Qin Feng grabbed it with his palm.

The flesh-and-blood madman's head was held in his hands by his hair.

It can still be seen that the eyes on the face are still blinking.

It seems that he is not dead yet.


Qin Feng could sense that the other party's spirituality was dissipating.

This is characteristic of death.

Determine whether a person is dead or alive.

The main thing is to see whether its "spiritual body" dies and returns to nothingness.

After all, a flesh and blood madman is just a flesh and blood madman, not a mentally strong warrior. Although his body is still active and even has vitality due to the implantation of a large number of advanced flesh and blood prosthetics, his "spiritual body" has been torn to pieces.

Qin Feng's sword.

What is cut off is the remaining spiritual thoughts that have been cut off.

If he were a powerful warrior.

The head was severed.

It's not necessarily death.

"This flesh and blood madman has a lot of high-end prosthetic bodies. Good guy, with so much flesh and blood of giant beasts implanted into him, there is almost only one brain left in his body, which is still an original product of a human being."

"No wonder he became mentally ill."

Qin Feng was quite curious about what happened to this flesh and blood madman.

No matter how rich you are.

Such a prosthetic body transformation method.

It's simply courting death.

Rich people are not fools, so what are the benefits to themselves by doing this?


Was it forced?

But now is not the time to explore the cause of the matter.

Qin Feng didn't think too much.

He waved his hand.

He took out a Pym secret box, enlarged it, loaded it with the head and headless corpse of the flesh-and-blood madman, and then put it away.

The next moment the figure moved.


Disappeared in an instant.

Returned to the "Flesh Technology·Tony's Choice" store in the material layer.

At this moment, the entire store seemed quite messy, with the stench of flesh, blood and internal organs permeating the surroundings. In addition to Tom, the male clerk whose head was shot at the beginning, the coquettish female clerk Mary had also been dismembered.

Minced meat and body parts were scattered everywhere.

Some wandering store customers and other store employees were also killed one after another.


The flesh-and-blood madman ran to the "etheric plane" before killing him.

A bloody feast was also staged in this Tony's Reserve store.

Killing is so fast.

Cruel means.

It's shocking.

"It's better to leave quickly."

Such a big murder case will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Qin Feng didn't hesitate at all.

Just leave.


The alarm sounded.

After Qin Feng left.

Found a remote corner.

He changed his disguise and changed his clothes to another one.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in this "Yunxiao Business District", but any thoughtful person will definitely be able to find something strange on his side through surveillance and investigation.

Therefore, the previously disguised appearance can no longer be used.

Be cautious.


After changing his disguise, Qin Feng now became a handsome uncle with a somewhat melancholy expression.

Wearing sunglasses and some beard on his face.

He glanced in the direction of the Tony's Reserve store.

I saw that the place had been completely blocked by the upper city guard. A warrior wearing a special guard uniform of the Goddess Cult, and his whole body was wrapped tightly, as if he was wearing an exoskeleton armor, was coming in and out of the store.


It's not like moving a body.

But moving the prosthetic body.

Those who died were completely useless, but the flesh-and-blood prosthetics more or less implanted in their bodies could still be used for other purposes.

not to mention……

The flesh and blood of the corpse were basically broken into pieces.

All were mixed together by a specialized "body-sweeping robot", installed in a portable stove, and burned and cremated directly on the spot.

"Tsk, as a lower-class upper-city citizen, I am not even qualified to be buried or hold a funeral."

"It was just a collective cremation."

"It's really sad."

Qin Feng sneered in his heart.

He immediately took steps.

Walked into another nearby flesh and blood technology product store.

The name of the store is "House of Flesh Technology".

It sounds bluffing.

It seems like a chain store.


Just a little fly shop.

There is no way, the entire "Yunxiao Business District" is very expensive. Except for those companies and goods carriers with strong capital, ordinary individual merchants can only open stores in the corners of many luxury buildings in the business district.

And even so.

The rent is also ridiculously expensive.

But fortunately, the people who come to "Yunxiao Business District" to spend money are wealthy people with assets of at least tens of millions of Yanxia coins.

As long as I can take so many orders a day.

Don't roll it in too much.

Can survive.

And make a few small bucks.

"Hello guest, what do you need?"

“Do you want to buy flesh-and-blood technological products for daily use, or transform flesh-and-blood prosthetics for implantation?”

"If you purchase a prosthetic body, our store can install it for you at the lowest price on the market, ensuring that you are safe and the service quality is top-notch."

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old who seemed to be still in school saw Qin Feng.

Immediately came over at a trot.

Try to keep a professional smile on your face.

"Oh? Can you also perform prosthetic transformation?"

"Do you have a flesh and blood prosthetic doctor here?"

Qin Feng was a little surprised.

To know.

Not everyone can be a flesh and blood prosthetic doctor, especially if you want to obtain the corresponding qualification certificate, it is extremely difficult, at least you have to have a "doctor" level of flesh and blood technology knowledge.

And generally this kind of talent.

Basically it is monopolized by large companies and manufacturers.

His status in the upper city is among the top elites.

How could he come to this fly shop in the "Yunxiao Business District"?


The flesh and blood prosthetic doctors here are "black doctors" who do not have qualification certificates and business licenses.

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