"Huh? The proficiency of 'Searching for Hidden Things' in deconstructing all things has soared to 98%?!"

Qin Feng was quite surprised.

Previously it was still over 70%.

Has it suddenly reached perfection?

what's the situation?

"Is it because I have reached the state of 'skills that are close to the Tao' after perfection in my anatomy skills, and have dissected, analyzed and understood the 'Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake', so my proficiency has soared?"

Qin Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

If that's the case.


Anatomy of "virtual objects".

It is more effective than the proficiency improvement brought by dissecting "real objects"!

But it’s normal if you think about it.

If you want to dissect substantial flesh and blood, you can find it everywhere, especially in the giant beast factory.

But if you want to dissect valuable nothingness and conceptual things, and still succeed without failing, the difficulty is obviously more than a little bit high.

He was also lucky this time.

The suspected divine power contained in the "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" touched the pillar of martial arts in his mind.

The mysterious power of the pillars allowed Qin Feng to get twice the result with half the effort.

But next time.

But you have to rely entirely on yourself.

"In addition to martial arts training methods, I may try to dissect some other nihilistic concepts in the future. I don't expect success, but at least it can expand my 'anatomy pool' and let me know what else is there besides martial arts chips. This kind of 'virtual object' can be dissected and contains good value. "

While thinking.

All kinds of mysterious knowledge and information about the "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" kept floating in his mind, allowing Qin Feng to know the specific cultivation method of this secret stake.

It's complicated to say.

It's actually simple.

Just like the white ape's secret pile of health.

It is also a pile-setting method, and then combined with special breathing cycles and rhythms, the special "qi" born in the qi and blood is used to penetrate and condense several acupoints throughout the body.

the difference is.

"Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" contains two fist and kick moves.

They are:

The tiger demon's bone-piercing fist.

Dragon God swings its tail legs.

The two can also be distinguished by four levels: "entry, proficiency, proficiency, and perfection". Each level of perfection will greatly increase the proficiency of the "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" itself.

at the same time.

There are a total of nine types of acupoints that can be condensed by the "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake".

And it is not the same as the White Ape’s Secret Pills of Health.

That is to say.

If all nine orifices of the "Dragon and Tiger Secret Stake" are opened.

Then there will be fourteen black holes in his body.

Even if you don't reach the state of "knowledge".

Fourteen acupoints.

They all burst out with strength.

Combined with the two secret moves of "Tiger Demon Bone-piercing Fist" and "Dragon God Swinging Tail Kick".

I'm afraid it will be infinitely close to a real warrior!

"I really want to rush home right now to cook blood crystal rice porridge, and then practice all night without sleep."

"But it's a pity... Secretary Lu is here, I'm afraid I will have to waste some time at night, tossing with her."


The thought in Qin Feng's mind has not yet settled.

Lu Qingran showed a meaningful evil smile:

"Mr. Qin, as your assault training instructor."

"Next... let me teach you how to shoot, hand, and gun."

The night is already half over.

Raccoon Apartments.

Qin Feng held his waist.

Got out of the car.

Dim stairs to the apartment.

"This woman Lu Qingran is so fierce. She even hurt my waist."

"I originally thought she was just a flower vase, but I never expected that she really has real skills and hard skills when it comes to firearms."

The skills column of Crimson Cheat Device appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes:

Armored Marksmanship: Proficient (1%)

During the day, his skills were still in the introductory stage.

After a round of firearms training from Lu Qingran.

Actually broke through to get started directly.

Reach the proficiency stage.

have to say.

This made Qin Feng look at that woman Lu Qingran with admiration.

"It's just that this woman's training method is too fierce and devilish. I have practiced martial arts for so many days, and I have already started martial arts. My physical fitness has improved a lot compared to before."

"But it turned out that her training gave me severe back pain."


Training hard is one thing.

Mainly, although Qin Feng's physical fitness has become much stronger due to the nourishment of Titan Blood Crystal, and his Qi and blood are abundant, his body's flexibility, coordination, balance, etc... are still at the level of ordinary people.

And training in this area.

No matter how good your body usually is.

There will always be some hardships at the beginning.

"This woman, Lu Qingran, probably didn't come with her."

On the stairs.

Qin Feng pretended to hit his back.

Slowly climb up the steps.

In fact, there was a sparkle in his eyes.

Sensing whether there is anyone following around.

at the begining of.

Lu Qingran actually wanted to go home with him.

After being sternly rejected by Qin Feng.

This woman actually followed him quietly.

Like a perverted slut.

This made Qin Feng really frown.

He didn't know whether this was Lu Qingran's personal hobbies or Lu Yunsong's special instructions. Although this woman seemed to have no ill intentions, it was said that she was following her secretly, which was more like a kind of secret protection.


There was no way Qin Feng could really let this woman stare at him all the time.

Otherwise, how can he practice?

How to cook blood crystal rice porridge?


Qin Feng decisively used the "Hide" skill and quietly got rid of Lu Qingran's following.

"But this is not a long-term solution."

Qin Feng's thoughts were in a mess, thinking about the countermeasures in the future:

"Lu Qingran was sent by Lu Yunsong, and Lu Yunsong can obviously find my residential address easily."

"But I can't move out yet, otherwise it will seem like a thief with a guilty conscience, trying to cover up the truth?"

"And the 'Hide' skill can't be used too much. It's okay once or twice, but if I can always get rid of Lu Qingran successfully, even a blind person can see that I have some hidden abilities, which will be extremely disadvantageous to me."

The brain was spinning rapidly.

But for a moment.

But I couldn't think of any good way.

Unless he temporarily gave up practicing.

However, this was obviously impossible.

"No matter what, I must not practice in the Raccoon Apartment tonight, I have to change places."

Coming to the door of the rented room.

Qin Feng opened the door.


Within five minutes.

He walked out again.

Holding a black box in his hand.

Inside was all his belongings.

Including the Titan crystal that was almost half used.

It is worth mentioning that.

This black box was purchased from the ruins market when he bought a car before. It was modified based on the damaged "Pim's Secret Box" thrown into the ruins garbage dump.


It cannot be compared with the real "Pim's Secret Box".

The real "Pim's Secret Box" can be reduced and enlarged with one key. When enlarged, it can fit a whole house, and when reduced, it can be like a delicate and small ornament.

And this black box.

It can only be enlarged to the size of a wardrobe at most.

It can only be reduced to a briefcase at the smallest.


For Qin Feng, who does not have much belongings, it is enough.

While walking down the stairs.

Qin Feng suddenly stopped.

At the entrance of the staircase corridor of the Raccoon Apartment, a crooked and twisted figure appeared without knowing when.

This figure has long hair, like a woman, but has rough shoulders, like a man, and has a high bulge in the chest, and a bulging belly, as if pregnant.

The other party's limbs are crooked like twisted tree trunks.

When walking.

The limbs swing irregularly.

The same hands and feet.

Very weird.

And what is even weirder is...

This person.

He seems to be mumbling something incomprehensible, like delirium.

It's like a demon whispering in the abyss.

It's like a criminal talking nonsense in prison.


There is also an unknown laugh.

Qin Feng frowned tightly:

"Is this... a weird disease? Delirium?"

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