Compared with other areas, the special collection area is much smaller, about ten square meters, equivalent to a normal-sized room.

In fact.

This special collection area is shaped like a room.

An extremely complex lock was attached.

At first glance, it looks like a large safe.

"Master, I will unlock the door for you."

The mouse volunteered.

His figure suddenly became sticky, turning into a slimy, squirming shadow that actually ignored the lock and got into the gap in the room.

Soon, it was submerged.



The door, which was still lit with a red light, indicating that it was locked, suddenly flashed a green light that indicated that the door had been successfully unlocked.

The next moment, the door opens.

The face of the rat appeared from behind the door.

The mouse said proudly:

"To unlock this kind of pediatric lock, for me, it's as easy as eating and drinking."

"Master, please come in."

Qin Feng nodded.

He knows.

Mouse's divine martial arts path is called "Rat of the Night Thief".

Under normal circumstances, most of the warriors of the Goddess Sect believe in those three goddesses.

The chosen martial arts paths of gods also correspond to the paths of the three goddesses to becoming gods.


There are always some people who are unique.

And it is naturally suitable for some niche martial arts paths.

Mouse is such a being.

When he practiced the three martial arts of the gods corresponding to the three goddesses, he had no talent at all, but it happened that his talent was outstanding in this "rat in the night thief" path.

Warriors of this path are naturally excellent thieves, assassins, and shadow stalkers.

General door lock.

It's not hard for them.


Once you step into the secret room.

Qin Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Although the area of ​​this special collection area is not large, there are not many things on display.


Most of them are related to flesh and blood prosthetics.

Of course, if it were an ordinary high-end flesh and blood prosthetic body, Qin Feng would not even take a glance at it.


"They should all be dissected from flesh-punk psychopaths...forbidden prosthetics, right?"

There are rows of display racks that smell of strong disinfectant and a faint smell of blood.

Pieces of "human organs" that looked rather deformed and weird were displayed in front of Qin Feng.

These flesh and blood prostheses are not mass-produced goods.

All are unique and unique.

The only similarities.

They all exude a strange energy fluctuation of time or space.

This made Qin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin.

There was a look of interest on his face.

He had not previously done in-depth research on flesh-punk psychosis.

However, since he met one before, he did some research on the Internet, and then he learned that a unique deformed prosthetic body could be derived from these crazy flesh-and-blood lunatics.

It's called...the forbidden prosthetic body!

The forbidden body contains the mystery of time or space.

This kind of prosthetic body cannot be produced artificially.

Can only be obtained from Flesh Punk Psycho.

And therefore.

There is a conspiracy theory that is often circulated in the upper city. Some secret organizations secretly torture people, turning them into flesh-and-blood lunatics, and then cut out forbidden prosthetics from their bodies and sell them, thereby making huge profits.

"There are almost twenty or thirty taboo prosthetics, equivalent to twenty or thirty living innocent lives who were tortured into madness..."

"Oh, under normal circumstances, who wants to be a flesh and blood madman?"

"They were all forced, driven into madness by those greedy people."

Qin Feng could imagine how crazy the original owners of these forbidden prosthetics were during their lifetime.

This world of cannibalism turns people into lunatics.

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