
Vol 5 Chapter 870: House thief is the hardest to defend

And in various parts of the large aircraft project, this person has some doubts about Qian Fandan’s choice of a Jewish man of this age as the managing director. He thinks that as a strategic project in China, a foreigner should be the general manager. The manager is a bit weird.

In addition, some people questioned it.

Choosing a foreigner to serve as the general manager will cause some country's secrets to be leaked out, causing very heavy losses? There are also some people who have raised different opinions about Maximus's age, believing that he is an old man who is almost 70 years old.

Can you stick to this?

The Wencheng of the project is unknown. How can he be allowed to hold such an important position? Even if you want to choose a general manager, it should be a strong talent this year, right? Fan Wuyao is dismissive of this, and the reasons he has disclosed to the public seem to be very convincing.

"For the large aircraft project, if we digest and utilize the old-fashioned basis, and supplement it with the technological level of the current era, if we can't get results within ten years, then it will be another fifty years later. There are no results."

Fan Wubing said to the project leaders of various parts, “Ten years is not a big deal to Mark. There are quite a few people! I also believe in Mark's ability.

And the degree of enthusiasm for work far exceeds that of many senior managers in China, at least he is dedicated enough! If you are going to send me a group of bureaucrats to drag me down.

I don't mind pushing them back one by one! Here I rely on performance to speak, not a place to gild for the pursuit of political performance! "In fact, he does not need to say.

Most people who don’t have two brushes don’t dare to come here to hang out. After all, it is a big project under the name of a joint venture. The final budget may exceed a large project day of hundreds of billions of yuan. It is certainly good to be able to hold a position in this kind of management organization. , It is helpful to your official career, but if you don't have the ability to hold these positions, if you force it in, you will only make yourself in a dilemma. In that case, you will lose more than you gain.

After all, there are many places where you can get political achievements, and it’s not too bad in such a place. You must know that some places are not only stable, but also have a lot of oil and water, which are suitable for bureaucrats to stay. On the contrary, it is such a large enterprise with too high technical content. It's too difficult to have a meal.

If you have something to do, you wouldn't be willing to come here for mixed qualifications.

In fact, Maximus, as the managing director, is mainly personally responsible to Fan Wuyi, so the team he has established.

Except for some of the old subordinates who followed him, the rest are mainly some of the more capable management personnel in the headquarters of Fan's Investment Group.

It is difficult to manage a large group enterprise with more than 200,000 employees without a certain amount of courage. Of course, it is also impossible without a capable management team. At present, Fan Investment Group is acquiring various companies through a large amount of capital injection. At the same time, they use their status as major shareholders to integrate these companies. 1 With efficient digital management and an experienced senior management team to integrate their resources, so that they can form a powerful company in a short time. An efficient workforce will form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

In fact, for Maximus's experience, basically no one can single out the fault. After all, the person who served as the senior vice president of the three major US companies is also a very successful business person.

Moreover, he was born in the most proficient Jew, the halo on Maximus is very dazzling.

The only thing that makes people worry about it now is his foreign status, which makes some nerve-sensitive departments feel a little unreliable. In case a little confidential information leaks, it will be great fun.

In fact, Fan Wubing would really not dare to give him such an important position if he changed to another person.

But Maximus is different. As his partner, Maximus has long ceased to worry about money. Now being invited to serve as the managing director of the Aviation Manufacturing Group Company, he actually wants to gain a good reputation. That's it, and I value not only his management experience, but also his foreign status.

With Maximus under the guise of a foreign executive, he can be more internationalized in the operation of this new company, and the benefits it brings are obvious.

In addition, the China Aviation Manufacturing Corporation under the leadership of Fan Wuyao has also launched a large-scale public expansion of senior managers to the world. The recruitment positions cover operation management, production management, marketing, and technology research and development. , Capital operations, etc. This is also the first time that a China-** industrial enterprise has publicly expanded the recruitment of senior managers overseas.

Although Fan Wubing has always emphasized that the China Aviation Manufacturing Group Corporation is a completely civilian enterprise and produces large civilian aircraft, it is obvious that various departments do not think so. They still use this newly formed group company from the habit. Ge 1 belongs to the scope of military industrial enterprises.” Therefore, many people have expressed different opinions. They believe that military industrial enterprises are the lifeblood of the country and the nation. They are related to national security and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. They are highly confidential and sensitive. It’s not suitable for foreigners to intervene as senior managers in the field.

Especially for key areas and departments involving military technology research and development and application, we must always maintain a high level of vigilance and awareness of confidentiality, and tolerate the slightest fluke and negligence.

The hidden dangers and risks brought by such recruitment to my career are too great, and no one can bear this responsibility in case something happens.

It can even be said that such a recruitment policy full of high-risk factors should not be set up at all. If it is not, it will lead to wolves into the room, resulting in irreparable losses and harm.

Although the new group company also stated that it would conduct background checks on the foreign executives it hired, and sign confidentiality agreements and the like.

However, it is obvious that background checks and confidentiality agreements cannot eliminate the doubts and worries of many people.

Nor can it fundamentally prevent accidents and major leaks from happening.

Regarding this, Jiang Lue of the Ministry of Security also found Fan Wuyao, and strongly expressed dissatisfaction with his decision.

He believes that foreign work has always been a major weakness of many departments. Those who should be publicized should not be publicized, and those who should be understood should not be understood, so that people in many countries around the world still think that China still lacks food and clothing. How many people A situation where you can't talk together casually.

This is in addition to the slander and smear of the hostile forces.

Our own inaction and mediocrity in external work are also important reasons.

With this level of foreign work, it’s not difficult to adjust the quality and credibility of the agricultural background, let alone complete strangers, even for foreigners who are planning to hire. Knowing something, it is never easy to finally get the true and comprehensive situation.

It is not difficult to imagine that most of the external and superficial things that take a lot of effort are hard to peek at the hidden deep levels.

For foreigners, there are no domestic conditions and means to conduct detailed investigations, especially the spiritual consciousness such as ideological tendencies and values, as well as whether they are responsible for espionage, etc. These are invisible from the outside.

As for strangers who don’t know anything, how can we distinguish the authenticity of the background information and circumstances obtained through investigation? It is possible to be confused by the illusion and still kept in the dark, because there is nothing to compare and refer to for identification on this issue.

And Jiang Lue also said, "Now that the recruitment news has been made public, the foreign spy agency will immediately pack one.

The spy should be too late.

What advanced methods and means does the relevant department have to carry out the screening? You may not have a good understanding of the thoughts, morals and values ​​of Chinese executives, let alone foreigners living in other countries? In view of this, we must not hire foreign executives in our military industry enterprises. Who can guarantee that we will not end up with the unbearable consequences of opening the door? Even if someone can promise, I can't believe it."

Fan Wubing only smiled after listening to Jiang Lue's words.

"Don't laugh! I'm also doing this for your own good. I just ran over to say these things for the sake of national security. Do you think I'm doing nothing but doing nothing?" Jiang Lue smiled when he saw Fan Wuyi's face. Yi, said suddenly very displeased.

He has been in a relationship with Fan Wubing for many years, and he has been doing well. In addition to his special position, he can exchange many words directly, but he is not afraid that Fan Wubing does not like to listen. Guan is really a spy with a special mission, or a person with hostile ideologies and values.

He will not reveal flaws easily, and it is difficult for you to find abnormalities.

Wait for it to fully or largely grasp the secrets.

We could not interfere even after returning home through normal channels, and he would never come back.

I don’t know how we can deal with this situation? Extradition: Not to mention that it is impossible for foreigners. How many of our own people have escaped abroad and extradited back? Sue; who listens to you? Who pays attention to you? Fine: Will he worry about money if he does this? If such an unbearable situation occurs, it means that it is too late, and all its evil consequences can only be borne by China itself.

Therefore, if foreign executives cause major damages and threats to national security, no one can afford the shocking responsibility for causing major losses and harm to the fundamental interests of the nation! It is extremely unrealistic and impossible to expect a non-disclosure agreement to bind foreign executives.

Not a fantasy! It is also naive and naive to an astonishing degree! Those hostile countries and forces that dream of encircling, containing and splitting China do everything they want. Will they tell you credibility? "Fan Wuyao nodded. He is quite clear about this. Take the United States, it has always put its own interests first and double standards. It is the terrorists who attacked it, and they carried out bombings and murders in China. It is not terrorists, but what the United States wants to protect and use to harm China.

Under certain circumstances, the non-disclosure agreement is nothing more than a non-binding piece of waste paper. Only the mentally handicapped will fully believe and rely on it, and the agreement may also become a cover for foreign executives with unpredictable minds. amulet.

In terms of retreat, even if he does not abide by the confidentiality agreement in China, you still dare not do anything to him. Not only does his mother Congress put strong pressure on him, but also some people in the country worship foreign and flattery, and it has become a habit to be weak and retreat. , How dare you do him? Another point is that even if he has no problems during his term, how can he keep his secrets restricted after returning to China? All in all, Jiang Lue believes that Fan Wu's decision to make such a recruitment decision that contains great risks and uncertain factors, and the relevant parties approve its implementation, is really confusing and inexplicable.

Can't help but question Fan Wuyi's basic concept of secrecy and his sense of responsibility for the safety of the country and the nation? Jiang Lue feels that for military enterprises, at best, they can only recruit a small number of foreign consultants or experts after rigorous review, and they only conduct special work on the matter. They must not be allowed to enter confidential areas such as overall management and core technology. .

If used properly, this effect will also be very good, and the risks and costs will be greatly reduced.

"Military industrial enterprises belong to the country's highly confidential field, not vegetable greenhouses, pig farms, chicken farms, etc., so you must not hire foreign personnel to intervene at all times.

The recruitment of foreign executives from military enterprises is enough to prove that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quite a few of us are still very indifferent to the concept of confidentiality, which is almost equivalent to not having this awareness.

This kind of unsuspecting, open city gates and actively attracting foreign personnel into our military industry and other highly sensitive and confidential areas cannot but make people worry about it.


Jiang Lue said to Fan Wubing with anxiety, "Even if foreign executives do not disclose secrets, they cannot do so. This is determined by the high degree of confidentiality in the military industry and the high standards and requirements that must be guaranteed to be foolproof.

In case of an accident, the risk is too high and the cost is too high.

We don't need to take this risk like placing a bet, let alone pray for the foreign executives not to leak the secret.

Not hiring at all will fundamentally block the secret channel of foreign nationals, and the province will be nervous and anxious all day long.

You can also focus your energy on preventing leaks from Chinese citizens. How proactive should this be? For a sovereign country, there should be no foreign executives in its military enterprises anyway. This should be a highly symbolic international rule, not just a leak.

But after Fan Wubing listened to Jiang Lue's words with a smile, he blocked his mouth with just one sentence, and it was tightly blocked. "Minister Jiang, did you ask you to say that? No leaks? The missile incidents in the past two years, as well as the strategic deployment map leaks, were all foreigners done?" "You" Jiang Lue suddenly had nothing to say, he didn't expect Fan Wuyao to expose the shortcomings. Kung Fu is more powerful.

As the saying goes, it's hard to guard against a thief!

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