We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 74: The Demon Corpse Mutates, the Strange Moon Demon Spirit

His eyes were fixed on the ball of flesh and blood that seemed to be a living fetus in front of him. Qin Feng stared at it carefully, scanning it inch by inch, observing it.

The more I observe...

The ball of flesh and blood that seemed to be a living fetus seemed familiar to him.


An idea flashed in Qin Feng's mind.

An existence that is also spherical in shape and made of flesh and blood appears in the heart.

"Monster egg!"

"Yes, this live fetus of flesh and blood is very similar to the spherical object suspected of being a demon egg that I dissected from the corpses of those patients with dyslexia."

"It's just that the size is different, and it's also more energetic and full of life, as if it's about to be born."

Think of this.

Qin Feng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If this is really a monster egg.

And it is a demon egg that is about to be born.


Wouldn't it be better for him to get rid of it first?

"If it is really a demon egg that is about to be conceived, then the demon will definitely take some protective measures on it, and it may have imposed some powerful curse and pollution."

"I'd better wait and see what happens."

Every demon possesses mysterious abilities that are hard to fathom, and powerful demons are even better than warriors.

Qin Feng thought.

You still have to be more steady.

Take action rashly.

It might trigger some unpredictable trap.

His eyes gradually shifted from the living fetus of flesh and blood, and looked at the woman's corpse in the room on the material layer, which seemed to be in a state of decay.

"Unexpectedly, the mysterious woman who was suspected of being a demon turned into a corpse."

"And it looks like it's highly decomposed. The face is rotten and looks like a skeleton. It looks like it has been dead for a long time... huh? No, the internal organs of the corpse have not yet rotten and liquefied, and are even very fresh."

"This characteristic shows that the corpse has not been dead for a long time, but why does the flesh and blood on the surface appear highly decomposed?"

After Qin Feng carefully observed it.

Doubts can't help but arise in my heart.

The ancient clothes of the hot summer style on the corpse were in tatters.

It seems to have been corroded by some corrosive substance.

Only some scraps of fabric remain.

Hanging scatteredly on the corpse.

But the flesh and skin of the corpse under the cloth is not some fragrant and beautiful body, but some rotten and damaged meat with the skeleton still visible.

The reason why it looks like this.

It was obviously because this body had suffered very serious injuries before death, and it should have suffered various injuries such as blunt force blows, thermal weapon blasts, and cold cuts.

The entire skin was as battered as a broken sack.

So much so that Qin Feng could directly see some exposed internal organs that were also severely damaged and even torn out violently.

And the woman's long white hair that was very eye-catching in the memory fragments, dragging to the ground like a skirt, seemed to have been burned by fire at this moment, showing a burnt and black appearance, making it look ugly.

"Did you fight?"

"Or... experienced miserable torture?"

Qin Feng had many speculations in his heart.

He had dissected so many giant beast corpses.

To some extent.

It also has a bit of "forensic" professionalism.

A certain degree of time of death can be determined based on the corpse.


In front of me is the corpse of a mysterious woman who looks like a demon.

It had both the characteristics of a high degree of decay that had been dead for a long time, and the fresh characteristics of a person who had just died. This made him feel quite embarrassed, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Let alone determining the time of death.

He couldn't even determine the cause of death for a while, because there were too many fatal injuries.


Qin Feng's eyes twitched.

I actually saw the woman’s body moving slightly!

"what's the situation?"

"Is it possible that he's not dead yet?"

They were all highly decomposed into such a ghostly appearance. If they were humans, they would have died long ago.


Thinking that the other party is very likely to be a demon.

The physique of demons is obviously different from humans.

Maybe there is a real possibility of living.

Qin Feng's eyes immediately condensed.

Be alert.

At the same time, he raised his hands and overlapped the two magic blade knives like mantis arms in front of him, showing a posture ready for defense and attack at any time.

Although he is now in the etheric layer.

And the woman's body is in the material plane.


The inner and outer worlds are not an insurmountable gap. Maybe the other party also has the means to perceive and enter the etheric layer.



In Qin Feng's surprised eyes.

The highly decomposed female corpse was like a puppet on strings, in a rigid and mechanical state, swinging its limbs and torso.

It lifted up a few pieces of meat hanging on it, and the bones of its right hand could be seen.

The internal organs exposed outside the body were gently stuffed in.

It's like a woman is elegantly and intellectually arranging her messy clothes when she gets up. There is a strange sense of elegance amidst the horror.




The woman stood up...


To be precise, the woman's body floated!

The bones all over its body made a harsh friction sound, and from the scattered skin and flesh hanging on the skeleton, a cool-toned flame that was as cold as moonlight and tinged with a faint green color suddenly appeared with a "soaring" sound.

The flames stained the damaged ancient summer clothes on the woman's body.

The next moment.

These tattered Yanxia ancient-style clothes.

They actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Also recovered.

The woman's long silver-white hair.

The long hair dragged on the ground as long as in the memory fragments, like the holy skirt of a bride. The scattered light in the room seemed to be inspired and rushed to the top of the woman's head.

As the light continued to gather.

Above the woman's head...

A crescent moon appeared.

The moonlight was as cold as frost.

But it illuminated the whole room.

At this moment, the woman was as holy as a fairy who had descended from the moon palace to the mortal world.


As Qin Feng moved his eyes to the woman's face, he still saw the highly rotten face, the terrifying face with broken flesh and blood, still revealing the appearance of a skeleton!

"This is..."

"Demon spirit?!"

Qin Feng couldn't help but stagnate.

The mystical knowledge in his mind began to flow.

A secret message about "demon spirits".

Surfaced in my mind.

Demon spirits...are mostly formed from the "spirits" of beautiful women who died with despair, resentment, unwillingness, depravity and other negative emotions. They suffered violence and even humiliation during their lifetime. The strong resentment after death was sensed by some indescribable existence, thus being endowed with strange powers, and the "spirits" were distorted and transformed into various kinds of demon spirits.

In the word "demon spirits".

It seems to have the word "demon".

In fact, there is not much connection between it and demons.

If you want to talk about the connection...

According to the manifestation of the "demon spirit" information, it seems that it is because demons are naturally beautiful, so it is easier to turn into demon spirits.

"According to the different time of death, demon spirits are divided into three types."

"Death in the daytime is: Burning Sun Demon Spirit."

"Death at night is: Weird Moon Demon Spirit."

"Death between day and night is: Sun and Moon Demon Spirit."

Qin Feng's expression became serious:

"It seems that the demon spirit in front of me should be Weird Moon Demon Spirit."

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