"Don't worry, I know how to use my fingers~"

Lu Qingran's dreamy tentacles swayed meanderingly, and as the heart-shaped suction cup expanded and contracted, it released a fragrant pink mist.

Take a gentle puff.

It's like falling into a dream.

Desire for immortality and death.

But as Qin Feng breathed and breathed, a layer of mysterious energy turned into an invisible filter, easily filtering away the pink mist.

He stepped back.

Get rid of Lu Qingran's tentacles that want to do indescribable acts.

His brows furrowed tightly:

"What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course I want to apologize to Mr. Qin, and by the way, I want to make you happy, Mr. Qin~"

Lu Qingran's voice was hoarse.

Take a step forward.

He wanted to press his entire body against Qin Feng's body.

at the same time.

Lu Qingran's eyes flashed.

A small transparent tentacle separated from her hand and quietly rolled towards the transparent glass box in Qin Feng's hand that held the Titan Blood Crystal.

in her cognition.

People in the lower city do not have the resources or channels to modify and strengthen their bodies.

As for practicing martial arts?

Not to mention that.

Therefore, it can be said that it is an easy task to steal Titan Blood Crystal from an ordinary person without any ability.

If you want to make money for Lu Yunsong, the first step is to get the Titan Blood Crystal without anyone noticing.

she knows.

There is an intermediate and high-end floating spirit intelligent flesh and blood guard in this office.

On the surface, this belongs to Lu Yunsong.


He is not the real one in control.

It's "the adult" behind it.

So Lu Yunsong seems to have a lot of power.

Actually just an executor.

Restricted everywhere and monitored every step of the way, we can walk on thin ice without daring to be sneaky.

"The most important thing right now is to use tricks to deceive the mid-level and high-end floating spirit guard first, without attracting its attention."

"Deduction chip, start!"

Lu Qingran's brain was working rapidly.

Quickly deducing the next action.

Her brain is equipped with a "deduction chip" made of high-end flesh and blood technology combined with the essence of the giant beast's brain, which can allow her to enter bullet time in an instant and quickly predict various possibilities.

And thus.

Plan the action with the best chance of success.

At this moment.

In Lu Qingran's eyes.

Everything started to go extremely slow.

Time seems to stand still.

Qin Feng, who was standing in front of her, was like a robot that had crashed, his expression frozen and dull, and he would not notice anything about her...



Lu Qingran was stunned.

When she looked up, she was surprised to see Qin Feng looking at her quietly with an indifferent expression.

Her invisible tentacle separated out and was about to sneak into the transparent glass box quietly, but when the opponent's palm slightly raised coincidentally, it flew into the air.

"what's the situation?"

"Why do you feel like this guy named Qin can see my actions during bullet time?"

Lu Qingran blinked.

Take a closer look.

Qin Feng looked at her quietly.

But his eyes didn't move.

There is a slight sense of sluggishness.

His eyes didn't seem to be focused on her.

"It must be my misunderstanding."

"How could a mere downtown person detect my bullet time?"

Lu Qingran shook his head.

Think no more.

She glanced at the transparent glass box in Qin Feng's hand.

He plans to continue to control the invisible tentacles, try to steal the Titan Blood Crystal quietly, and at the same time deduce the next action.

But I didn't see it.

Follow her eyes.

Qin Feng's dark eyes, which were originally dull, suddenly became animated.

And there is a bit of confusion and weirdness.

He looked thoughtfully at the mentally ill woman in front of him:

"This woman..."

"Are you trying to steal the Titan Blood Crystal in my hand?"

"Isn't she someone sent here by Lu Yunsong? She belongs to Lu Yunsong's side. Why did she steal it?"

"Aroused by greed? Can't resist the temptation of Titan Blood Crystal?"


Qin Feng would never let this woman succeed.

There is also a large surveillance camera of an intermediate floating spirit in this office.

If it is under surveillance.

Someone had stolen the Titan blood crystal.

Lu Yunsong will definitely cause trouble for him.

Now he just wants to practice hard.

I don't want to get into trouble.

Qin Feng raised his palm without leaving any trace again.

Avoiding the invisible transparent tentacles that Lu Qingran tried to touch.

At first glance.

Seems extremely coincidental.

Not that he did it on purpose.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is it such a coincidence?"

Lu Qingran was a little unbelieving.

She plans to keep trying.

But at this moment.

The bullet time of the "deduction chip" has passed.

Her chance was gone.

Want to come again.

We can only wait for the chip to finish.

Otherwise it will be overloaded.

Blow her brains out.

"How could it be that my precious bullet time was completely wasted on stealing the Titan Blood Crystal from Qin Feng?"

"And you haven't stolen it yet, and you haven't even touched the box?"

Lu Qingran felt incredible.

This is the simplest initial step.

She didn't even finish.

Not to mention deducing further actions.

"Miss Lu, don't be like this. I'm not the kind of person you think."

While Lu Qingran was stunned, Qin Feng pushed the woman away, opened the door and left the office.

Until I walked to the anatomy workshop.

Come to your own dissecting table station.

Just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, the cell phone suddenly rang.

Qin Feng took a look.

It was Lu Yunsong.

"Hey, Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Qin, have you met the person I introduced to you?"

"Yes, it's Miss Lu Qingran, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Lu Yunsong's voice reached his ears:

"Lu Qingran is my cousin. Like Xiao Chen, she has also undergone 'flesh transformation', and the degree of transformation is very profound. She is an absolute fan of 'flesh transformation'."

"You may not think she is a girl, but she is very talented in shooting firearms. Please study with her more when you have time."

"Oh, right……"

Lu Yunsong seemed to have remembered something and said again:

"One thing to remind you, the deep 'flesh transformation' fanatics can easily be affected by the pollution of their minds due to the transplantation of giant beast limbs, resulting in some intellectual problems. In short... it is easy to become like Mental illness sometimes behaves inexplicably.”

"Qingran has lost her parents since she was a child. The in-depth 'flesh transformation' is actually to a certain extent to numb her own nerves and forget some pain."

"So, if Qingran does something strange, please bear with it, Mr. Qin, and be patient with her. Don't blame her too much."

Lu Yunsong's voice and words were very sincere.

Qin Feng, who was about to complain about Lu Qingran and suggested that Lu Yunsong change him to a firearms training instructor, couldn't help but hesitate.


Still swallowed the words.

"Deep 'flesh modification' will cause some mental problems and make people become mentally ill?"

Qin Feng pondered in his heart:

"No wonder Lu Qingran is behaving strangely."

to be honest.

Regarding this Lu Qingran.

Qin Feng was not too interested.

As long as this woman doesn't cause trouble for him, that's fine.

"By the way, Mr. Lu, there is good news."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and suddenly changed the subject and said, "I dissected out the walnut-sized 'crystals' from last time. Judging from the color and purity, they should be of medium quality!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Lu Yunsong had obviously seen this through surveillance, and there was no surprise in his words, "Well, very good, very good, I wonder what reward you want this time?"

"I want……"

Qin Feng's eyes rolled.

Seems to be thinking.

But in fact.

He had already made up his mind:

"I want an opportunity to truly come into contact with martial arts and become a true warrior!"

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