In Chen Gui's eyes.

On the table.

In addition to the original "Dissecting Blade" and its five corresponding replicas.


There are also many other forbidden-level flesh and blood weapons.

"Is this the 'Pen of Lies'?"

"I remember this is the 99th-ranked forbidden-level flesh and blood weapon. Although this one seems to be only the fifth replica at the bottom, its value is quite good."

"Hmm? This is..."

"Is this a Titan Blood Crystal?"

"Fuck, judging from the quality, it is definitely the 'superior block crystal' level among Titan Blood Crystals."

"This is definitely a good thing, are you sure you want to sell it, Master?"

It's okay to see those forbidden-level flesh and blood weapons.

Chen Gui is also a well-informed person.

Although surprised.

But there are not too many waves in his eyes.


When he saw the "superior block crystal" level Titan Blood Crystal.

His eyes.

Suddenly showed excitement.


Qin Feng nodded.

In the circle of warriors, there are actually some secret auctions and trade fairs held every once in a while.


Small trade auctions are the most common.

Several or more than a dozen warriors gather together to form a small party to auction and trade what they need.

After all, in the general market.

The things that warriors want.

are basically not circulated and not sold openly.


For the first time, Qin Feng held a small secret auction. He wanted to leave a deep impression on all the participating warriors.

Thus, he would increase his popularity.

In this way.

He would be able to attract more warriors to hold auctions or trade fairs in the future.

Qin Feng's eyes turned.

A medium-quality Titan Blood Crystal appeared in his hand.

With a move of his fingers.


The Titan Blood Crystal flew towards Chen Gui.

"This is a reward for you to organize an auction."

Chen Gui's eyes lit up immediately.

He immediately knelt down and kowtowed:

"Thank you for the gift, Master."

As Chen Gui expressed his sincere gratitude,

Qin Feng's eyes moved.

Indistinctly, he saw a wisp of transparent, yet substantial, ethereal thread floating out from Chen Gui's body.

This thread drifted slowly.

Floated towards Qin Feng.

Sunk into the spiritual world in his mind.

This is exactly...

The "power of faith" that believers can provide.

Qin Feng discovered that whether it was his servants or believers, as long as they bowed to him and prayed to him devoutly, they could provide him with a certain degree of power of faith.

Divinity, authority, and faith.

These are the three major elements that constitute the power of gods.


At present, Qin Feng did not feel that this power of faith was of much use to him.

But be prepared for a rainy day.

Collect it early.

Maybe it will be of great use one day?

"The stronger the existence, the stronger and more faith power it can provide."

"Although Chen Gui and others are my servants and are loyal to me, if I want them to provide me with a higher concentration of faith power in a stable and continuous manner, it is still necessary to reward them well."

A mere block crystal.

Qin Feng has plenty.

He doesn't care.

Waved his hand.

After letting Chen Gui withdraw and continue to handle the auction.

Qin Feng's mind moved.

Entered the spiritual world in his mind.

Stepping through the gray mist, Qin Feng controlled his mind body and came to the "Divine Ladder".

"This 'Divine Ladder' can be said to be one of the important sources of my own divine power."

"These days, I have almost adapted to the first step, and the divine power reward I can get on the first step is almost at its limit."

"Next, if I want to get more divine power, I can only challenge the next step."


Breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Feng looked up at the huge staircase that seemed to have no end.

His body moved.


His body flew up like a rocket.


He stood on the first step easily.

The first time before, he stood on this step for less than a second, and his body was instantly reduced to ashes.

And at this moment.

Qin Feng looked comfortable.

He walked leisurely and leisurely, letting the pressure sweep over him.

He raised his head.

Qin Feng looked at the second step.

He took a deep breath.


His body jumped high, and in a flash, he had jumped onto the second step.

The next moment.

An extremely terrifying force suddenly pressed down, and at the same time, fine cracks like black lightning suddenly appeared in the surrounding space.


All of a sudden, it turned into a sharp and weird mouth, biting madly!

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