"What the hell is this?"

"Mental illness has been deformed?"

There are many rumors about flesh punk mental illness online, but after all, no one has used a camera to interview those mental illnesses, and this matter is ultimately not good for the image of Shangcheng.


News, posts, and gossip information about flesh punk mental illnesses on the Internet have been restricted.

I don't know how many times the hot search has been withdrawn.


Even Qin Feng.

He only knows a vague outline of the appearance of those flesh punk mental illnesses.

He is not clear about the specific situation.

He thought that these guys who are addicted to flesh and blood transformation just have problems with their brains.

But now it seems.

Obviously, even the physical body has undergone indescribable deformation.

On that weird face, the densely packed eyes stared at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng knew.

Why this mental illness with a brain full of flesh and blood prostheses could see through his "hidden" skills.

Obviously, the other party's eyes are quite special.

"But why can this flesh-and-blood madman with all the technology break the barrier between the material layer and the etheric layer?"

"Could it be that the current flesh-and-blood prosthesis..."

"Has it been upgraded to the point where it can integrate the power of mysticism?"

Qin Feng frowned.

In Xia Qingchuan's research notes.

This was mentioned.

But during the time when Xia Qingchuan was alive, this technology had not been cracked, and it was even just an experimental hypothesis.

But now...

It is very likely that this technology has been cracked.

And it is widely used on some high-end prostheses.

"No wonder, no wonder the prosthetic transformation of this flesh-and-blood punk is called the evolutionary path of the new era, allowing countless ordinary people without the talent of warriors to find the direction to become stronger."

"I thought that no matter how powerful the prosthetic transformation is, at most it can only allow an ordinary person to reach the level of a slightly stronger ordinary warrior."

"But now it seems..."

"I am afraid I am a little narrow-minded."

Involving mysticism.

That means that those powerful flesh-and-blood prosthetics, like warriors, can also use some extraordinary powers containing special abilities.

There is no need to believe in gods compulsorily and look for the so-called "God's Martial Arts Path".

The freedom can be said to be very high.

Unlike Qin Feng, if he does not want to believe in gods compulsorily, he can only take the extremely difficult path of extreme martial arts.

I don't know why.

Qin Feng inexplicably thought of the "super ancient god limb fragments" that he had traded from Ms. Youmeng, which looked like a mechanical gear structure.

Is there a possibility.


The technology of flesh punk limb transformation...

In the super ancient times, it was a special way to become a god?

"It seems that I have to show some real skills."

Qin Feng raised his hand.

Grabbed in the void.


With the flash of sharp edge, "The Whisper of the Ancient God" appeared on Qin Feng's palm.

It was immediately grabbed tightly.

With a sudden swing, the power of divinity surged and bloomed, turning from the edge of the blade into a dazzling and brilliant edge, slashing directly at the flesh punk psychopath with eyes all over his face.

The strange eyes on the face of the mental patient flashed with psychedelic light.

Seeing the brilliant blade containing divine power.

Instead of retreating, he advanced.

He made a painful, excited, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched mysterious tone.

As if he was chanting something.

It was like a mental patient mumbling.


The flesh and blood on his palm kept squirming and swelling.

In a moment.

The left arm turned into a giant revolver, with muscles wrapped around it, and "bullets" similar to bones were loaded into it, making a sharp sound.

The right arm became a long and sharp samurai sword.

The blade was like bone.

But it emitted an extremely strong sharp light.


Directly facing Qin Feng's divine blade light slash.

"Not afraid of divine power?"

"It seems that this flesh-and-blood madman in front of him is much more powerful than the average flesh-and-blood punk psychopath, and can be compared to the Xinghui warrior who has mastered the basic divine power."

Seeing this.

Qin Feng had some confidence in his heart.

Whether he is afraid of divine power.

To some extent, it can judge the opponent's strength.

The existence of ordinary warriors will be suppressed by divine power instinctively. After all, this power is one of the three major components of gods and contains a certain degree of divine pressure.

Just putting it there will make those with low strength feel panic.

At this moment.

The divine blade light in the air collided with the right arm samurai sword of the flesh-and-blood madman. In the violent friction sound, the violent explosion of energy splashed like sparks.


The right arm samurai sword of the flesh-and-blood madman had a crack.

But this crack.

It made the opponent even more excited.

He roared wildly.

The entire right arm exploded, blood splattered, and the hot blood flew wildly, outlining a faint blade shape in the air, and finally collided with Qin Feng's divine blade light of "Whisper of the Ancient God".


The violent explosion shook the ether layer.

A large amount of blood mist flew away.

It obscured the figure of the flesh and blood madman.

Qin Feng saw this.

His eyes flickered slightly.

But he was not in a hurry.

He calmly and steadily placed the "Whisper of the Ancient God" in front of him. For a moment, he even quietly closed his eyes, and the whole person was like a rock, motionless.


At this moment.

The void seemed to be cut open.

In the blood mist, the eyes on the face of the flesh and blood madman blinked and flickered. As the psychedelic light flashed, his speed became incredibly fast, so fast that it seemed that the other party had performed some kind of "time stop" method.

Almost only a shadow was left!


In the blink of an eye.

The flesh and blood madman had come to Qin Feng.

His right arm, which had exploded, had recovered at this moment and turned into a long and sharp samurai sword again.

One knife.

Cut towards Qin Feng's head.

It seemed to cut Qin Feng in half neatly.

But at this moment!


The crisp and loud sound of iron hammering suddenly sounded in the bright and brilliant fire.

The bloody madman was stunned.

I don't know when.

Qin Feng had already placed the knife horizontally in front of him, and in a flash, blocked his thunderbolt knife.

The next moment.

A terrifying force burst out from the intersection of the blades!


is exactly the "divine flick knife" that Qin Feng learned from Shengshui Village!

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