"Sealed level flesh and blood weapon..."

Qin Feng chewed the word carefully.

He had learned before that in the circle of warriors, divine weapons were actually relatively rare, and few ordinary warriors could obtain a divine weapon.

The forging and origin of divine weapons are also quite mysterious and cannot be controlled by humans.


High-end weapons in the hands of most warriors.

In fact, they are all flesh and blood weapons.




Among the three levels of flesh-and-blood weapons, there is no doubt that the "forbidden level" is the most popular, but its abilities are different and weaker. Although the "containment level" has the terrifying power of destroying the world, it is weaker than the divine weapon. Weapons are also rare and impossible to control.


A powerful, relatively easy-to-control "sealed-level" flesh-and-blood weapon.

It has basically become the lifelong pursuit of most warriors.

As long as you hold a sealed-level flesh and blood weapon.

Combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Killing people beyond the rank.

That's not a bad idea.

"As the saying goes, a man is not guilty of carrying a treasure. This prosthetic doctor knows the intelligence information of a sealed-level flesh and blood weapon, and will definitely be spied on and coveted by many warriors."


"With the ruthless methods of the Goddess Sect, the warriors under its command are obviously not good at all. They didn't tie up the prosthetic doctor and then torture him. They even allowed him to open a shop in the upper city?"

Qin Feng seemed to know.

Why is it that this man obviously has the qualification certificate of a prosthetic doctor and is proficient in flesh and blood technology. He is considered a cutting-edge elite talent, but he is reduced to opening a fly shop.

Even he felt.

The warriors under the Goddess Sect are concerned about this matter.

It seems a little too kind.

It is not in line with the nature of those guys to "eat people without spitting out the bones".

"Is there any special reason?"

Think of this.

Qin Feng couldn't help but look at the girl who was his younger sister.

The girl also looked at him.

All of a sudden.

Somewhat embarrassing.

At the same time, you still have some vague vigilance.

The two of them stared at each other, a little cold.


Qin Feng coughed dryly, which slightly relieved the awkward atmosphere.

He changed the subject and said:

"You and your brother should be from the lower city, not natives of the upper city, right?"

Downtowners and uptowners.

There is almost an essential difference engraved in the bones.

Qin Feng saw the girl for the first time.

In fact, there is some speculation.

The "humble feeling" that belongs to people from the lower city cannot be erased no matter how hard they hide it.

The girl was a little surprised:

"Guest, how do you know?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly:

"Because I was once a native of Canglang City."

Hear this.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes in disbelief.



No matter in the past or now, these two identities can never overlap in her heart.

Especially after experiencing the beatings from uptown society.

She became more aware.


How aloof and awe-inspiring.

Not to mention the people from the lower city, even the elites from the upper city are like ants in their eyes, they can step on them if they want, and pinch them if they want.

With such a humble status as a city dweller, he actually has the opportunity to become a warrior?

This is so unbelievable.

Qin Feng saw the girl's reaction.

The smile on the lips.

More and more intense.

Now that I know the clues of a sealed-level flesh and blood weapon, I naturally want to get to the bottom of it with the mentality of coming here.

But the prosthetic doctor was obviously very stubborn and difficult to communicate with.

And he is also suffering from some kind of suspected high-level, special pollution disease.

Qin Feng suspected that it might be because of the pollution disease that the warriors under the Goddess Cult could not use force against him. Otherwise, just because of the pollution disease, according to the laws of the upper city, he would have been dragged away for purification long ago.


Qin Feng planned to start with the more innocent and simple girl in front of him.

Gain their trust.

Get some basic information first, and then prescribe the right medicine.

And how can we win their trust?

Naturally, he has to use some tricks of deception.

The other party was just a yellow-haired girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was from the lower city, so she must not have much knowledge. Qin Feng could fool her around without using any special means.

Ever since.

Under Qin Feng's lies and lies.

Simple girl.

Gradually, he relaxed his guard.

Stars even gradually appeared in his eyes.

It seems that Qin Feng has a lot of admiration and admiration for his experience of starting from a small person in the city and slowly becoming a powerful warrior through hard work.

after an hour.

"Brother Qin."

The girl's body involuntarily moved closer to Qin Feng, her delicate body exuding innocence and childishness, and pressed close to Qin Feng's arm. The title she used gradually changed from a more distant "guest" to a close "brother Qin".

There was a sense of admiration in her eyes as she said:

"I didn't expect that your experiences, so rich, could be turned into an inspirational novel about struggle."


"Can you tell me the story of 'Go up to the third floor, fight the goddess, and fight for three hundred rounds'? It feels so passionate and exciting!"

Qin Feng smiled without blushing:


In the communication.

Qin Feng has already figured out the identity and background of the girl and her brother, the cyborg doctor.

The girl's name is "Lu Xianxian".

And her brother's name is "Lu Shenran".

Lu Shenran was the top scorer in the college entrance examination in the lower city a few years ago. Because of his excellent grades, he even broke the upper limit of the scores of the top scorers in the previous college entrance examinations and created a college entrance examination record.


He was directly admitted to the highest institution in the upper city, "Canglang Academy".

And there is no need to take those boring university courses.

He was directly promoted to a graduate student.

Majoring in flesh and blood technology.

One year later.

Lu Shenran graduated directly from graduate school with excellent grades and was assigned to work in the "Holy Church Technology Institute" established by the Goddess Church. He even allowed his family members to be promoted from lower city people to upper city people without conditions, and obtain various benefits and honors as the top elites of the upper city.

"Tsk tsk, this cheating experience of a god of learning... It's definitely another Xia Qingchuan."

After Qin Feng learned this information.

For this Lu Shenran in his heart.

I couldn't help but become more interested.

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