
Vol 5 Chapter 754: Endless war of words

In all fairness, Fan Heng's right to speak in the Politburo is still relatively heavy.

There is no other reason. The position of Executive Deputy Prime Minister he holds is mainly in charge of large domestic state-owned enterprises, but it cannot be denied that the influence on other enterprises is also far-reaching, and the grasp of the status of domestic enterprises is also one of his compulsory courses.

And enterprises are the foundation of a country’s economic lifeline. This has resulted in this piece of business that Fan Heng is in charge of, which can support almost half of the country, plus Fan’s current huge influence, as well as increasingly heavier Personal connections, this family power has become an important force that can influence the international and domestic situation.

No one dares to underestimate the true power of this emerging family, especially the higher the position, the more able to understand Fan Wuyao’s powerful overseas power, and to understand how much the power supported by real wealth can do. .

In this world, the right to speak has become an increasingly important right. Only those who have the right to speak can be regarded as the real powerful figures. To get the right to speak, you need to pay a lot of price, or you Already have the power to make others have to listen.

Although money cannot be the power that dominates everything. But in this turbulent world, as long as you have great wealth, not the kind of wealth that is easy to be wealthy, but the wealth of a wealthy country, you will be able to stand upright and stand on the spotlight. Speak loudly.

Shen Wansan is sad, because he was born in the wrong era. He always has the wealth of an enemy country and has no right to speak. Fan Wuyao is lucky. He can use the wealth he has gathered in the past 20 years to make himself and his family. Standing on a stage where one can express one's own opinions freely, the will of his father Fan Hyung can be transformed into a force that pushes the society to turn in a better direction through the state apparatus.

However, if there is only one voice, there is no need for a Politburo.

When Fan Heng reported the experience of this Southwest trip to the Politburo in writing, he still aroused some different discussions. After all, he was concerned about environmental protection issues, especially the hidden dangers of mountains in the reservoir area, the issue of forests, and small hydropower. The raising of the construction issue touched the sensitive nerves of many people.

"Comrade Fan Heng has encountered many problems this time, such as the mountain environment, which is very important, but is it a bit overstatement for Fenglin?" A committee member expressed his disagreement, "At least in In the current industry, no one thinks that Fenglin has such a big hazard. Planting trees, what kind of tree is different? As long as it is a tree, it can maintain water and soil. This is an indisputable fact."

Another one is even more tit-for-tat. "As far as I know, the Fan Investment Group, founded by Comrade Fan Heng’s son, also has large paper companies in Indonesia and other places, and is also promoting Fenglin. Could it be said that Comrade Fan Heng understands this truth? Do you understand this? If Mr. Fan Wubing knows the dangers of Fenglin, and he wants to grow and promote it overseas on a large scale, wouldn't this be a beggar-thy-neighbor method?"

Fan Heng felt very dissatisfied after hearing these words. He glanced at the two people and said, "It is because I know the hazards of Fenglin that my family will not be sick to build a factory overseas. There is nothing wrong with beggar-thy neighbors. Have you become a lot stronger for beggars? The conflict of interest between the country and the country, which one is not based on your own interests? You don't really want to promote the spirit of internationalism, do you?"

His direct remarks made the two people have no temper. Originally, things between countries are the same thing. Which ones are not calculated by each other, even if the Chinese are naturally mellow and have experienced so many things. After the incident, you should learn a little better.

Any traditional friendship is in Mandarin, and the real focus is on the issue of cooperation between interests and interests, no matter who it is. As long as it is in the way of your national exhibition, it should be removed. This is an iron rule. Otherwise, you will not get exhibition space. Without exhibition space, what are you talking about building the four modernizations? ?

Fan Heng prepared a lot of materials for this meeting. He also brought a personal computer into the Politburo meeting, connected to the laptop through a portable projector, and projected it on the white screen of the meeting room. The ppt projection made yesterday with the help of Fan Wubing.

"Five years ago, the Cotai Group launched the 600,000 tons of Jinhai Pulp project and the supporting 3.5 million mu of green forest project in Hainan, spanning eight years, this is the largest project launched by the group in China." Fan Heng pointed out. With some pictures to explain to everyone, "In the past few years, Hainan has experienced many incidents of destroying natural forests. During the first phase of 700,000 mu of pulp forests, more than 200 mu in Chang'an Township, Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County, has a diameter of 79 cm. The trees in Hongshan Township of Wuzhishan City were chopped down, and more than 50 trucks of Triangle Maple in Hongshan Township, Wuzhishan City were cut down. According to the statistics of the Hainan Provincial Fire Prevention Office, there were 500 symbiotic forest fires in Hainan in three years, of which more than 100 were cited by the eucalyptus company. The affected area of ​​the forest reached nearly 4,000 mu."

Everyone did not expect Fan Heng to be so well prepared. They were surprised how he got the information. After all, he was still inspecting the southwest two days ago. How could it be possible to get the relevant information of Fenglin in Hainan so quickly, and it was so complete. It looks like pictures and texts, and the data is informative?

The two committee members who expressed different opinions to him just now. At this moment, I feel a little regretful in my heart. My heart shouldn’t have spoken against it so early. People are justified and arrogant. In contrast, I’ve made a judgment. .

"After many field investigations, Green and Peace released an investigation report on the deforestation incidents of the Cotai Group's enclosures, revealing the truth about the deforestation of the Cotai Group's enclosures around the world." Fan Heng then showed some information to everyone. Said, “Although the government has very strict laws and regulations on natural forest protection, Greenpeace’s investigation has proved that some of the domestic operations of the Cotai Group app have violated these laws and regulations.”

Indonesia Sinar Mas Group is one of the largest pulp and paper production companies in the world. At the same time, as one of the famous deforesters, it has always been criticized by many environmental protection organizations. The exhibition history of the Cotai Group is closely related to deforestation. For a long time, most of the primitive rainforests in Indonesia have been destroyed by them.

Nowadays, Indonesia’s domestic opposition to Sinar Mas Group is very loud. This time Indonesia’s domestic violence has also suffered some shocks. Based on this, they have recently increased their domestic investment and intend to expand major papermaking companies. Moved to the big six. So as not to fall into the quagmire in Indonesia and be unable to extricate themselves.

From the bottom of my heart, the environment in Indonesia is still what they are attached to. If the Suharto regime was not too harsh on the Chinese at the time, they would not want to leave. But at this time, after some annual exhibitions in the sixth year, they would Suddenly, compared with Indonesia, Big 6 is their preferred exhibition base. The political and legal environment here is really suitable for forest destroyers like them.

Since the 1990s, Sinar Mas Group has turned its goal to China, except for the establishment of paper mills and pulp mills. Cotai Group app has also expanded rapidly in China through staking and enclosing land. It has established a number of plantation investment projects in major forestry provinces such as Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan, in order to obtain as much forest and land resources as possible.

Greenpeace's investigation report on the deforestation incident of the Cotai Group's enclosure reveals the truth about the deforestation of the Cotai Group's enclosure. The report pointed out that Sinar Mas Group has delineated a huge pulp and paper forest base of more than 20 million mu in the southwest and started its so-called "barren mountain afforestation".

However, according to statistics, among the more than 20 million acres of bases delineated by Sinar Mas Group, forest-friendly barren hills account for only one-fifth of its planned area, and the rest are through illegal logging of natural forests and conversion of natural forests into natural forests. Pulp and paper plantation.

"Greenpeace has also investigated the Hainan issue. Now that the Jinhai Pulp Mill has a huge raw material supply gap, it poses a major threat to Hainan's forest resources." Fan Heng changed another slide. "These issues include: Forest land is used to plant raw material forests for contractors and "forestation" on forested land; the policy of returning farmland to forests by car-destroying forests and returning to forests; encroaching on public interests-destroying and changing the ecological functions of highway protection forests, as well as the interests of farmers in cooperative afforestation Unprotected, etc. Due to the poor reputation of the Cotai Group app in the world, many companies in many countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and the United States, do not want to be involved in any environmental damage activities of the Cotai Group app~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And refused to buy its products."

After Fan Heng gave the demonstration to everyone, everyone took the materials with pictures and texts to discuss in groups. Obviously, the situation of using data to speak allows them to understand more intuitively how big the risks they are currently encountering. Several committee members who disagreed on the topic also said at this time that this kind of behavior that harms national interests is indeed intolerable.

However, after discussing it for a while, someone suddenly said, "Oh, I was originally discussing the environmental issues in the reservoir area, so why did we get around the Fenglin issue? Isn't this a thousand words and a thousand miles away?"

Boss Zhu was looking at the information while wearing glasses, and he said, "Hehe, this is prosaic thinking. Since there is a hidden danger, of course, we must prevent the slightest failure and unearth all existing related hidden dangers, and strive to solve them all at once. Otherwise, you will always cause a lot of trouble in the future."

Chief One also said. "This problem needs to be solved seriously, otherwise it will inevitably lead to a major social problem, which will be difficult to clean up at that time."

Everyone nodded and said yes, but when it came to the solution, they found it more difficult to handle.

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