
Vol 5 Chapter 872: Plan to change career

Chapter 872 The plan to change career

Both Dan Bing and Zhuo Lei talked about it in this hall. I saw the goblet platform in the shape of Shi Narita Dingcha. Someone on the upper level was putting wine into it, like a waterfall falling along the four directions, and soon the entire tower was filled with orange-red liquid.

Many people greeted her after seeing Shen Ying walking in. At the same time, they all looked at Fan Wuyao who walked in with her with a certain understanding, and nodded. Obviously, because Fan Wuyao and Fan Heng grew up. For the very similar reason, the veterans of the liquor industry are also very special to him. "According to incomplete statistics, excluding production that is entirely family-style, there are more than 30,000 domestic liquor companies, of which more than 4,000 are independently accounted for at the township level and above, and the annual product sales revenue is 5 million yuan. The above-mentioned state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises were more than 1,300 last year.

As of the end of last year, the total assets of the liquor industry were more than 90 billion yuan, the total liabilities were about 50 billion yuan, the net accounts receivable was 10 billion yuan, and the average balance of current assets was more than 48 billion yuan. Count one hundred and seven days.

In the past, domestic liquor companies were small in scale, scattered in production, and had many hand-crafted workshops. After years of exhibitions, through the waves of market competition, some companies have grown in scale, and corporate benefits have gradually improved, and economies of scale and diversification have clearly manifested.

At the same time as the large-scale exhibition, some famous and high-quality liquor companies with capital and good market sales have adopted joint ventures, acquisitions, mergers and other methods. Externally implement capital expansion and carry out asset reorganization; internally carry out technological transformation, expand production capacity, and form various forms of liquor enterprise groups or limited liability companies.

Last year, there were nearly 70 liquor companies in the country with a production of 10,000 tons of liquor, of which more than 30 liquor companies had a production of more than 20,000 tons. These liquor enterprise groups use the capital, technology, management, and brand advantages of the main factory to continuously expand their business areas. Gradually penetrated into other fields or high-tech industries, and achieved good results.

With the use of mechanized equipment and the advancement of technology such as microcomputer blending, the quality of liquor products has been continuously improved. Various injuries in liquor have been effectively controlled and rationally used. In order to adapt to market competition, liquor companies attach great importance to brand building and cultivation, and the number of famous and high-quality liquors has shown a trend of rapid growth. New brand products continue to appear and are recognized by consumers.

In order to improve efficiency and avoid industry risks, in addition to expanding into low-alcohol liquor, wine and fruit juice, many large enterprise groups have begun to diversify industries such as real estate, hotel, finance, printing, feed, and medicine based on their actual conditions. Chemical operation. Adhere to the wine-based, comprehensive development management policy, and has achieved good economic benefits.

Soon after the two entered the hall. They were kindly invited by the organizer and invited them to sit at the VIP table and have a discussion with the bosses of several famous wines.

Shen Ying and Fan Wubing did not make any excuses. After all, the output of Shen Ying Distillery has exceeded 100,000 tons, and the benefits are even more outrageous, enough to make the old liquor manufacturers feel jealous.


In fact, in the past two years, the life of liquor companies has not been very easy, and the life of the major companies here is also like people drinking water.

The highest annual output and sales volume of Chinese liquor reached 8 million tons, but since 1998, the domestic liquor industry has begun to decline. Production and sales have been declining year by year, and the output and benefits of the liquor industry have experienced a significant decline.

China's beverage marketing is also facing various contradictions. After the battle for advertising and the battle for online, the last battlefield of the business model is born in the terminal. Because there are more wolves and less meat, the hotel has become a god, and the winery has become a servant of burning incense to pay tribute. Various charges such as entrance fee, shop celebration fee, small corkage fee, private room fee, etc. make hoteliers happy, bitter liquor manufacturers, and beer with low gross profit is also unlucky.

The terminal winning enthusiasm that has emerged from Hangzhou is sweeping the country. More than 80% of mid-to-high-end hotels in China are constantly raising the threshold for entering stores. The phenomenon of buying stores is becoming more and more intense. Slogans that refuse to bring their own drinks are everywhere in many hotels. visible. The makers of the rules of the game in the liquor market are no longer manufacturers and distributors, let alone consumers, but hotels that deceive customers. Consumers were knocked down by the game again, and some of them began the almost cruel punishment of Chinese liquor to resist the alcohol addiction and simply did not drink it.

What to do after the terminal? Either innovate faster than the opponent, or set the norm earlier than the opponent, otherwise the company will not be able to win a competitive advantage. Rather than looking at the operator’s face in the hotel to fight a hand-to-hand battle with competing products, it is better to jump out and start from the root to grasp those dealers who have many approved channels and reputable dealers to cooperate, integrate their superior resources to reduce operating costs, and give consumers real Affordable price parity.

When everyone talks about these things, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of emotions. Today's market is difficult to do, and everyone is basically a competitor. But the problems encountered are the same. Of course, there will be many common problems in the communication. ※It is really difficult for Cezhao liquor manufacturers to attract investment. Manufacturers must promise their distributors to support the various handsome and diverse products, because they have to be in line with the industry and compete against the competition, but the distributors do not buy it. Once other brands compare The policy of this manufacturer is more favorable, and the distributor recommendation will immediately change course and find new love. It is difficult to attract investment, and it is even more difficult to market. Often some short-lived brands are abandoned by dealers, and manufacturers are tacitly prepared for a one-shot deal. Can such a cooperative relationship last? "One boss talked with emotion." Another boss also replied helplessly, "It's not easy for manufacturers and distributors." "Distributors choose new products every year, and they are all different. Attracted by the huge profit margins of manufacturers and swallowed up by huge marketing expenses, dealers become porters and lose money if they fail to move them. On the one hand, dealers know that product quality comes first, but on the other hand they demand Manufacturers put a lot of advertising, although they also know that the brand that the advertising plays is unreliable, but no advertising is absolutely impossible.

Manufacturers invest a huge amount of money, but the market is not as easy to do as imagined. The huge cost of input has caused the price to be inflated, and the product price is seriously out of touch with the value, which is of course difficult for consumers to accept. In order not to fall further into the abyss, the manufacturers have to pay for promotional activities, which cannot be accurately evaluated, so the rebate is not discussed. Distributors want wages and reimbursement. The factory sees a loss, and refuses to reimburse on the grounds that the distributor’s reimbursement expenses are false. .

"Hangzhou entered the source of the show fee and quickly spread to large and small cities across the country. There are many names for the entrance fee and sponsorship fee. There are good reasons. The restaurant and the restaurant have not negotiated. "Who let you have so many liquor brands? That's not the case with manufacturers. I don't pay for it, which doesn't mean that other manufacturers don't. The fees for entering the market are getting higher and higher, and the terminal fees for liquor companies are getting more and more expensive. "Another high-end beverage boss complained bitterly, "Opening a hotel terminal is a long-term stereotype of wine manufacturers. Looking back on history, there are indeed many cases where the hotel has been vigorously operated to stimulate retail sales and thus promote the success of merchants and batch sales. Manufacturers often put their energy and bargaining chips on the catering market to form the focus of competition in the market, and always put hotel openings as their top priority. When the Internet enters the market, it starts a large-scale shop entry work. While one-sidedly pursuing the market rate and seizing the commanding heights of catering, it also paid a huge amount of entry fees and various miscellaneous expenses. However, the hotel side put forward various requirements such as management fees, festival fees, decoration sponsorship, door light boxes, etc. at any time. It’s not to be blamed when you settle the bill at the end of the year."

Now, many liquor companies are exploring the path of diversification, but diversification is not so easy to do.

Industry diversification is always a card that many leading companies love to play. It seems that it is the only way to become bigger and stronger. However, this road seems to be full of thorns and cancos, and it is even full of bitter blood and tears.

For example, Wuliangye has started its diversification road since the 1990s. It has been busy with expansion. It has crossed multiple unfamiliar industries from its main business in an instant, and has moved faster and faster on this road.

In 1997, Wuliangye, the leader of the liquor industry, set foot in diversification, and the 50,000-ton alcohol production line was put into operation and died. Afterwards, Wuliangye's meticulously built pharmaceutical group known as Asia's first-class pharmaceutical group seems to have died. In the Ampernes Asia whisky project, tens of millions of dollars were lost for nothing, and production has now fallen into discontinuation. Immediately after the Global Plastics Co., Ltd., which invested 400 million yuan, the production was intermittent because the local electricity could not meet the production demand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

In 1998, Wuliangye became the owner of Huaxi Securities. It has reached a transfer agreement with the Sichuan Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau, but it was terminated before the equity transfer. Later, it planned to enter the apparel industry without any problems.

As for now, it’s even more outrageous. For a while, it was rumored that Wuliangye would use 10 billion to enter the chip industry. Then it was rumored that Wuliangye would cooperate with Japanese companies to produce automobile molds. Then it was rumored that Wuliangye planned to invest in computer monitor projects. It is reported that Wuliangye Jige has entered the diesel engine project. True or false, it really makes people feel at a loss.

Fan Wubing looked at the group of well-dressed bosses and shook the red wine in the wine glass, with emotion in his heart. It seemed that if the glass was still wine, it was actually blood and tears!

Fan Wuyi felt that at this time. In the next few years, the liquor industry will continue to face the overall decline and market shrinkage. Instead of allowing Shen Ying to continue to suffer in this currency market, it is better to sell as a whole. Taking advantage of the momentum of his own winery, after cashing out, enter the network The game industry is better.

At least, the mentality of playing online games is better than making bitter wine.

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