
Vol 5 Chapter 712: The wind is not calm and the waves are not calm

In fact. Whether it is Russians or Mongolians or other foreign fires. Ichii Noro

The Investment Group bought 40,000 square kilometers of exploration rights and felt a little sneered before opening.

Geological prospecting is different from ordinary things. It’s not that you will be able to prospect after enclosing the material.

Resources come from everywhere, especially mineral resources with investment value can be explored.

There is also a very important problem. It takes a lot of time for quality personnel to conduct exploration.

of. Fan Wubing said that he bought a 40,000-square-kilometer area exploration right. How many people would it take?

member. How much equipment and how long will it take to complete the exploration?

But everyone in the door overlooked one point. Fan's investment group can use the capital at any time

In addition to its own employees, Yuanda also has the entire Chinese military as a backing door, so you can

Pulling out an exploration team of thousands of people is really no problem at all, even if it is hired domestically

There is nothing impossible for Geological Exploration Team Two.

It is for this reason that Menfan has no disease and has the confidence to obtain 40,000 square kilometers of geological exploration.

Right without any scruples. Of course, his wealth is also one of the important reasons.

Microsoft can afford high fines of millions of dollars a day, not because of itself

Is it rich? If you change the door of any other software company, you will not be able to afford it and will be broken immediately.

With the development of various projects in Mongolia, the Erfan Investment Group has absorbed thousands of retired employees.

The military servicemen formed a factory guard team. The second was distributed in the small mining area of ​​the company. The second was used to protect their own personnel.

The safety of workers’ lives and property, of course, weapons and other items are approved by the Mongolian government.

For this reason, Fan Wuyi paid several million U.S. dollars in bribes to high-level officials in certain departments in Mongolia.

But no matter what, the money invested is really big compared to the investment in Australia.

Worth mentioning.

Fan Wubing feels that although Mongolian officials are far more black-hearted than Australian officials

Talk about it, but my investment here is much smaller. Investigate the reason. Second, it’s because of Mongolia.

There has not been a complete set of investment systems in ancient China, especially for natural resources.

Noodle experience is also very inadequate.

I’m hungry because I came here to make a fortune when they didn’t understand anything.

If Fang reacts, secondly, the barrier to enter this market is much higher.

To put it simply, if they directly increase the tax rate by a few percentage points, it will be unprofitable.

It's a picture.

Of course, that's a rather shabby approach. If their government really wants to do that, guarantee

The door that will cause public outrage does not mind using its power to cut off their daily necessities.

The supply is so big that they eat meat every day. Second, don’t eat vegetables if they have the ability.

All in all, as a catty, the inner 6 countries surrounded by other countries have not yet exported

In Haikou’s inner six countries, it’s really not easy for Mongolia to show up unless it’s China

Or if Russia says that it is protected by a big country, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of this embarrassing situation.


Fan Wubing returned to the domestic door at the end of June and now he was from Australia.

The large-scale drilling equipment purchased by Bian'er also arrived in Mongolia and began large-scale in-depth exploration.

Generally speaking, the exploration door is limited by the performance of the drilling rig. The deepest can only be drilled to about 1,500 meters

right. In some areas of Mongolia, the veins are deeply buried, such as drilling to a depth of 800 meters in the northern mining area.

Time. No valuable ore has been discovered yet. When drilling to a depth of 1,200 meters to 1,400 meters

Valuable ore was discovered only after the time.

In order to explore the deep reserves gate, Fan Wubing figured out the vein reserves of the land he had set.

quantity. Purchasing one of the largest Zhaokou drilling rigs in the world from Australia specifically

The rig can drill into the ground up to a depth of three kilometers.

It is said that there are only two large drilling rigs of this kind in the world, and the other conducts oil in the United States.

The drilling rig weighs more than 70 tons. The company uses a large transport aircraft to arrive at the domestic Panshi machine by air.

Yard, and then transported by rail to Mongolia, Dazhe used high-power trailers to transport to the mining area


With such large-scale equipment, the exploration progress of the company is very fast, and the door is in late July.

At the time, the exploration for several important locations has yielded result two and found the most

Research report jointly made by the experts of the important large-scale copper-gold mixed vein No. 2 company and the exploration team

say. The mine's gold reserves reach 500 tons, and the copper reserves can reach 10 million tons. According to the mining area

Divided into four-jin small mining areas such as Oyun Tolgoi Central Mining Area, Southwest Mining Area, and South Mining Area.

The total pulse length is more than kilometers.

At the same time, experts analyzed that, according to the conventional method, there should be several mining areas within 100 kilometers.

We are stepping up exploration efforts, hoping to find all large veins within this year.

At the same time, the exploration team also found two large butterfly mines and one catty small oil and gas field, both of which are extremely

Of mining value.

After Fan Wubing got the news. I'm in a very good mood. My luck in this period is really good.

It's really good. It can be said that the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain are both the second copper mine and the butterfly mine.

One of the most important strategic resources in the one-man market. Naturally, oil and natural gas are not born either; breasts. This

The second thing is done madly and beautifully, and the most important stronghold is that this mining area is away from the domestic non

It is convenient to transport from place to place. 2. If large-scale automatic mining equipment is used, it can be mined day and night.

talk. Why should these resources be evacuated during the contract period?

As for the iron ore that Fan Wubing said that he is very concerned about it, he has not found the second one, but Fan Wubing can be willing.

Definitely say that the big iron ore mine is within the area defined by the city. As for which tool is located

The position of the body is not known, but the exploration team has to work harder.

However, it is certain that I will be able to complete the exploration within this year.

It is estimated that the 40,000-square-kilometer mine in Mongolia should be crying and crying.

Area. The exploration fee was only paid 200,000 US dollars and it was done. Second, it was nothing to give away.


But Fan Wubing thought of the door in his heart

Even more stunned. Second, how did the Americans go to China to dig coal in the first place. Second, how am I today?

Mongolian digging for gold, this is called digging the east wall to fill the west wall.

The domestic media said that they felt a little dissatisfied with the Fan Investment Group’s mining operations in Mongolia.

Can understand that most people think that there are so many domestic mineral deposits, why go abroad to spend that money?

To be younger, he is unwilling to support the construction of his hometown. It’s not patriotic to be older.

Fan Wubing really feels a little speechless for this argument, but this can't be blamed on the domestic

After all, the common people's door had a problem with the previous propaganda orientation. The lack of domestic resources is the actual situation

It’s also an indisputable fact that the grade of the stone is not high.

People at this point are reluctant to talk about it for some reason. This has caused the arrogant self-esteem of the celestial kingdom

Big. Thinking that there is no need to open the door in those wild places is simply sending money to the Mongols


Regardless of this, Fan is not sick or the company. There was no positive response. Second, making money is the king anyway.

road. This kind of news has been noisy for a few days, and the waves are calm. There is really no need to fight with them.

Hold on. It's just a waste of saliva.

The international situation is still not calm and the waves are calm. In early May, the embassy was bombed.

In addition, the two old rivals, India and Pakistan, are also occupying Kargil land in Kashmir.

The fierce armed conflict in the district has continued since the backdoor conflict. More than two months until mid-July

ten days. The armed conflict has only temporarily subsided.

But when Bo Weiping said Bo was going up again on July 9, Lee Teng-hui unexpectedly threw it away.

There is a two-state theory.

In an exclusive interview with Deutsche Welle, Lee Teng-hui openly claimed that the Taiwan authorities had established cross-strait relations.

State-to-state second is at least a special state-to-state relationship, not a China’s internal relations.

Tie. Important figures in Taiwan’s political circles have also trumpeted that cross-strait relations have gone from two kilograms. Peer-to-peer political entities have reached two kilograms

The nationwide cross-strait talks are talks between the state and the parliament.

With the United States as the NATO, under the banner of the so-called "Human rights are above sovereignty," it brazenly bombed.

The wanton massacre of innocent civilians by Yugoslavia Gate has pioneered the use of force to interfere in the history of contemporary international relations.

The terrible precedents in his internal affairs have greatly contributed to the arrogance of national separatists in various countries.

The U.S. fighter planes brutally attacked the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia with missiles. The second is also the history of world diplomacy.

The second atrocities that were rare on the previous year have sharply deteriorated Sino-US relations, and the relations between the two countries are at a low ebb. Anti-American

The Chinese forces have unprecedentedly arrogantly advocated China's threat and are a separatist trend on the island of Taiwan

Support and cheer.

During this period, the two Japanese Diets also passed the new Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines and related bills.

Said that Japan and the United States are ready to jointly establish a theater missile defense system including Taiwan.

Under this kind of international situation, Lee Teng-hui believes that the time has come to split the motherland with foreigners’ self-respect.

NS. I can’t wait to jump out the door, hoping that the international forces can help it split the motherland.

The great power created an Oriental Kosovo.

The long-term monetary diplomacy promoted by the Daowan authorities is hitting the wall everywhere and getting into trouble. Lee Teng-hui attempts

To open up the so-called international space through the two-state theory. Second, get rid of Taiwan’s isolation in the international community~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, mistakenly bow to the international public opinion, so that the international community can understand the cross-strait relations through the two-Germany and two-Korea model.

I tried my best to make the Taiwan issue international with the aid of the United States, Japan and other countries' democratic forces.

On the other hand, second, Lee Teng-hui tried to use

The two-state theory challenged that the second China created momentum for its cronies to win votes.

All in all, July of 1999. Although the end of the world predicted by Novodamus

Japan did not arrive as scheduled, but the international community was turbulent and unstable.

However, there is another good news from Fan Wubing from here to Mongolia.

Large-scale high-quality iron ore.

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