We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 326 The Reappearance of the Flesh and Blood Psychopath


In the space, a sharp sound of tearing suddenly sounded.

At the same time.

A strong smell of blood burst out.

It diffused around.

A faint blood mist was actually lingering in the surrounding air.


The young warrior Xiao Li frowned slightly.

Staring at the two strange figures gradually outlined in the blood mist.

A sense of danger suddenly rose in his heart.

Although he is a warrior, he is still young and has just been promoted to a warrior, so his combat experience is not too rich.

If not.

He has a "forbidden-level flesh and blood" weapon ranked in the top 30, and it is the first replica, which is only slightly worse than the original.

He would not have been so easy to kill the members of the Flesh and Blood Ascension Gang.

These flesh and blood transformation addicts are full of advanced combat prostheses.

They are extremely crazy when fighting.

In terms of combat power.

It is equivalent to half a warrior.

And the flesh-and-blood madman...

can be on par with the warriors.

Even the powerful flesh-and-blood punk psychopath can fight with the star warrior who has mastered the basic divine power!

"The flesh-and-blood madman fights crazily and recklessly, and is more dangerous than ordinary warriors."

"You can't fight head-on."

"You must outsmart him."

Thoughts turned.

The young warrior Xiao Li raised the sword in his hand.

The translucent sword suddenly floated with strands of psychedelic light, entwined with his body like a silk thread, and in an instant, Xiao Li disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Mr. Tu sneered:

"Do you think the ability to hide is useful for the flesh-and-blood madman?"

"The reason why the mentally ill is mentally ill is that their way of looking at the world is different from that of ordinary people like us. They have their own unique way of observation."


A translucent figure suddenly emerged from the void.

As the translucent color gradually faded.

Xiao Li's figure appeared.

A trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

His body seemed to be hit by some kind of huge force, and fell away in a parabola.

But the moment he landed.

Xiao Li slammed his palm on the ground to support his falling body, and then he exerted force on his arm, and with a beautiful fall rotation, he stood steadily on the ground.

His face was not good-looking.

His eyes narrowed.

He stared at the front.

Then two figures slowly walked out of the faint blood-colored mist.

They were a man and a woman.

The man was huge, like an iron tower, and his whole body was wriggling with blood and flesh tissues like blood vessels, and unknown liquids flowed in it, and finally poured into a huge eyeball located on his forehead, which almost occupied the entire area of ​​his forehead.

The eyeball was full of bloodshot, emitting bursts of psychedelic light, which made the surrounding space faintly distorted.

As if...

This psychedelic light can control space.

The woman had a slim figure, but the thunderbolt was quite shocking.

It seemed that she had been specially transformed into a giant.

She also had a strange eye on her face.

It was a vertical eye.

The vertical eye engulfed all the woman's facial features, leaving only this eye, which grew from her forehead to her chin and neck.

The eye was slightly open.

At first glance.

It was as if the woman's face was about to be torn apart, and the scene was terrifying and weird.

"Kill him!"

Mr. Tu ordered hysterically.


The two flesh-and-blood lunatics ignored him, but just turned their heads 180 degrees together, and then stared at Mr. Tu with their eyeballs on their faces.


Mr. Tu swallowed his saliva.

He quickly retreated back to the food store and whispered to his men:

"Let's retreat quickly. Although I personally raised and transformed this bloody madman, he can't distinguish between friend and foe when killing people. Even I can only control him slightly."

Although the members of the Bloody Ascension Gang were not very smart due to the high degree of transformation, they also knew the danger of the bloody madman.

One by one, they immediately followed Mr. Tu back to the store.


Headed to the private box in the deepest part.


At this moment.

The sleepless street of singing and dancing.

As the barrier of the Goddess Church opened, the scarlet and disgusting "tentacle wall" rose up, and almost everyone around ran over to watch the fun.

Among them.

Most of them were people from the lower city who came to the outer ring of the upper city to go shopping and have fun.

"What is this?"

"Heh, you ignorant people in the lower city, this is the Goddess Church catching criminals, so they set up a barrier for confinement."

"Barrier? Uh... Why does this barrier look so disgusting..."

"You know shit! Barriers are divided into 'energy barrier' and 'flesh barrier'. Compared with the 'energy barrier' that must rely on treasures and a lot of energy, the 'flesh barrier' is much cheaper and better, and as long as there is enough flesh and blood of the giant beast, it can be replenished all the time."

"So that's it..."

The onlookers talked about it.

At the same time.

Not far away.

In a fly "fast food restaurant" on Pincha Street.

The pink light illuminated the only room in the store very ambiguously.


A mouthful of thick electronic cigarette smoke spewed out and sprayed on the face of the woman who was getting dressed beside the bed.


The woman rolled her eyes at the man on the bed.

The man had a beard and looked sloppy and decadent, but his eyes were deep and seductive, as if they could absorb people's souls.

He smiled and said:

"Why are you leaving so fast? I'm still thinking about eating a second fast food!"

"You are too brave, man. You almost made me fall down after just one meal. You are beautiful, but I am exhausted. How can I make money the next day?"

The woman rolled her eyes at the man again.


Look out the window:

"And it's quite lively outside now. The last time the Goddess Church set up such a large barrier to catch criminals was three months ago, and it was too far away from me."

"It's so close now, I have to watch the excitement."

After saying that, the woman tied her bra, put on her clothes, and left the room twisting and turning.

When leaving, he did not forget to say:

"I only have this one studio, you leave quickly, don't wait for me to come back and delay me from making the next fast food."

After saying that, he closed the door with a "bang".

"In this world, people are so crazy about fast food. The quality of fast food in this sleepless street of singing and dancing is really getting lower and lower."

The man complained.

He pulled up his pants.

At the same time.

He took another beautiful puff of the electronic cigarette.



Spit out the smoke.

The man looked through the window at the "tentacle wall" that stood tall not far away.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was no color of watching the fun in his eyes, but a bit of depth, a bit of solemnity, and... a hint of deep and restrained hatred.

"After enduring for so many years, this good show is finally about to start."

"Three bitches of the Goddess Cult."

"This time, I will definitely fuck you!"

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