"Master, my name is Chen Hao. I come from the blood of the Chen family, one of the powerful families in the upper city. I am currently serving in the 'Scavenger Guard', one of the special security forces of the Goddess Cult. I am a member of the second team, codenamed 'Mouse' ”


There was a bit of fanaticism in Mouse's eyes, and he immediately told all his background information in detail.

Qin Feng listened.

His expression moved slightly, thoughtfully.

Based on the information provided by his new servant.

He probably learned the following new information:

1. There are four powerful families in the Shangcheng Goddess Sect.

They are: Lu family, Chen family, Wang family, and Moh family.

These four powerful families.

He controls most of the power of the Goddess Sect and more than half of Canglang City.


Because nearly half of the warriors in the Goddess Sect.

They all come from four powerful families.

As for why the four powerful families control more than half of the warriors but do not completely control the Goddess Cult, the reason behind it seems a bit mysterious.

Although Moazi is a warrior in the Chen family, one of the four powerful families.

But because they are only grassroots warriors.

Not much information is known.


There are vague rumors that the reason why the four powerful families dare not act rashly and suddenly have the entire control of Canglang City in their hands seems to be... related to the words "God Incarnation".

"The three goddesses of the Goddess Sect should all have their own incarnations in the human world, right?"

"Perhaps the real power of the Goddess Sect is in the hands of these three goddess incarnations, so that the four powerful families will surrender and be willing to be subordinate."

"After all, a powerful family is just a powerful family, not a divine family with its own gods. No matter how greedy you are, you will not dare to blaspheme the gods."

Qin Feng's mind was filled with thoughts.

Second new information.

It is about the hierarchy of positions within the Goddess Cult.

This kind of information.

to be honest.

Qin Feng had searched specifically before.

It's just that although the Goddess Cult rules Canglang City, everything about the Goddess Cult seems extremely mysterious to the public.

A lot of information is taboo and will not be released to the public at all.

And now that there is a warrior from the Goddess Cult as a servant, the mysterious veil about the Goddess Cult can finally be unveiled layer by layer.

The Goddess is teaching.

The positions from lowest to highest are:

Priest, warrior deacon, bishop, primate, mystic, pope.

Priests are generally the initial position for the powerful children in the Goddess Religion. They specialize in managing nuns, monks, and believers. For the powerful children, it is almost easy to obtain them.

But for the "elite" migrant workers who go to the city, it's a step lower.

Only by reaching the top elite level, becoming an executive of a large company, or making a huge outstanding contribution, can one obtain the position of a priest and have the opportunity to develop in the Goddess Religion.

Warrior butler.

It is the basic position held by warriors under the Goddess Sect.

His status is much higher than that of ordinary priests.

Because ordinary priests who have not stepped into the path of a warrior have almost no possibility of being promoted to become a bishop, or even a chief bishop, or even higher.

And the warrior butler...

There is a chance to continue climbing up.

"In short, the higher the title of the clergy in the Goddess Religion, the stronger their martial arts strength is."

"Tsk, it seems that the Goddess Cult does not raise useless people."

"It's no wonder that the children of the powerful people in the upper city are obsessed with flesh punk this year, and advocate that flesh punk is the real evolution, because they know that if they don't have martial arts talent, they have no chance to climb to the top in the Goddess Cult."

Qin Feng suddenly understood a lot.

at the same time.

For the Goddess Cult organization.

I also feel more and more solemn.

He originally thought that the Goddess Cult was corrupt, after all, it had raised so many borers in the city, but now it seemed that the Goddess Cult was obviously not simple. Although it had raised many borers, they were all suppressed to the bottom.

There is no way to enter the core circle of influence.

Many warriors and deacons.

It is the reason why the Goddess Sect has stood firm in Canglang City all year round and even dared to blackmail the Yanxia official warrior army with the intention of rebelling against the Yanxia official's heritage and foundation.

According to what the mouse said.

The number of warrior deacons in the Goddess Cult has always been a mystery, but it will definitely not be less than four figures.

Most of the potential elite warriors are performing secret missions.

They will not stay in Canglang City forever.

A small number of ordinary warriors.

He was assigned to the "Law Enforcement Guard Team" in the upper city.

"Master, the 'Law Enforcement Guard' in the upper city is also divided into levels."

"Ordinary guards are usually led by one or two ordinary warriors, and the rest are ordinary people who have been transformed by flesh and blood, either children of powerful people, or upper-city elites with the talent for transformation."

"On top of the ordinary security force, there is a special law enforcement security force called the 'Special Security Force'."

"The special forces have their own names. For example, the 'Scavenger Guard' where I am, all the members of the team are warriors."

"And the leading captains are all very powerful."

"Either an elite warrior with extraordinary potential, who is specially trained in this way, or a veteran warrior with profound knowledge, who holds the position of a bishop."

"No matter which one it is, at least they have the strength of the top level of 'Star Warrior', and some have even reached the level of 'Yaojiang Warrior', which is very scary."

Haozi said the last part.

Gradually holding his breath.

He seemed to have thought of something terrible, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of fear.

But when he saw Qin Feng.

Feeling the "breath of God" on Qin Feng.

The fear in his eyes disappeared immediately, and he flattered him:

"Of course, for you, the master of God, these guys, one by one, are naturally just some bugs, and you can crush them with one foot."

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