This is a baboon with a head height of about six meters, with brown-yellow hair all over its body, brown eyes, a pair of extremely long arms, sharp nails on the claws, canine teeth exposed at the lips, and a fierce light in the eyes. The faint purple light emanating from his body indicated that this was a thousand-year soul beast!

Generally speaking, thousand-year soul beasts are strong and weak, the weak ones can only fight the 30-level soul venerable, but the strong ones can easily defeat the soul king. Therefore, as a thousand-year soul beast, even if it faced Tang San’s soul venerables, it would not be instigated.

However, when this baboon saw Zao Wou-ki behind the crowd, the instinct derived from the soul beast instantly warned it madly!

So this thousand-year soul beast, which originally saw Tang San and several others still roaring in demonstration, instantly turned around, kicked the ground with powerful hind limbs, and ran frantically into the distance.

Riding the wind all around, this windswept baboon is surprisingly fast. Almost as soon as he slipped the smoke, he ran out more than ten meters away.

“Want to run?”

Seeing this soul beast fleeing decisively, Zao Wou-ki, who had been prepared for a long time, laughed slyly, and instantly the martial soul possessed, and seven soul rings around his body flashed. Then the third soul ring lit up.

The body of the galloping wind baboon suddenly stiffened, and its speed was greatly reduced. It was the gravity enhancement of Zao Wou-ki’s third soul ring skill that was received. Immediately after, the fourth and

fifth soul rings on Zao Wou-ki’s body lit up at the same time, his body suddenly soared, and when he fell again, he came right above the wind baboon under the action of the positioning and tracking of the fourth soul ring skill, and gravity squeezed at the same time.

Letting the wind baboon run more than enough, in the face of Zao Wou-ki’s strong soul power, it is also a meaningless thing. To deal with a thousand-year-old soul beast, the Fudo Ming King has not yet captured it.

Zao Wou-ki, who was still in mid-air, slapped his bear paw and slapped directly on the head of the wind baboon.


The wind baboon was slapped on the spot and broke the bloodstream, and the huge six-meter-tall body was directly smashed to the ground.

Zao Wou-ki landed lightly, and the whole capture process was completed in one go. The force is also well controlled, this palm only slapped the wind baboon into a serious injury, lost the ability to resist, and did not directly shoot to death.

“It’s done.”

Tang San and several people cheered excitedly at the same time, and after working hard for several days, they finally arrived. Oscar’s excitement was full of words, and he ran towards Zao Wou-ki in three steps and two steps.

“Okay, hurry up and finish him.” Zao Wou-ki handed him a knife and urged. Looking at the wind baboon lying

on the ground dying, Oscar did not hesitate, for fear that the second one would come and rob him, and directly used the knife to kill the wind baboon.

A lilac soul ring rises!

Oscar sat down directly next to the wind baboon, raised his hand to summon his own large sausage, and under the pale pink light, dragged the wind baboon’s soul ring into the body. Began to absorb the third soul ring of his life.

Seeing that Oscar began to absorb the soul ring, Zao Wou-ki let go of his heart, as long as he finished absorbing the soul ring, then the purpose of their trip would have been fulfilled. Can go back.

After some time, Oscar successfully absorbed the soul ring.

“Congratulations, Xiaoao.” Zao Wou-ki looked at him with a smile. After obtaining the third soul ring, Oscar’s whole person has undergone some subtle changes, his figure seems to have grown a little taller, and the whole person looks more spiritual.

Oscar also smiled, just when he wanted to say something. Zao Wou-ki on the opposite side suddenly changed his face, a cold breath spewed out from his body, and with a low roar, he directly summoned his martial soul, and the powerful Vajra bear was instantly possessed.

“Teacher Zhao, what’s wrong?”

When Tang San and several others saw Zao Wou-ki’s sudden behavior, they were first puzzled. But soon, a violent aura came like a sea tide, instantly letting them know the reason.


An earth-shaking roar sounded.

Along with this, a gust of wind!

“Boom !!!”

A huge figure fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

When Tang San and the others saw the true face of this huge figure, their faces couldn’t help but change wildly. Just because what appeared in front of everyone was a gorilla about 30 meters tall and the shape of the windswept baboon lying on the ground could not be said to be similar, only identical.

At this time, this huge wind baboon is surrounded by cyan wind, its muscles are bulging, its eyes are bloody, and its fangs are blue! The shape is extremely hideous and scary.

“Roar!!!!” The huge wind baboon

looked down at the small wind baboon that died tragically on the ground, and then raised his head to the sky and let out a sad roar, and at the same time kept beating his chest with his huge fist, venting his sadness and anger!!!!

Even Tang San and the others could feel the anger of the stormy baboon in front of them, as well as the kind of fury that wanted to destroy everything!

There is no doubt that this is killing the little one, and coming the old one.

“It’s a big trouble…” The

corner of Zhao Wuji’s mouth twitched, why has he been so unlucky recently?

Who would have thought that killing a thousand-year soul beast would attract a thousand-year soul beast. And it is also a soul beast that is conservatively estimated to be at least 60,000 years old!

Now he can only rejoice, fortunately, this 10,000-year soul beast came later, otherwise if Oscar came over when absorbing the soul ring, it would really be a big trouble.

Now it’s better, at least you can retreat freely, and you won’t be beaten passively in place.

“You guys, I’ll block him first, and you can escape as soon as possible!” Zao Wou-ki whispered to Tang San and the others.

“Teacher Zhao, how can we keep you here…” said Oscar a little eagerly.


Zao Wou-ki scolded him in a low voice. Then he whispered: “I can feel that the strength of this soul beast is very strong, I may not be an opponent, if I want to escape alone, I can still escape.” But if I protect you, it will be troublesome. I will stay to block it first, you flee as soon as possible, and I will flee when you are far away. Listening to his

words, knowing that this was indeed the best way to deal with it at present, Tang San and the others could only nod and agree to his plan.

Seeing that the huge wind baboon had already stared at this place with blood-red eyes, Zao Wou-ki said in a deep voice: “I block it, and you guys immediately leave here as quickly as possible.” Dropping these words, the seven halos on his body burst into light and rushed up in the direction of the windy baboon.

The first, second, third, fifth, and four auras shone at the same time, and facing a strong opponent, Zao Wou-ki directly attacked four of his seven soul skills. First do not move the body of King Ming, gravity control with Zao Wou-ki center fully enveloped towards the wind baboon, gravity squeeze combined with gravity control to fully launch, as far as possible to limit its body, at the same time, he used both palms to transport the powerful Vajra palm without sparing soul power, straight to the wind baboon pounced.


The huge wind baboon collided with Zao Wou-ki and began a fierce battle.

Tang San and the others on the side saw this scene, and just when they wanted to escape first according to the plan, a sudden change occurred.


Accompanied by angry roars.

I saw another huge wind baboon rushing out, and the black light shining on its body proved that this baboon was also a 10,000-year soul beast. The height is about fifteen or six meters, and the 30-meter-tall baboon may be a partner or something?

Tang San and others guessed.

Looking at this stormy baboon, which was only half smaller than the fifty or sixty-thousand-year-old soul beast, I felt the huge pressure that rushed towards me. I know that even if several of them join forces, they will definitely not be the opponent of this baboon.

After several people looked at each other, they decisively scattered and fled.

The four of them each chose a direction to escape, so that it could not only play a confusing role. Even if one person is chased, there is a high probability that the other three will escape. Now it’s up to who’s more unlucky.

And this new wind baboon looked at the four people who fled in four directions, hesitated, but still aimed in one direction and chased up.

Unfortunately, this direction was the direction in which Tang San fled.

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