
Vol 5 Chapter 885: Weather in the New Year 0

2423 Chapter VIII The Meteorology of the New Millennium

Lead... Fan Heng entered the door. Just say to everyone. "It's so cold. It's not painted. The climate is too abnormal."

The driver took his jacket over. Then hung up, put down the briefcase, said hello to everyone, and left.

Today is New Year's Eve. The driver secretaries that Fan Heng gave him are all on vacation, and everyone is rushing back to celebrate the New Year at this time. Of course it runs fast, once a year, the Chinese are the most particular about this.

"Oh, maybe I can catch up with the Spring Festival Gala," Zhang Mei said.

Fan Wubing said with a smile. "Who still watches the Spring Festival Gala now, it's just a little more background music when chatting. But during the Spring Festival, did your Standing Committee members not engage in any activities?"

After Fan Heng sat down. He drank his mouth water, and then replied, "Each has its own business. There must be a group worship activity early in the morning tomorrow. After that, everyone will have to go to the various mouths they are in charge of. Happy New Year to the grassroots cadres and the masses."

In recent years. There is almost no situation where national leaders spend the New Year at home. Every holiday is basically spent at the grassroots level with ordinary cadres and the masses, but Fan Heng, as the executive deputy prime minister, is busy with actual affairs unless it is necessary. He doesn't participate much in the small entertainment scenes. Of course, the Spring Festival group worship is definitely indispensable.

Moreover, the government has paid more attention to energy recently. Tomorrow, it will probably fly to a certain energy province to inspect the work and pay New Year's greetings to the grassroots cadres and the masses. So I have to leave Beijing after the morning


"Oh, when I became a member of the Standing Committee, I rarely spent a few days at home." Zhang Mei complained.

Although she works in the Ministry of Education, and the level has also been mentioned as deputy ministerial level, but the actual work is not a lot, even if she is often invited to participate in some activities, it is floating, and it does not necessarily have to be attended.

The situation of compulsory education in China has always been very worrying. In terms of the number of students, the country has the world’s largest compulsory education system. The number of school students is 0.65 billion, and the total number of the two is nearly 200 million.

Yiguo runs big education. This is a very difficult task financially. The maintenance of the goal of social justice is even more a permanent challenge.

The key to the popularization and development of compulsory education is to solve the problem of funding for compulsory education. This is the common responsibility of governments at all levels to ensure and develop compulsory education. However, the problem of how to divide their respective management powers around financial sharing , The government has gone through a arduous exploration of the financial system of compulsory education.

Since the introduction of the top education system and the implementation of modern education, it has a history of nearly a hundred years. During these hundred years, the popularization of compulsory education has always been proposed. Therefore, compulsory education has become a symbol of the modernity of the country. .

In recent years, the government’s emphasis on compulsory education and the popularization of compulsory education have been more based on economic value. In the late 1990s, both the central and local governments increased their investment in compulsory education, and many provinces also It was at this time that the popularization of compulsory education was completed, and some impoverished provinces, such as Yunnan and Guizhou, are also accelerating the pace of universalizing 9 and 6 universal education.

The importance of education is self-evident. On the one hand, the educated enhances their competitiveness after acquiring knowledge and skills. In the future, you can get a relatively high income and more spiritual enjoyment in life. On the other hand, a considerable part of the educational benefits spill over to the society through the educated, improving the labor of the entire society. Productivity improves national culture and moral quality; ensures that the country’s democratic system can operate in a better environment, and promotes social exchanges and economic development.

"The current situation is that although many children in poverty-stricken areas have received our support in terms of material, for example, the Hope Primary School has been built, equipped with a variety of advanced teaching equipment, but from the perspective of the rationing of teaching service personnel , Is quite insufficient. Because of the remoteness of some schools, there is no teacher who can use these equipments at all. They can only be used as a model for the media to watch, and as a performance project of the local government to show to the public. In fact, the role played can almost be ignored. When this matter is not mentioned, Zhang Mei said to the family. Xiao Yindang’s segmentation said that Yindang’s advertisement "house" is natural, born in reality, and the local government The phenomenon of misappropriation of education funds is also very serious. Since education produces both internal and external benefits, this determines that education should not adopt a full government supply method or a full market supply method. It must be arranged according to the size of the external revenue. If education expenditures at different levels are provided entirely by the market and the industrialization of education is achieved, the scale of education provision will inevitably lead to a lower level of education provision than the effective provision level.

Because the external benefits of different stages of education are different, the country provides different levels of expenditures for different stages of education. As far as basic education is concerned. Because of its large impact, low unit cost, and large external benefits. In order to encourage people to consume such products, it must be provided free of charge. This is also the reason why most countries in the world implement free compulsory education. For higher education, due to its small external benefits and large internal benefits, partial subsidies should be adopted. In this way, the individual is the main bearer of the cost.

"People's income and status in adulthood depend to a large extent on the level of education they received when they were young. However, education, as a human capital investment, is obviously limited by the budget of each family. Therefore, poverty has led to an increase in the human capital market. Unfair competition and unequal educational opportunities will continue the original income distribution gap and further expand the original income distribution gap. This is contrary to the requirements of fairness, and this is the market defect in the distribution field. "Take a break, take a break." The book title part of "Said" is the text version of the website "House". Fan Wubing said to his mother Zhang Mei, "The concern for fairness goals directly leads to government intervention in income distribution. Furthermore, the inequality of educational opportunities also runs counter to the efficiency requirements. Because children from poor families may not be able to fully use their ingenuity because they have not received basic education. This results in a waste of human resources. The government provides education from the perspective of redistribution and participates in human capital investment, which is conducive to the political stability of the country. Contribute to the realization of fairness and efficiency goals, and also help promote the sustainable development of social economy. "

"About this. The government has been working hard to increase funding for compulsory education, but the effect is not satisfactory." Seeing that everyone was talking about compulsory education, Dad Fan Heng also intervened. After all, although he is now in charge of state-owned enterprises. However, there are also many problems in running schools within state-owned enterprises, and this area is also under his control, so I have to worry about it a little bit.

Regarding Qiyiyiguangwen block, Zhezhe is also discussing. It is to reduce the burden on the enterprise, so that all kinds of businesses run by the enterprise, such as schools, hospitals, and other miscellaneous industries, are removed and promoted to the society. Only in this way can the enterprise concentrate on the development, and no longer need to be distracted by these things.

It's just that the current orientation is that the recess exhibition is the top priority. Although the funds allocated by the central government are earmarked for special purposes, it is hard to tell when it comes to localities. For the sake of political performance, local officials did everything. Let alone misappropriating a small amount of funds?

This has led to the fact that education funding has been increasing, but the effect has gone from bad to worse. Leaders must be worried.

However, Fan Wubing also said, “You have to use money to talk about everything. The total economic output is still relatively low. It seems that the Chinese are not worried about food and clothing, but when it comes to spending money, it feels that it is not enough. For example, for this large aircraft project, don’t you still have to privately fund it?" "Small" take a break, let’s take a break The idea is useless. Fan Wubing is now able to understand the high-level thoughts. Everything needs to be spent, and everything needs to be stretched out. Where is it so easy to come out for private visits? Many simple ideas from the folks. But it doesn't seem very practical.

"You have caused a lot of trouble with this matter. Now it's hard to say whether it is good or bad." When it comes to the large aircraft project, Fan Heng will inevitably have to say a few more words, because in the final analysis it is still to be counted on him. In terms of performance, state-owned enterprises, although they are joint ventures with private individuals, they are still state-owned enterprises from a fundamental point of view, but the situation is somewhat special.

From the standpoint of an veteran military industry, whether it is from the standpoint of the current state-level leader, Fan Heng definitely hopes from the bottom of his heart that this project can be carried out and finally achieved practical results. Rewrite China's aviation industry, and the Chinese use large aircrafts developed and manufactured by the Chinese themselves.

This is not just a matter of fighting for a breath, it also involves hundreds of billions of annual economic benefits, which is the only way to stimulate domestic demand to maintain a high level of economic growth. Fan Heng would feel tempted when he thought of this scenario.

But there are also some bad aspects. First, Fan Wubing was pushed to the forefront and became the focus of media attention. You must know that within this huge bureaucratic system, not everyone wants the big aircraft project to succeed. Yes, and it is not ruled out that some people will even do it for various purposes. It is conceivable to do everything possible to obstruct this project.

After all, once the large aircraft project is successful, Fan Heng will be the other biggest beneficiary besides Fan Wuyi, as the direct leader in charge of state-owned enterprises. This is to be included in his political achievements.

Even if Fan Heng can continue for two terms, then within a short ten-year tenure, such a large system engineering problem can be solved, and there are also previous successful examples of state-owned enterprise reforms. Fan Heng In the entire modern economic history, the evaluation will be raised very high.

The family quickly sat together and began to eat, and Fan Wuyi's cell phone made didi didi sounds from time to time. Obviously received a lot of text messages.

However, after Fan Wubing picked it up and took a look, his expression was a bit awkward.

Shen Ying was a little curious when she saw this, and asked to take a look at his mobile phone. Then he pursed his lips and said nothing. Just continue to eat, a big hot pot in the middle. But it is steaming and it is most popular with everyone.

After eating, Fan Wuyi sat there, and began to reply with text messages one by one. Naturally, it was not someone else who sent him the text messages on this mobile phone. They were all his girlfriends. At this time, Fan Wuyi Suddenly I felt a little big head. Although the harmony of the harem is expected, Shen Ying doesn't seem to have to do what she wants. He only requires a teapot with only one tea bowl, but the water in the teapot is limited after all, and there is too much porridge.

Passed a glance. Fan Heng said to everyone, "Well, I will leave early tomorrow morning. Your mother will also go to the Ministry of Dough to worship, and she will also go down to the grassroots to pay New Year's greetings, so this red envelope will remain."

"Oh." The reaction of everyone is not very big. These guys are rich people. In contrast, the parents of Fan Heng and Zhang Mei are not low in salary, but they are really poor.

However, everyone still welcomes such things as Chinese New Year red envelopes. After all, it is a picture. auspicious. It's not that I took a fancy to the little banknote in the red envelope.

This time, the red envelope Zhang Mei gave to everyone was empty.

Several people couldn't help feeling very surprised. They looked at each other and didn't know which part of it was playing?

"Mom, did you forget to stuff money in it?" Fan Wubing opened the empty red envelope and asked his mother Zhang Mei.

Dad Fan Heng coughed, and then sternly said, "Well, helping others is the basis of happiness. This year's rules have changed a bit. In previous years, you received red envelopes. Now you are all married and you are married. It should be changed to a feedback type."

"What do you mean?" Fan Kang asked, scratching his head.

"From now on, our family will have a theme activity every year. This year's theme is to help students. So, you all put some money in it. It can be regarded as our family's support for education this year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Mei explained to the side. Tao. Xiao Yindang divided and said Yindang’s advertisement "House"". Your mother and I’s salary this year hasn’t changed, so we just stuffed it in. You look at it a little bit, anyway. With a heart, we will send it to the place where it is most needed through relevant channels tomorrow."

"Oh, this is to support, benevolent and generous, it is a traditional virtue." Fan Kangxian agreed.

Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, "Oh, anyway, this year has a lot of windfall, so that's it. Parents are trying to attract others. Of course, we can't be stingy. How about adding four zeros to the donations of parents? "

Fan Kang flicked his fingers and counted, and then said in surprise, "Oh? Isn't that hundreds of millions?"

"Four zeros!" Zhang Mei said with a smile immediately, "The total is 2.2 billion, all bosses sign the order!"

"So much?! When did your wages go up?!" Fan Wuyao was also taken aback, thinking that my parents' wages didn't seem to be that high before, right?

"I also counted the money I won from playing mahjong at the net," the mother said calmly. "The first one will be delivered today. I ask for a monthly pass to help Yizhou... Yichuan

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