
Vol 5 Chapter 706: Ulaanbaatar

Ulaanbaatar was formerly known as Kulun. The name changed after *** was established, just as the Koreans changed Seoul to Seoul.

Ulaanbaatar is built on the hilly ground between the mountains. The buildings on the main street have a strong Russian flavor and are very elegant. Generally, they have three to five floors. The tallest buildings in the city have only a dozen floors. There is a grand square in the city center, and there is a shopping mall in the business district that is exactly the same as the Wangfujing Department Store in Beijing.

New residential areas in Ulaanbaatar are emerging. In contrast, the buildings in the 1970s and 1980s are very similar to the five and six-story buildings built in China at the same time. Although the buildings in earlier generations are very old, However, it is very elegant when you look closely. There are still a lot of low-rise houses built on slopes with many yurts in between.

Slightly out of the city, a large area of ​​mountain pastures suddenly rushed in. The grass is not high and the livestock is free to eat. Mongolia’s animal husbandry is basically in a state of natural grazing. On weekends, there are often cities in the grasslands with good scenery. People drive out to play.

Relative to the city’s 800,000 population. There are still quite a lot of cars in Ulaanbaatar. All the cars running on the streets are foreign cars, and South Korea has the most used cars.

Because Mongolia basically does not have its own manufacturing industry, the three pillars of the economy are mining, agriculture and animal husbandry, and retail. Due to the small population, the per capita natural resources are relatively abundant. The houses here use a lot of wood, and the trees are felled casually.

Although there is little rain, there is no shortage of water in the city, and the water in several rivers is plentiful and clear. The land used by Mongolians to build houses is basically unlimited except in the city center, and it is easy to get government approval.

Ulaanbaatar is a city with a relatively high latitude and altitude, and it is 6 deep inside, so winter is long, but its summer is cool and charming, the day is very long, and the sky is still bright after nine o'clock in the evening. It's just that the shopping malls in Ulaanbaatar closed earlier, and the department store closes at 8pm.

It is difficult to draw conclusions about the living standards of Mongolians. The average monthly salary of Mongolian civil servants is about 40 U.S. dollars, and taxi drivers can earn 70 U.S. dollars a month, but everyone’s actual lives seem to be better than this figure reflects.

According to people at the embassy, ​​this data may be lower by the Mongolians themselves. The purpose is to get more financial aid from Western countries. In fact, Mongolians themselves believe that their lives are much better than in previous years. .

“Mongolia’s urban population has a relatively high level of education. There are many people who have gone abroad and are generally knowledgeable. In the pastoral area, we visited a herdsman family, except for the old couple. There are also four daughters, two of whom are abroad. The walls of the yurt are covered with photos taken by the daughters from all over the world.” The staff of the embassy told Fan Wuyin, “The living habits of Ulaanbaatar people are greatly influenced by Russia. Although the food structure is still Mongolian , But the tableware and the way of eating are all Western style."

Fan Wubing and the others were strolling on the street. Although they did not encounter beggars, there were many children selling small commodities at tourist spots. Some chased after customers asking for purchases. .

"This is the largest shopping mall in Ulaanbaatar?!" Fan Wuyao couldn't help but his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Although he had not had any extravagant expectations for the people's livelihood in Mongolia, when he saw the largest shopping mall in Ulaanbaatar, Fan Wubian still felt that he was a little bit ouT, unable to keep up with the development of the situation.

The building in front of me, although it looks quite large and strong, and the exterior decoration is also marble veneer, but it looks like a Soviet-style building style in the 1950s. I was originally in the Plains Factory. It is often seen in the factory. Later, Panshi City carried out large-scale demolition and relocation. These old buildings have long bid farewell to this era and become a piece of history in old photos.

"That's right, this is the largest shopping mall in Ulaanbaatar, and it is also one of the first large-scale buildings that China assisted Mongolia to build during the Sino-Soviet friendship in the 1950s." The embassy staff were very enthusiastic. Di Xiangfan explained.

In the 1950s, the People’s Republic of China dispatched more than 20,000 people to Mongolia twice. With their help, factories in Mongolia were erected, and roads ran through Mongolia. Many economic projects that Mongolia urgently needed to develop were It was done with the help of Chinese workers.

But after the Sino-Soviet friendship, Mongolia immediately took the side of the Soviet Union without hesitation and turned around to deal with China.

Over the past few decades, Russia's influence on Mongolia has penetrated into all levels of politics, economy, and culture. Take language as an example. After independence, Mongolia promoted Russian education, and Russian was popular in the upper class of society. The children of the noble and powerful went to study in the Soviet Union, and Mongolian culture and traditions were gradually fading away.

Now, the official language of Mongolia is Khalkha Mongolian, and the Cyrillic alphabet created by the Slavs is used for writing. Those familiar with linguistics will know that the Russian language uses this alphabet, and those of the same ethnic group are of the same root. The traditional Mongolian language is still used in Inner Mongolia. Although the inner and outer Mongolian languages ​​still sound similar, the real communication requires translation. This is a very sad thing.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, the territory of China started from the Altai Mountains in the west, Lake Baikal in the north, and the Ergun River in the east. then. The Mongolian nation had not yet formed. In the Tang Dynasty, the state capital was set up there to exercise direct jurisdiction. In the Song Dynasty, a branch of the northern nomadic tribes began to flourish. Genghis Khan unified the various tribes of the desert and established a unified Mongolian Khanate. Soon after, the Mongols defeated the Song Dynasty regime and established the Yuan Dynasty. After that, this sturdy warrior nation marched to Central Asia, West Asia and even Europe, swept the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea, and the Baltic Sea coast, and established the largest empire in the world at that time.

The establishment of the Yuan Dynasty further integrated the Mongolian and Han nationalities and became an important part of Chinese civilization. Soon after the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Qing government, China entered the era of warlord separatism. Provinces and regions declared independence one after another. Outer Mongolia also joined this process. The driving force behind it was Tsarist Russia.

At the beginning, Tsarist Russia also recognized Outer Mongolia as Chinese territory, and only requested that Outer Mongolia exercise autonomy. However, during the peace talks between the two sides, the Duan Qirui government sent General Xu Shuzheng into Outer Mongolia. Use force to force Outer Mongolia to abandon autonomy.

Unexpectedly, the Duan Qirui regime collapsed in the second year. A group of Tsarist gangs supporting the princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia drove the Chinese Communist Party out of Du Kulun. Another year later, with the help of the Soviet army, the Mongolian Revolutionary Party's troops attacked the Chinese Communists in the rest of the area. The Chinese Communists were defeated. The Mongolian king who accepted the central government's canonization was overthrown, and Mongolia became a constitutional monarchy. Since then, the squadron never entered Outer Mongolia, but the Soviet army remained stationed in Mongolia until 1986.

Fan Wubing looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help but shook his head, "In the past, the state provided too much assistance to these white-eyed wolves. When the people in China were still hungry, there were a lot of them. The money has been spilled here. It cannot be said that it was not a failure. In fact, we did not get any real rewards. If I changed to me, we would definitely not do these big and improper things."

The staff of the embassy immediately stopped speaking. Fan Wubing can say that this kind of topic of criticizing the founding leader is not suitable for following the peace. That is a question of position.

China is poor, this is a sentence every leader has said, but at the same time, the amount and amount of China's foreign aid is also jaw-dropping.

Since the end of the 1950s, aid to North Korea, aid to Vietnam, aid to Cuba, aid to Pakistan, aid to Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge, aid to Mongolia, aid to Albania, aid to Tanzania and "African brothers", government aid is too much, and every time The funds are huge all the time.

It is said that the Prime Minister of Pakistan visited China and asked the Chinese for assistance. At that time, China was not rich, so the Premier decided to give 50 million after considering it, but when he showed the report to the chairman, he added a zero to the end.

With regard to North Korea, when it resisted U.S. aggression and aid to North Korea, China almost exhausted all the country to support it. After the end, in order to maintain the regime, it continued to provide various aids. This situation has continued to the present. According to foreign media reports, China aids North Korea with 500,000 tons of grain, 1 million tons of oil, and 2.5 million tons of coke every year.

According to the principle of “as much as you want and give as much as you want to fight against the US and aid Vietnam,” China has made every effort to assist Vietnam. The amount of aid from guns and ammunition, grain, trucks, medicines, and communication equipment has reached 20 billion U.S. dollars, and even sent 10 billion dollars. Wan Dajun joined the war. Helping them fight free wars, build roads, engage in logistics, and become strong men, using the blood of the Chinese people in exchange for their victories.

But turning around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they used guns sent by the Chinese as weapons, and rice aided by the Chinese as racks and shelters for the guns to shoot and kill Chinese soldiers.

For Albania, within six years, they were given nine billion yuan, which is equivalent to hundreds of billions of dollars now, calculated according to the currency’s gold content and purchasing power at that time. As a result, the factories built with precious foreign exchange resources were heavily indebted by them. Most of the factories stopped production and the equipment was completely abandoned. The aid fortress was used by them to raise chickens, and the aid truck was thrown over the mountains and rusty by them.

For Tanzania, despite their limited railway capacity, they built a 1,800-kilometer-long railway for them. The 1,800-kilometer-long railway was transported to Africa by the Chinese, and the engineering team of tens of thousands had to reimburse everything by themselves. The cost of boarding and lodging, blasting mountains to clear roads, paving and building bridges, all raw materials and construction costs are paid for by the Chinese.

The cost of building this railway exceeded the limit of the country's endurance. As a last resort, the project took ten years and cost more than 2 billion yuan. This kind of investment was used in the country. Not to mention one railway of the same length, five were also won.

Whenever Fan Wubing thought of these things, he couldn't help but sigh, thinking that God gave him such a chance, why should he get back all the things that were thrown here from Mongolia? This request is really not excessive.

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