
Vol 5 Chapter 862: Something unclear

Chapter 862 can't tell the 182 things

Fan Dan stood up, put on sunglasses, and then covered half of the face of the villain with a scarf. He didn't know where these people came from for a while, but he just felt that he should be rushing. Go with Shen Fang.

I quickly figured out the identity of the other party. The photographers followed these people, and many of them took out their cameras and voice recorders and squeezed them in front of Shen Fang's hospital bed. Chattering began to ask questions, "Shen Fang, listen to the Provincial Sports Center said that because of your age fraud, you want to record the gold medal you won at the National Games. Is this true?"

Others asked, "Shi Fang. How did you cheat your age? Is anyone here to help you?.

Someone’s questions are even more damaging, “Shen Fang, I heard that you found a foreigner boyfriend. Why didn’t you see him appear after you were hospitalized?”

"I heard that you take stimulants for a long time.

"Are your grades the same as your age? Are there false behaviors?"

"Mother Shen Fang, do you also know that Shen Fang's age is fraudulent, or is it because your husband and wife made this fraud?"

All in all, the room seemed to have gotten seventy or eighty big-headed flies inside, buzzing and very annoying, but Shen Fang's mother and daughter obviously did not expect this situation, they were at a loss for a while, and were blankly stunned. There, I don’t know what happened. Why do so many reporters appear in the ward and ask so many weird questions?

Although these reporters went to Shen Fang's mother and daughter, the hospital bed at Shen Ying was so close to Shen Fang, it was inevitably affected. The shelf for the infusion almost knocked them over. Now, Fan Wuyi is full of excitement here.

Fan Wubing stood up and said, "Give you ten seconds and immediately disappear from the ward. You have severely interfered with the patient's treatment and rest. If you don't leave, I will clean up.

"Fuck you ass! Little. One guy turned around and cursed. More people were too lazy to talk, just surrounded Shen Fang's mother and daughter there and asked.

There is a photographer in order to grab the lens. He even wanted to stand on Shen Ying's hospital bed.

Fan Wubing was really angry. There were reporters who dared to appear in front of him so arrogantly. Is it really tolerable? !

Yes, reporters are the so-called uncrowned king, and many dark and ugly phenomena are exposed by reporters with a sense of justice. He is also full of respect for these people who can truly be called reporters, but the Uncrowned King is definitely not these guys who bite and bark around like dogs in order to grab news and create an atmosphere!

If Fan Wubing gets angry, the consequences will be very serious. He immediately dialed his cell phone and said to the bodyguards, "Come upstairs and call me if none of these reporters are left. Remember to record. The pen, the camera, the camera were all smashed, and then they were thrown out of the window!"

Fan Wuyi’s bodyguards were downstairs, and Lixuan rushed over after hearing this. When he saw the chaos in the room, he was immediately anxious. Five or six bodyguards had to clean up a dozen reporters. NS.

After only hearing a violent sound of ping-pong-pong, the reporters and cameramen in the room were beaten to cry and cry. Two bodyguards guarded the door and packed their voice recorders, cameras, and video cameras. After a while, the memory card or video tape was ripped out, smashed and torn, and then threw it on the ground and stepped on two feet, and finally threw it out through the window upstairs. There is a small pond under the net. Although the weather is cold, But it didn't freeze, so it threw it down like this. It was obviously distressed to see the reporters grinning one by one.

At this time, Shen Ying's liquid was lost, and a bodyguard called the nurse to come over and pulled out the needle.

The reporters all squatted on the ground at this time, holding their heads in their hands, shaking with fright.

Fan Wubing helped Shen Ying walk past these people, and confessed to the bodyguards, "Let them go out in half an hour, whoever is not honest, just throw them downstairs."

"Yes!" the bodyguards agreed in reply.

When he walked to the door, Fan Wubing added, "By the way, collect all their ID documents, and the newspaper will implement it. If anyone is courageous enough, if today’s things leak out, Even their newspaper broke up!"

"Yes!" the bodyguards agreed.

After getting out of the hospital and returning to her car, Shen Ying asked, "Oh, you should tell them to stop harassing Shen Fang and the others. Being surrounded by such a group of reporters and questioning them, it must be uncomfortable in my heart." That's not enough. After such a disturbance, ordinary newspapers would definitely not dare to report this...

If the courageous newspapers still harass them, it is also the kind with a strong background, and it would be hard for us to intervene. "Fan Wubing replied.

"Do you think it's possible for Shen Fang's age to be faked?" Shen Ying asked after thinking about it.

Fan Wubing thought about it for a while before repliing, "There should be no waves without wind, right?

"Why fraud?" Shen Ying asked.

"In international gymnastics competitions, there are stricter requirements for age than arrogance, and too young to be unable to participate. Therefore, some people use false reports of their age to let the young players edge 7", Fan Wuyao replied, "Weeping is not only a practice In China, the same is true in the "Guofei" year. Therefore, the organizers of the competition generally have a comparatively qualitative review process to check the age, but there are still people who get confused. "

"Since there is a test, how can I still get through it?" Shen Ying asked curiously. Fan Wuyao scratched his head. "Many large-scale international sports competitions now verify the true age of participating athletes through the technical means of testing bone age. However, it is very possible that some people are motivated and disregard the health of the athletes or even die. Live, long-term high-dose allows young athletes to take hormonal drugs such as growth hormone, artificially change the athlete’s normal bone growth state, causing the athlete’s bone condition to be several years older than the bone at the real age. Since then, I have been fooled by the bone age test.

"Long-term use of growth hormone will definitely have an impact on the body, right?" Shen Ying asked.

"Of course.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied.

Because of long-term use of growth hormone, the results are the same as the fatal consequences of long-term use of stimulants, male hormones and many other drugs. After these athletes finish their sports career, most of them will be left with lifelong injuries and disabilities.

It can be said that this and the so-called desperate and unscrupulous behavior for the sake of competition results and honor have far deviated from the purpose of sports competitions and exceeded the basic moral bottom line of human society.

To obtain gold medals and honors by harming athletes' bodies and health, and to make many ignorant citizens fall into an irrational gold medal frenzy. This kind of crazy national sports mechanism really requires every citizen to seriously reflect on it. Yes, but to come back again, as long as there are sports events, cheating of one kind or another will inevitably occur.

"Under the guise of constantly challenging the limits of human physical capacity, countless ugly behaviors are born every day. Before, it was exposed that former Soviet gymnasts used to get female athletes to conceive and then abort in order to get results. In this way, women will get pregnant. Produces a large amount of estrogen, which can achieve the effect close to doping, but it will not be detected. White women have good physique, unlike the yellow race who have confinement, so the improvement of sports performance is quite obvious. Said to Shen Ying. “The current sports exhibition model is shifting from a national fitness to enhance national fitness to a competitive sports exhibition that simply pursues national honor. While countless sports funds that should have been shared by the public are transferred to professional athletes, it is also Countless unscrupulous acts of fame and gain have been concocted, as long as they are driven by profit. This situation cannot be reversed. Shen Fang's age fraud was mostly carried out under the operation of his team. "

"How can you be sure that her age really existed when she cheated? And you can conclude that this is an organizational behavior?" Shen Ying was a little puzzled by Fan Wuyao's words.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Ordinary people, because of the wrong name on their ID card or household register, or the wrong month of life, going to the police station for dozens of times may not be able to solve the problem. It is because the other party has made a mistake. I really think that something as important as the life month can be changed if you want to change it?"

After hearing this, Shen Ying nodded, oh, apparently also figured out the strangeness in it.

"As for the authenticity of age fraud. This is inferred based on her condition. Generally, like her in this year, she is also an athlete, it is difficult to have femoral head necrosis. It's clear to the heart." Fan Wubing continued.

Generally speaking. Bone and joint injuries caused by strenuous exercise are more common in joint wear or joint dislocation. Adult athletes have stopped growing bones and joints ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once a similar joint injury occurs, it is extremely difficult to repair it naturally, but Because the skeletal cells of minors are still in a fast metabolic state, for some small bone damage, they only need to strengthen the combination of nutritional conditioning and treatment of hemorrhoids. The ability of natural bone repair is very strong. It is extremely rare that Shen Fang suffered from such a serious disease before the age of twenty, and it is already in the advanced stage once it is now.

Femoral head necrosis is a disease of more than 40 or 50-year-old middle-aged and elderly people. The long-term lack of calcium and protein intake of human bones due to malnutrition or some pathological changes in bone lead to joint necrosis and loss of normal function. , And another situation is that due to other diseases, long-term high-dose hormonal drugs cause a large loss of calcium in the body, severe osteoporosis, and femoral head necrosis.

It is common for underage adolescents to fail to keep up with their nutrition during their growth and childbirth, leading to insufficient intake of calcium and protein, which are more likely to lead to osteoporosis. However, strengthening nutrition or supplementing calcium can prevent and restore bone quality. healthy. And diseases like femoral head necrosis are very rare in patients of this age. Could it be said that Shen Fang would have been inadequate nutritional intake for a long time during his career as an athlete?

This shows that Tsai is very contradictory and it is difficult to justify himself.

Today's second update arrives, please ask for double monthly pass to support one, one, one, one (to be continued)

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