
Vol 5 Chapter 880: Entrepreneurs of online games

13423 Chapter VIII Entrepreneurs of Online Games

Lead...Shen Ying wants to engage in online games. Really started from scratch. The so-called starting from scratch does not mean that she has no funds, but that she has no human resources at all as the most important resource for the online game industry.

It's no wonder that Fan Wuyao gave her more than a dozen people from the software department of the club, which is regarded as sponsoring her.

However, these people in the old club seem to be a little bit unhappy, because although Shen Ying offered them a higher price in the new company, there is nothing in everyone’s minds about online games, an industry that has not yet formed a scale in China. Dier, who knows how long this industry can last?

If you stay in the fat old club honestly, at least this salary will only get better and better. After all, it is a public ear that has entered a stable exhibition period than the old club, and has formed its own corporate culture, both at home and abroad. The influence is very large.

Giving up the opportunity to exhibit in such a good large company and going to a newly formed online game company does not seem to be in line with their life goals. After all, entrepreneurship is unpredictable.

However, there are benefits. One is that Shen Ying’s salary is half higher than before, and now there are more than a dozen people in the new company. It can be said that all of them are elites and all of them are talents. . All of them are the veterans of the company. After that, the company will definitely recruit a lot of new people. That is to say, they will soon become executive-level figures in all departments. If Shen Ying is really allowed to build this company Now, these dozen people will really become the pillars of the new company. The treatment at that time is really unpredictable now, and maybe you can still enjoy the benefits of stock options.

In other words, risks and opportunities are at the same time now. It depends on whether these people can start the online game industry. If they succeed, everyone's future will be bright. As for the company's biggest advantage, it is capital. After all, Shen Ying's initial investment was over 100 million yuan, and he also let it out. There are still four billion yuan to make the bottom. If the five hundred million are all lost, he would consider withdrawing from the online game industry.

When Shen Ying said such words, everyone's heart is a little bit in his heart. At least he knows where the bottom line of Shen Ying's online games is. If you want to know the company's operations, you have to talk with the people in the finance department. To build a relationship, I often ask how much money is left on the company's account to burn. Knowing this situation, I won't worry about accidents.

In this way, Shen Ying's new company was pulled up in the situation of a dozen people and seven or eight guns.

The first problem to be solved is the name of the company.

"If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. Everyone tells us what kind of name we should have to be more vigorous?" Shen Ying directly raised this question when opening the company's first staff meeting. "Yin." Everyone in the advertisement is good at talking! Many names were proposed, such as what is Huaxia, Dingtian, Century, Zhongtian, and what else is perfect and grand. Fan Wuyi, who was sitting by the side, immediately expressed his opinion after listening. "This. Forget about grand and perfect. Now the two-character names are more widespread. Let's consider the four-character names."

Fan Wubing thought that Shanda must have already registered the company at this time. Perfection is not very clear. It's just that they are still engaged in game agency. There is no early days, and it will be two years later that they will be able to play online games. Jie is emerging, and if he wants to name himself, he should choose a more domineering name.

"I heard that the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is also engaged in office network services. For example, the business of the registered company has also moved to the Internet. If there is a name or something, it can be submitted through the Internet, and then pre-reviewed. If there is no duplication or violation It’s time to go through the formalities.” An employee was familiar with this matter, so he told everyone.

Shen Ying nodded and said. "This is a good thing, then let's have an online pre-trial, after all, it is an online game company, and it can't be separated from this network."

Everyone nodded and said yes, saying that this incident will be recorded in the company's history, and it should be very famous.

But take a name. Of course, it can’t be simple. Several of the employees are high-achieving students from majors. They can cite scriptures and read books, from ancient Greek mythology to modern Chinese dictionaries. They have to be profound and catchy. This can’t be sloppy. .

Soon they came up with a name called Brahma Chuangshi, and now the two-character company name is basically gone. There are still some **** names, so Fan Wubing asked for a four-character name. Many people know the story of Brahma's creation. Think about it, this seems to have never been used. It can also be a good way to express the importance of entrepreneurship by these people, just like a groundbreaking feat in the online game industry.

"I originally wanted to give a name to the creation of Pangu, but it's a pity that the name Pangu has been used a lot. So let's combine the brilliance with the ocean. After all, India and China are both ancient civilizations. Some thoughts of ancient India, It has taken root in China. It doesn’t feel inappropriate to do so.” An employee also explained specifically.

"I think Xing Xiao, do you think?" Shen Ying nodded, and then asked Fan Wuyi.

"You can do what you say." Fan Wubing expressed full respect for Shen Ying's autonomy.

It happened to be office hours at this moment, so everyone connected to the Internet, and then went to the website of the 6 Industrial and Commercial Bureau and submitted their own applications. Because the online business here is still in the trial operation period, so they are more thoughtful and give The promise is to reply within two hours.

Therefore, everyone was studying the current important tasks while eating and drinking and waiting, finally reaching the time. When I went to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce to check on the Internet, I found it failed, and the other party asked for an explanation of the name.

"Did we make the name a little too complicated?" An employee first thought of the other party's low level of education, or a science buddy who never paid attention to classical literature, so he went on related projects again. Added explanation.

There is a noun in the Buddhist scriptures "Sheng Dharma Hua Sutra", Brahma is the light of creation, and Brahma is a **** similar to Pangu in Indian legends. The Sanskrit was created, and the meaning of Kaiyuan creation is taken here.

After fixing this explanation. As soon as Fan Wubing saw a meal, he proposed to invite everyone to dinner, "In order to celebrate the establishment of the company, I invite everyone to dinner, which is considered to be congratulations on your behalf. "Advertising" OK! "Everyone praised Feng

There were more than a dozen people in front of them, and the two tables in the restaurant were completed, so I followed Fan Wuyi and Shen Ying a lot, found a hotel, booked a room, and started ordering.

In fact, the employees who came from the old club were also very happy. They used to be in the old club. It is difficult for people at the department manager level to see the big boss Fan Wuyin again and again. Now they can sit at the same table and eat with Fan Wuyin, which is really lucky.

What's more, the new boss of these people is Fan Wuyi's wife, Shen Ying, and this relationship is also very useful.

Crowd of people eating and drinking. Two hours passed quickly, and before returning to the lunch break, an employee turned on the computer. Then go online to search the application results on the website of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

The result is very annoying. Actually let someone call back again!

The request made by the Bureau of Industry and Abandonment website is for them to explain in English.

"Damn!" The employees couldn't help but swear, and one of them said grimly, "I am damned, Ah is originally Chinese, how can I interpret it into English? Besides, the original text is Sanskrit, I How can it be interpreted in English? The industrial and commercial regulations stipulate that as long as Chinese is required, why is English required here?"

"Okay, don't complain. It is estimated that it was intentionally embarrassed. An employee said, "Before it was handled by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and it was necessary to pass cigarettes and alcohol. Now it is changed to the Internet. Naturally, the handlers are not. If you are so willing, of course you have to get a card. small.

"I don't think it's the same thing." Some people expressed different opinions. "It is estimated that the clerk does not have a high level of education, and understands this Brahman Sanskrit character to be burned. Burning the sky, it is too reactionary. The name must not pass! So you have to re-explain the meaning of the word ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to him clearly, and finally add a clause in the description, Brahman means pure, not burned! "

"Hey, why is it so troublesome for us to do things here? A few days ago, my friend set up a company in Singapore, which is convenient. They serve you. You submit the materials, pay the money, and do everything for you. There are a lot of introduction materials, telling you what to do next, and what department to find if you have difficulties. What kind of preferential policies does the country have." Some people muttered a little unwillingly next to them.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but laugh while listening, but he also felt that the other party must not understand this. What is Brahma? It would be much simpler to write him a Pangu, but it doesn't sound as powerful as Brahma, traditionally speaking. Generally Chinese people believe that monks from outside can recite sutras, so this Brahma should be louder.

After the subordinates got another look, they were lucky this time. It is estimated that the other party has finally figured it out. Brahma's meaning was finally approved in his reply, and he can go through the formalities tomorrow.

All in all, it was so tossing about it, and Shen Ying's Fantian Chuangshi online game company was officially put into operation.

, The second one today is sent to Pengyizha...

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