

However, as a professional and high-end store clerk, her disappointment quickly faded into her eyes, and a standard polite smile appeared on her face:

"Okay, sir, you can wander around as you like. If you need anything, just shout 'Tony's Choice' and we will meet any of your requirements."

Say it.


When it is determined that it is relatively far away from Qin Feng.

The female clerk suddenly changed her face, rolled her eyes, and complained to the male clerk next to her:

"Mom, I have undergone the most high-end beauty transformation, including my face, skin, and even my smell."

"Unless...that guy likes men."

"Tom, it's time for you to take action."

The male clerk was wearing a shiny pink tights, a pair of gold leather shoes, and his hair was combed sleekly.

Although he is a man.

But there is a strong powdery atmosphere.

He smiled sweetly and said:

"Mary, sometimes men understand men best."

Then he walked charmingly towards Qin Feng's direction.


As a star-level warrior, Qin Feng has extremely strong hearing.

He easily overheard the whispers between the male and female clerks.

Especially when he saw the male clerk "Tom" walking towards him enchantingly.

Suddenly everyone felt bad.

“Can I still have fun shopping?”

Qin Feng was speechless.


He also knows that simply working will definitely not make a few cents. The most sly capitalists will plunk out some useless chicken feathers and give them to the workers.

Therefore, if I want to make real money, I want to live a slightly more comfortable life in the upper city.

All we can do is try our best to take advantage of the situation.

Do more flower jobs.

"Forget it, let's go check out other flesh and blood technology stores."

"This kind of store sells goods."

"The professionalism of the staff is really questionable."

Qin Feng took a general glance.

I didn't see anything satisfactory.

He stepped up and walked towards the door.

But just then.


A violent, screaming, and extremely fast roar suddenly sounded.


Some kind of small, yet powerful bullet.


The male clerk Tom, who was walking seductively towards Qin Feng, still had a charming posture on his body, but his big head exploded like a rotten watermelon.

All kinds of broken things.

Fall apart and open.

The surrounding shelves of flesh-and-blood technology products were dyed red.


Qin Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

This scene happened suddenly.

Moreover, the thing that seemed to be a bullet that exploded into the male clerk’s head was extremely fast, so it was obviously not an ordinary thing.

Rao is that he is a star warrior.

The reaction speed is extremely fast.

It only captured an afterimage of that thing.


That thing should be a high-grade weapon!

"This male clerk should be just an ordinary worker who works in the city, right? At most, he knows some tricks and is not a threat. Why would someone use a high-power weapon to specifically snipe him?"

Qin Feng felt a little strange.

And just then.


The "spiritual warning" in his mind was triggered.

at the same time.

A strange, blurry face with a sense of madness and ferocity was projected in his mind.

This means...

The owner of this crazy face threatened him!

His spirituality as a warrior issued a warning!

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know this man at all, why would he kill me?"

As a star warrior, Qin Feng had all kinds of trump cards in hand, not to mention that this was just a "secret shadow incarnation", so Qin Feng was not panicked at all.

But he was confused.

First there was Tom, the male clerk.

Then there was him.

It looks like...

It wasn’t that an enemy was out to kill the male clerk, but that there was a guy… who was killing indiscriminately?

Qin Feng’s mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

“Could it be that he’s a crazy flesh-and-blood punk psychopath?”

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