
Vol 5 Chapter 700: Conditions that cannot be rejected

In any case, Russia and China are now getting closer and closer.

Fan Wubing did not stay idle. He treated Yeltsin a little with gold needles. The old man suddenly felt as if he was twenty years younger.

"Traditional Chinese medicine is really incredible!" Yeltsin said to Fan Wuyao with great emotion.

Fan Heng has already gone back. After all, he is also an executive vice premier. Naturally, he cannot stay here and chat all the time. It is a waste of resources and disrespect for his own identity. Naturally, Fan Wuyi has no scruples. .

"This is just a temporary feeling. In fact, if you can meet me five years ago, or even two years ago, and give you some treatment, this disease is nothing but now, the accumulated abuses are already deep. It’s hard to return. Now it’s just for you to experience the feeling of health.” Fan Wubing explained to Yeltsin, “This feeling can only last for about a week, and it will slowly return to the usual. state."

"It's good to be able to relax for a week, and the doctors all over Russia are not capable of doing this." Yeltsin is not young anymore, but his personality is still very straightforward, as the outside world has summed up. Fan Wuyi's shoulder said to him, "What I want most now is to accompany Katyusha's songs and dance a few songs with the young girls!"

"It's not impossible." Fan Wuyi laughed, thinking that if you think you are living a long life, then I have no opinion.

Just look at the problem from a higher level. At this time, Russia is not chaotic, especially before Putin can control the overall situation, Russia will not be chaotic, otherwise it will only expand the influence of the Americans and the pressure that China is facing. getting bigger.

With Russia supporting China a little bit, the pressure on the Americans is always lower. After these ten or eight years, when the national power becomes stronger, things will be much easier to handle. At that time, look at other people. The complexion, but it needs to be reversed.

"Actually, you know, Mr. President, I am not a doctor." Fan Wubing felt that some things should be said earlier.

Yeltsin nodded and replied, "Of course I know that the wealth of the Fan Investment Group is jaw-dropping. As the only major shareholder of the group, you have an incalculable wealth."

"In fact, our Fan Investment Group now wants to participate in Russia's economic reforms, especially in deep-level cooperation in energy and minerals and even other areas, such as the telecommunications industry or the transportation of oil and gas. There are promising opportunities for cooperation, but I don’t know if the Russian government has such considerations to introduce foreign capital from us?” Fan Wuyao directly said to Yeltsin.

In fact, Fan Wuyi has been coveting Russia's natural resources for a long time.

The Chinese are often proud of their country's vast resources, but in fact, the country with the largest land and natural resources in the world is Russia.

From petroleum, coal, iron to agriculture, livestock, and seafood, from forests, hydropower, and rare metals, Russia is one of the world's most resource-rich countries. These will become the key to rely on for Russia's re-emergence and one of the basic elements that influence the direction of Russia's domestic and foreign policies.

Russia is the only country in the world that is almost completely self-sufficient in natural resources. As the world's largest resource country, Russia's proven resource reserves account for about one-fifth of the world's total resources, ranking high in the world.

The total value of all natural resources in Russia is approximately US$3 trillion, of which the value of proven resource reserves is approximately US$30 trillion. Compared with Russia, the value of the US’s proven natural resource reserves is US$10 trillion. , China is five trillion U.S. dollars, and Western Europe is 2.5 trillion U.S. dollars.

In terms of categories, Russia's various resource reserves are almost in the forefront of the world, especially in terms of minerals, forests, land, water and other resources that are very scarce in other countries. Russia has a very large advantage.

Regarding the country’s abundance of natural resources, the understanding of Russia from all walks of life can basically be summarized into two categories, one is the theory of resource opportunity, and the other is the theory of resource disaster.

Before the 1970s, the world economics community generally believed that the richer natural resources a country had, the more beneficial it was to economic development, but later people believed that abundant natural resources might be detrimental to economic development. For example, when the Netherlands discovered oil and natural gas in the North Sea that year, it caused the Dutch currency to appreciate and export difficulties in other fields. At that time, the Netherlands was caught in the dilemma of slow economic growth and high unemployment, which was called the "Dutch disease."

Therefore, some people believe that resource wealth such as oil may ultimately cause more harm than good to Russia, and they are worried that the Russian economy may lose competitiveness as a result and suffer from "Dutch disease."

However, it is clear that the Russian government now does not feel that the abundance of natural resources will become a burden. Instead, it believes that natural resources are the strategic basis for Russia's re-emergence, thus increasing its control over resources.

Fan Wubing remembers clearly that within a few years after Putin came to power, the Russian government clearly announced the prohibition of foreign companies from participating in tenders for Russian oil, natural gas, gold mines, copper mines and other natural resources. If the foreign company in the Russian joint venture holds more than 49% of the shares, the company may not participate in the development of Russia's natural resources. This means that foreign companies will not be able to participate in the exploitation of Russia's natural resources.

In this way, Fan Wuyao hopes that at this critical moment when Western funds are fleeing from Russia due to the economic crisis, he can achieve his goal of entering the Russian resource market by taking the upper-level route. He wants to come to Russia, which is eager for foreign investment at this time. Regarding the olive branch that he stretched out, there shouldn't be much to refuse.

Sure enough, even though Yeltsin had already wanted to push Putin out of the front desk, he couldn't help but ask a few more questions after hearing Fan Wuyao's intentions, "Which aspect does Fan Investment Group hope to invest more in? How much to invest?"

"We have sufficient confidence in investing in Russia. If we can get permission to drive oil and gas resources in Eastern Siberia, the initial investment will not be less than 20 billion U.S. dollars. If the Russian government allows us to enter the telecommunications market, this part The investment will not be less than 10 billion U.S. dollars." Fan Wuyao carefully considered and reported two figures to Yeltsin. This is the conclusion he has reached after repeated consideration. It cannot be too little or too much. , Otherwise Yeltsin would regret it after hearing that Fan Wubing would actually invest so much money into Russia.

Sure enough, Yeltsin feels able to bear the two figures reported by Fan Wubing. If this can be done, then 30 billion US dollars of foreign capital will be introduced to Russia, and there will be follow-up development funds. , This is a big gain.

If you can do this before you leave office, you can make your political achievements look decent, and what you put in Putin's hands is also a relatively rich political resource.

From the bottom of his heart, Putin still hopes that Russia will become better in his own hands. Although he has smashed the old system drastically, it does not mean that he does not want to build a more prosperous Russia. , Rather than just facing the embarrassing situation where the unemployment rate remains high and the people’s lives are impoverished due to economic difficulties.

Therefore, these topics that Fan Wubing raised to him were something that he could not take lightly, or put it another way, it was also a condition that could not be rejected.

It's just that I don't know where Fan Wu's bottom line is? How much does he hope to get from Russia?

"In fact, I only have one additional condition, that is, I hope that Russia can use its influence to help our Fan Investment Group obtain mineral exploration rights and mining rights in Mongolia." Fan Wubing raised his own question to Yeltsin in response to Yeltsin's questions. "As for my investment in Russia, I can also consider a sole proprietorship or a joint venture. Even holding 49% of the equity in some joint venture companies can be considered. This is enough to show our Sincerely."

Hearing Fan Wu's request, Yeltsin's heart suddenly became more relaxed. What he worried most was that Fan Wu's lion opened his mouth. Now it is very difficult for Russia to attract foreign investment. The main reason is that the political situation is unstable. Under his high-pressure policy, the cabinet was changed every few months. Foreigners would never see any stable economic policies introduced in Russia. This kind of risky market ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is no extreme Big courage, no one dares to set foot.

Fan Wuyao expressed his willingness to invest tens of billions of dollars to enter the Russian resource market, which is also a very big thing for Yeltsin, but he also worried that Fan Wuyao's asking price was too high, and he had no choice but to advance or retreat.

As a result, Fan had no extravagant expectations at this time, and said that the acquisition of controlling rights may not be certain, but he proposed a compromise condition for entering the Mongolian resource market, which surprised Yeltsin.

However, it is better to sacrifice the interests of other countries than to sacrifice your own.

Mongolia was instigated by the former Soviet Union to go out of independence. The Soviets did use Mongolia as a springboard to enter China and stationed a large number of troops. But now it seems that Mongolia, which has lost its military significance, is very important to Russia. In other words, it is already a tasteless one. As long as the establishment of military bases in Mongolia does not directly threaten Russia's national security, what is the value of mining a mine?

Could it be said that the resources of Little Mongolia can still surpass Russia?

Yeltsin felt that the condition proposed by Fan Wubing was really irresistible.

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