"This is the source of the mutation in Lu Qingran's brain."

Qin Feng looked into these dirty eyes.

Feeling the undisguised coldness and murderous aura in the other party's pupils.

I couldn't help but move in my heart:

"It seems to have the characteristic of being 'alive'?"

In the field of occultism, there is often such a special description:

Something that has the property of being "alive".

This means that the corresponding things have their own spiritual consciousness and even preliminary wisdom.

Know how to think, have desires, contain emotions, and know strategies.

This is a good thing.

Occult things with "living" characteristics generally have incredible special abilities and effects.


This is also a bad thing.

Having spiritual consciousness and derived wisdom, especially an existence that contains strong pollution, can be said to be extremely dangerous and difficult to control at all.

Even if strong measures are used to control it, there is a high probability that there will be some side effects, or even extremely dangerous backlash.

"This thing is not as harmless as the 'Star Spirit Pearl'."

"It's not an exaggeration to say it's a magic pill."

"I don't know how to deal with such a strong smell of pollution and filth?"

Qin Feng studied these eyes.

Use the tip of a scalpel to tease.

I want to test its temperament.

See if something dangerous changes.

But he didn't expect that these dirty eyes would roll around on the autopsy table.


Staring straight at him again.

The pale golden eyes exuded coldness and murderous intent.


That's all.

There are no other unnecessary reactions or actions at all.


Qin Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

Although the eyes dissected from Lu Qingran's brain looked unattractive, they were not only filled with a strong aura of pollution, but also had "living" characteristics, and seemed to contain some elusive risks.


His powers of observation are extremely keen.

Deep in the pale golden pupils of this eye... there seems to be a hint of fear!

That's right.


And she is still afraid of him!

"Why are you afraid of me?"

Qin Feng became curious:

"Is it because of the demon god's emblem on my body?"


"Is it because of the dragon ball that is integrated into my heart?"

The mysterious bloody dragon ball comes from the heart of the dragon beast.

In Qin Feng's opinion, the heart of the giant dragon beast found in the Rose Red Lotus Modification Factory, both in terms of the concentration of blood and the aura of dragon characteristics contained in it, is much better than the polluted dragon heart in front of him. The eyes look much more pure and intense.


On Qin Feng.

Even if it doesn't activate the power of the Dragon Balls.

It also contains a bit of pure dragon power.

It is normal for the polluted and distorted dragon eyes in front of you to feel fear.

As for the demon god's emblem...

Contains a higher level of demon god power.

Not to mention that.

"It seems that this polluted dragon eye looks like a tough one, but is actually a soft persimmon? Can I manipulate it at will?"

Qin Feng rubbed his chin with his fingers.

The corner of his mouth quirked up into an evil smile.

Knife in hand.

The desire for dissection is very high.

This made the eyes that were pretending to be calm on the dissecting table tremble slightly.



"really weird……"

at this time.

Xia Qingchuan muttered to himself at the side:

"This is a 'Filthy Dragon Eye'. When I was conducting experiments on flesh and blood technology, I often used these pseudo 'Dragon Eyes' that contained some of the power characteristics of giant dragon beasts as materials."

"Once stimulated, these pseudo 'Dragon Eyes' will release strong pollution and filth. In addition to exploding, there is a certain probability of turning into 'Filthy Dragon Eyes', which have various very dark and exciting uses."

"I originally thought that the source of the mutation in my daughter's brain was this 'filthy dragon eye'."

"Actually, my guess was not wrong either."

"But I never expected that this 'filthy dragon eye' would actually give birth to spiritual consciousness and possess the characteristics of 'living'. This is a very incredible thing."

"Why is this so?"

Xia Qingchuan fell into deep thinking.

He looks like he is crazy about science.

Even if Qin Feng called him several times.

He still didn't realize it.

This made Qin Feng quite speechless.


Xia Qingchuan's eyes flashed.

It seems that I thought of something:


"Could the previous birth of the etheric dragon spirit be related to this mutated 'Filthy Dragon Eye'?"

"If there is a relationship, just study it thoroughly and then copy it, maybe you can mass-produce the Ether Dragon Essence!"


When Qin Feng heard this, his expression immediately became energetic:

"Mr. Xia, are you sure you can copy the Ether Dragon Essence in batches?"

There is only one ether dragon spirit at the moment.

Use up.

That's gone.

Moreover, Qin Feng has never tried to use it. If the method is not right and all the effects of this etheric dragon essence cannot be exerted, then there will be no room for regret and he can only bite his teeth and stuff it into his stomach.

not to mention.

There are so many acupoints that warriors have condensed, and the energy contained in an ether dragon essence is probably not enough to be used. Even if it is upgraded, how many can be upgraded?


If there is more than one.

Instead, there are many etheric dragon spirits.

Then there will be no such worries at all.


Qin Feng can have extravagant hopes.

Try to condense the legendary... divine orifice!

"Well, as long as there is experimental conjecture, it is possible for it to come true."

Xia Qingchuan said excitedly, "Although I control the authority of knowledge and science, I only control 'known knowledge', not 'unknown knowledge'."

"There are too many unknowns and possibilities in this world."

"Exploring these unknowns and possibilities makes me excited and happy, and it is what I want in my life!"

"Brother Qin Feng, please wait a moment and let me study it..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Xia Qingchuan was ready to roll up his sleeves and study.


Qin Feng looked at Lu Qingran's brain on the autopsy table and couldn't help but hesitate:

"By the way...Mr. Xia, what should I do with your daughter's brain next? The source of the mutation has been dissected out now, but without the regenerative power of this 'Filthy Dragon Eye', your daughter's brain may..."

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot about this."

Xia Qingchuan scratched his head in embarrassment, "Then let's get down to business first."

Qin Feng: "..."

Can you forget this?

Did you agree to protect your daughter at all costs?

Complaining silently.

Qin Feng is under the guidance of Xia Qingchuan.

Started to sew up Lu Qingran's brain, and prepared for the reshaping of Lu Qingran's body through extremely high-end flesh punk technology.

Qin Feng was originally looking forward to what kind of top-notch flesh-and-blood transformation prosthetic body Xia Qingchuan, a father, could recreate for his daughter.

But I never expected it.

After using various cutting-edge equipment.

Xia Qingchuan actually made him do...

A bottle.


Various soil-like materials were added to the bottle and Qin Feng buried Lu Qingran's brain in it.

Then Xia Qingchuan rolled up his sleeves again angrily:

"Quick, quick, little brother Qin Feng, let us continue to study the mutated 'Filthy Dragon Eye' and try to figure out the mystery of the birth of the Ether Dragon Spirit as soon as possible!"


Qin Feng held the bottle with Lu Qingran's brain buried in his hand.

The black man couldn't help but have a question mark on his face.

Are you sure your daughter is biological?

Instead of charging phone bills?

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