Zhao Kongwu did not hesitate at all and immediately replied respectfully:

"Master, Honglian is the founder of the 'Afterlife' organization and the daughter of Li Mushan, who is also the former lord of Canglang City."

"In order to fight against the Goddess Cult, Li Mushan died in the end, and Honglian was just a young girl back then. In order to avoid being exterminated by the Goddess Cult, Li Mushan secretly sent his daughter to the lower city in advance and hid it. "

"However, through some unknown means, the Goddess Cult found out about Li Mushan's daughter."

"So the Goddess Sect went down to the city to search. Finally, they found Honglian and brought Honglian to the upper city..."


Was Guren captured by the Goddess Cult?

Hear this.

Qin Feng had a vague suspicion in his mind.

He said:

"You're saying that the power of the gods in Honglian's body is related to the Goddess Cult?"


Zhao Kongwu nodded, "I later found out that when Honglian was born, his body naturally contained the power of the gods."

"The Goddess Sect may have learned about the mysterious god's power in Honglian through divination and precognition."

"After they brought Honglian to the upper city, they intended to extract the power of the gods from Honglian."

"Finally, after several years of torture, the power of the god was successfully extracted by the Goddess Cult."

"Guren also lost his power and became a mortal."

"The goddess teaches me to kill him."

"However, our 'Afterlife' also obtained this information. After fighting to the death, we finally rescued Honglian. I was the leader in this matter."

"Guren had almost no childhood. The time when she was captured by the Goddess Cult and tortured to extract the power of the gods from her body was the darkest and most tragic time in her life."

"Because of this..."

"She subconsciously sealed that memory, and that dark memory also gave rise to the deep personality in her subconscious, that is, the second personality."

Qin Feng touched his chin.


Guren, a girl who looks soft and cute on the surface, seems to have never experienced anything in the world, but she actually has such an experience.

As for the second personality deep in the subconscious...

This is actually quite normal.

A person who has been tortured all year round must be in agony and full of resentment.

The mind is distorted.

Split out a second personality.

It's so commonplace.

In the martial arts path of God, there are many ways to treat such psychological problems. It shouldn't be difficult to treat Honglian well.


Considering that the power of gods appears in Honglian's body.

Qin Feng had another vague guess in his mind.

He looked at Zhao Kongwu:

"Let me guess, the Goddess Sect thought they had extracted all the power of the gods from Honglian's body, but in fact, they did not."

"On the contrary, the most powerful force has always been hidden in the split second personality, right?"

Zhao Kongwu immediately replied:

"Yes, Master, your guess is very correct."

"Logically speaking, the only person who can possess the pure power of a god is the incarnation of the god."

"But among the three incarnations of gods, there is no situation like Honglian, that is, human beings, as mortal bodies, are born with the power of gods when they are born."

"Even the third incarnation of gods, that is, the high-level gods releasing their own flesh and blood into the material layer, is not in this way similar to 'reincarnation', because the self-flesh and blood of the high-level gods itself has the function of gestation and regeneration, and there is no need to reincarnate. to ordinary people.”

"So, we call Honglian's situation the 'fourth incarnation of the gods'."


Zhao Kongwu continued:

"This 'fourth incarnation of the gods' is actually very torturous for the person involved."

"The power of gods is still the power of gods after all. However, it has to be controlled by mortal will. This is not an easy task."

"In addition, Honglian has been tortured by the Goddess Cult for several years, and his self-consciousness has almost completely collapsed. Therefore, the power of the gods hidden in the second personality has gradually become corrupted and distorted, and has been Infected by darkness and evil.”

"So the power of the gods in Honglian's body is full of pollution and corruption."

Hear this.

Qin Feng also roughly understood Honglian's situation.

He thought about it.

Then he said:

"Zhao Kongwu, you just said that by arranging a ritual and borrowing the flesh and blood of the warriors of the Goddess Sect, you can help Honglian control the power of the gods in his body, right?"


Zhao Kongwu nodded.

"But this move must come at a price, right?"

Qin Feng said again.

Hearing this, Zhao Kongwu couldn't help but feel a little melancholy on his face.

He took it from his body.

Take out an electronic cigarette.

He took a few deep puffs:

"Yes, there is a price."

"The main character of Guren is pure and kind. Even if she is tortured, she is still the little girl she once was, but... this does not mean that the pain and torture of the past have disappeared."

"Those pains and tortures were all integrated into her second personality. Therefore, this personality became very dark, but it happened that this personality mastered the strongest power of the gods."

"So, if you want Honglian to truly control the power of the gods in her body, the only way is to destroy the main personality and let the second personality take the dominant position."

"Once it works."

"Guren will no longer be kind."

"She will completely fall into darkness and become a goddess of vengeance until she tears the Goddess Cult into pieces and destroys all enemies!"

Zhao Kongwu just finished speaking.


Boom! !

From the depths of the "Wall of Tentacles" barrier, a terrifying energy aura suddenly erupted!

The surrounding air is distorted.

Endless energy ripples rolled out wildly.

A strange, crimson mist visible to the naked eye gradually filled the surroundings, and a woman's inexplicable whispering, sobbing, and murmuring sounds could be faintly heard from within.


Qin Feng and Zhao Kongwu.

They all turned their attention to where the energy exploded.

Just there, a large amount of crimson mist spread crazily, covering all the boxes of the gourmet restaurant, as well as the entire gourmet restaurant.

The gourmet restaurant originally made of bricks, giant beast bone powder and other materials, actually twisted and squirmed, turning into a complete texture of flesh and blood.

And this flesh and blood belongs to the kind of "meat sauce", "meat mince", etc. that are rotten into paste.


Some twisted and wriggling weird human figures can still be seen.

It was wailing in pain.

Almost instantly.

The scene before him turned into a strange swamp of flesh and blood.

"No, the divine pollution in Honglian's body is about to explode."

"If we don't hold a ceremony quickly and use the flesh and blood of the Goddess Cult warriors as offerings, I'm afraid this pollution will no longer be able to be contained, and Hong Lian will become a monster completely."

Zhao Kongwu saw this.

His expression was extremely solemn.

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