In the Raccoon Apartment.

Fifteenth floor.

Qin Feng opened his eyes.

Familiar scene, familiar staircase.

The stairs leading down can be seen at a glance, but to Qin Feng, it feels like an endless abyss, making him unable to leave the fifteenth floor and walk to the fourteenth floor, thirteenth floor, twelfth floor... or even the first floor at the bottom.

Not to mention leaving the Raccoon Apartment completely.

"How many times?"

"How many times have I entered that irregular, non-geometric mysterious space?"

The rotation of thoughts.

It seems to be a little sluggish.

It's like a gear that has not been maintained and oiled. It is gradually polluted and rusted in the operation again and again, so that it seems to be running poorly.

Qin Feng looked at the panel of the Crimson Cheat:

Skills -

Hidden: Mastery (99%)

Only the last step is left.

It can reach perfection.

But it is this last 1% that stuck Qin Feng, making Qin Feng's "hidden" skill unable to break through to perfection.

"There should be something missing."

"The last crucial step is missing."

Qin Feng was about to step down the stairs again.


A long shadow was cast over.

It reflected Qin Feng's figure.

Turning his head.

A fishy smell suddenly came over.

A strange snake head with a core spitting appeared in Qin Feng's field of vision, and suddenly opened its mouth, revealing a dense and dense fangs.

Although it is called a snake head, in fact, this head still shows the outline of a human head.

The nose is completely missing.

Only two holes are left.

It looks like "Voldemort".

On the other side of the snake head is a pale, thick, blue-veined neck. This neck is stretched as long as rubber, and it actually winds through the entire 15-story apartment corridor.

At the other end of the 15-story corridor.

Is the body of a thin man.


Full of tumors.

In each tumor, some kind of strip seemed to be twisting and wriggling, as if there were small snakes hidden inside.

Seeing this weird and creepy distorted scene.

Qin Feng's face did not change at all.

He suddenly raised his hand.


A scorching energy bullet poured out from the muzzle of the "Magic Blade" exoskeleton armored gun.

The bullet pierced the snake head's eye socket and suddenly exploded, and the strong force directly lifted up half of the snake head's skull.

But the snake head did not die.

Instead, the snake's letter was pouring out.

The low mumbling sound like "snake language" sounded in the surrounding void in an illusory overlapping manner.



In an instant, in the half of the snake head's skull that was lifted up, indescribable growth substances quickly grew in the flesh and brain, and spread out crazily.

The snake head became larger.

But also more deformed.

But Qin Feng still didn't show any expression when he saw this, as if he had seen this scene countless times.

He waved his hand, and the "Magic Blade" gun that looked like a Type 54 pistol was swung into the air.

The moment it fell.



The strange sound that sounded like the growth of flesh and blood and the expansion of machinery overlapped and sounded in his ears.

Suddenly, the small "Magic Blade" pistol suddenly decomposed and extended, and densely packed complex structures and precision parts emerged from the gun body.

These structures and parts were arranged, combined, expanded, and extended, intertwined with flesh and blood fascia, making this small pistol extremely inconsistent with the law of conservation.

And in the end.

It outlined a rough shape, like a ferocious gun that looked like a Titan beast spewing hot breath towards the sky:

Magic Blade Howling State!

The flesh and blood of the gun body quickly wrapped around Qin Feng's right arm.

The whole process took less than a second.

And at this moment.

The swollen and deformed snake head bit again, but before its mouth opened half an inch——

The muzzle of the magic blade lit up with a dazzling laser light.

The light illuminated Qin Feng's eyes.

Under his cold gaze.

A laser, like the atomic breath ejected from Godzilla's mouth, instantly penetrated the crazy and deformed snake head.

The scorching energy instantly burned its brain.


The snake head fell weakly on the floor of the corridor, and a circle of smelly black blood slowly spread.


Blowing off a wisp of smoke from the muzzle, Qin Feng looked at the scene indifferently.

Once when he entered the irregular, non-geometric mysterious space in the corridor downstairs on the fifteenth floor, and then returned to the fifteenth floor, Qin Feng discovered a strange and weird rule:

Those patients who were severely deformed due to delirium and turned into monsters, no matter whether they were dead or alive before.

Once he entered the corridor.

And return to the fifteenth floor.

The deformed patients will return to their original state.

Of course...

Qin Feng himself will also recover.


After discovering this pattern.

Qin Feng had an idea and no longer rigidly brushed the proficiency of "hidden" skills, but also began to brush the proficiency of other skills, especially combat skills.

Therefore, he walked around the floors above the fifteenth floor and found that all the tenants in the apartment except him seemed to have been infected with extremely serious delirium and deformed into monsters.

And after experiencing actual combat and experiments.

Qin Feng also found.

Those delirium patients who were distorted into monsters did not seem to be contagious.

This discovery did not make Qin Feng happy or relaxed.


It made him frown.

His face looked very bad.

Generally speaking, according to previous cases and current news reports, special contamination diseases like the weird disease, whether it is delirium or other diseases, are all contagious.

The management of the downtown is chaotic.

The bodies of people who died from delirium were mostly thrown on the streets and buried in garbage dumps, and no one came to collect them.

And this.

It is also one of the reasons why the weird disease will spread very quickly once it breaks out.

But now...

These patients with severe delirium in the Raccoon Apartment who are either first-level distortion symptoms or second-level distortion symptoms are not contagious at all.

This is very strange.


There is another possibility:

He has actually been infected with delirium for a long time, so those patients with severe delirium are not contagious to him at all?

It's just that he is asymptomatic at present...

"Anyway, the various strange signs at present can basically prove that there is indeed a monster in Raccoon Apartment."

"This monster has not appeared for so long, not showing up, not showing up, but just let the tenants in the apartment be infected with severe delirium, and set up this mysterious space sealed in the corridor of the fifteenth floor. I don't know what it is planning?"

"Is it really playing?"

"Knowing that I have Titan Blood Crystal? Targeting me?"

"Planning to play me until I collapse and despair, and then come out leisurely to eat me?"

Qin Feng's mind was full of thoughts.

This kind of speculation.

It fits the temperament of monsters.


The monster food festival should not have officially started yet, right?

According to Lu Yunsong, only when the strange disease completely contaminates a certain area and when the death reaches its peak, the feast of the demon food festival will officially begin.

The demons will be truly unscrupulous.

Even if the scattered demons can't help wanting to eat people, they will at most quietly attack one or two people to have a bite.

It won't make such a big noise, right?

Just to get him.

Affect the entire Raccoon Apartment?

Look up.

Look out the corridor window.

It's so dark outside that you can hardly see the outlines of other high-rise buildings. Only the high-rise upper city is still pouring out the prosperous neon light.

I don't know why.

The brighter the upper city.

The whole lower city seems to be darker.

"Forget it, even if there is a big noise, will the law enforcement guards in the upper city really come to the lower city to check?"

Qin Feng shook his head.

Put aside distracting thoughts.

No matter what.

Since the demon hasn't shown up yet, officially take action.

He took the time to brush up his skill proficiency, improve himself, and find a way to brush up the "hidden" skill to perfection as soon as possible.

Qin Feng was about to look for the delirium patients who had been deformed into monsters on other floors.


His eyes glanced at the "Dissect Things to Find Treasures" column on the Crimson Cheater panel:

Deconstruct Everything: Dissect Things to Find Treasures (98%)


Qin Feng's eyes turned.

He looked at the snake head that was smashed by his shot, the long neck connected to the snake head, and the deformed body covered with tumors at the other end of the neck.

"Speaking of which, I had the idea of ​​dissecting the body of this delirium patient before."

"Right now..."

"Isn't it just right?"

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