
Vol 5 Chapter 887: Layoffs? Pay cut?

4423 Chapter VIII Layoffs? Pay cut?

At the beginning of the year, it was naturally more lively, but not many benevolents and officials came to Fan's family for New Year's greetings.

This is also very easy to understand. After all, apart from those who really have an unusual relationship with Fan's family, ordinary officials are not good at rushing to the door. Moreover, Fan Heng and Zhang Mei are both going out to the grassroots to pay New Year's greetings at this time. As for the children of the Fan family, they have their own places to go. It is simply an empty city. It really doesn't make much sense to come here.

And there is another point, once the official position reaches the extreme, it is not realistic for you to bribe him. Just like Fan Hyung, who is not short of money and power, what else can you bribe him?

Even if you really want to express a little bit of your heart, it is nothing more than sending some local specialties for children, sending some tea or something, just like the old men from Panshi who came to the capital, always have to pick up some things. Walnuts or something, but Jiangnan Province has some specially fried tea leaves.

But to be honest, this is just a mind, because now Fan Hyung is more casual in addition to eating at home, accepting foreign food, always subject to strict inspections before entering, there is always a very dedicated person by his side. The responsible security team is responsible for the handling of all security matters related to it.

It’s no wonder that Fan Heng sometimes said with emotion that the master is lonely.

Fan Wubing sometimes laughed at his father, saying that when he didn't reach this position, most people sharpened their heads and squeezed them upwards, but once they sat in this position, they felt the same. This seat is not easy to sit on. Take Fan Heng himself as an example. He doesn’t talk about it hard, and he often has to post it upside down, but it’s not cost-effective.

Of course, if you change your mindset and let yourself become vulgar, then the job will be much easier, win over the hearts of the people, buy all of them, play with power, engage in internal fighting, and pack a few Xiaomis. It is indeed alive. It's very chic. It’s just that if you do that, it’s not his fan.


When Fan Wubing and Shen Ying went out, they changed to a very ordinary-looking Rolls Royce. The one originally opened by Shen Ying was left in her family's house. The current one is a bulletproof car specially customized by Fan Wuyi at the Rolls-Royce manufacturer, with a larger capacity. The captain has also been added, and even the tires are made of special materials. Although the exterior looks nothing special, it is even a bit old-fashioned, but once it encounters a situation. Li Xuan can fly at 260 kilometers, and the decorations inside the car are also famous.

For example, when necessary, a steel ball ejection system can be raised in the trunk to eject a broad bean-sized steel ball at an initial pain of 200 meters per second. It can be compared to a pistol. It is most convenient for self-defense. After all, with a steel ball of this specification, it is not too much to bring a thousand pieces. Putting it in the trunk will not cause any problems.

What's better is that there is a computer control system in the car, which can easily control the aiming direction of the steel ball ejection system, and there is also an automatic locking system, which is completely transplanted from the automatic locking system of the missile, although there is no The automatic locking system of the missile is so perfect, but it is more than competent to deal with martial thief. Even if the opponent is equipped with powerful firepower like the threat, it will not break through the defense system of this vehicle, and it is very likely to suffer. Xiao Yindang's division said that the only shortcoming of Yindang's advertisement "House" is that this car is not enough to pull the wind.

Therefore, when going out, Shen Ying asked, "Why don't you drive your golden sports car and drive my car?"

"That car, it hurts to drive." As soon as Fan Wubing mentioned the golden sports car he drove when he was married, he said to Shen Ying a little bit painfully, "The Wuling Xiaoji guy is a big show! It's okay to make a car like this and drive out once. , I have to fall two taels of gold, even if I am a prodigal, I won’t throw gold on the street every day, right? As the saying goes, one tea and one meal is hard-won thinking, half a thread and half a strand of constant thoughts and material resources are difficult! Even if I can make money, I can't forget the hard days of the past. I have to know that my goal at the beginning was just for the whole family to be able to eat pork every day. What a simple person!"

"You like Sui Sui Nian when you're okay. It's like this before the seven and eighties, what can you do in the future?" Shen Ying leaned against Fan Wu's side with concern and complained.

Fan Wubing beckoned to the driver. Let him drive the car over, ready to go to the company headquarters for a round, and then to the Bigang club for a round. There are also production bases in the suburbs of Beijing. Condolences to the employees.

The two people were talking about it, but Wushe Xiaoji drove over, but it was a new year greeting to Fan's family. The top luxury cars he ordered for Fan Wuyi were all top luxury cars, but he drove a very ordinary one. The off-road vehicle produced by my company, of course. Ordinary appearance, the inside is also added.

"Ha, happy new year, boss lady!" Wu She Xiaoji stopped the car and said with a smile. "Small" take a break, let's take a break. The title part of "Said" is the text version of the website "House". "I'm just talking about you. Get me such an expensive sports car. If you don't want to drive it, it's better to go out for half of the exhibition. Okay.

Wushe Xiaoji replied, "Publicity is all publicity! Because of this golden sports car, our company's personal customization service project has a long-term exhibition, and some relatively low-key little rich people in China like it very much. It’s not an exaggeration, but you can also enjoy comfort. This service is able to meet their needs. It is estimated that they can earn an extra five or six billion yuan each year. "Fan Wubing immediately patted Wushe Xiaoji on the shoulder when he heard the words. "Let's go to the headquarters to sympathize with the employees later. Are the red envelopes ready?"

"Everything is ready, I've been ready long ago." Wushe Xiaoji has a lot more brains than Fan Wuxing for the company, and it is a suitcase with neat red envelopes inside.

Shen Ying smiled and said to Fan Wubing, "You have a good helper."

"I have a group of good helpers." Fan Wuyao also smiled. If it weren't for so many good helpers, it wouldn't be such a great cause.

They got into the car and were about to get out, but unexpectedly another car drove up, but it was the No. 1 license plate of the Lingxi Provincial Government, and it was obviously the governor of Lingxi Province who had passed the pass.

Fan Wuyi had to confess to Shen Ying, then jumped out of the car and walked over.

Guan Luping moved faster. He came over immediately after seeing Fan Wuyi, and after shaking hands with him, he smiled and said, "It's better to be late than to be late. You won't be able to touch President Fan if you are a step late."

Fan Wubing said, "Happy New Year, Governor Guan is very busy, this season should be non-stop."

"It's okay. There are a few projects that can't be stopped, and I have to stay in the capital for a few days." Guan Luping took a look at Fan Wuyi's car and it hadn't stalled, knowing that they were going to rush out, so there was not much. What he said, just greeted Fan Hyung and the others. Then he asked someone to fetch a box and said to Fan Wuyin, "When I came, I brought some Lingxi specialty dog ​​berries to Vice Premier Fan, and some calligraphy and paintings that our Provincial Painting and Calligraphy Association gave to Vice Premier Fan. , It's not worth any money, it's just a good luck."

After watching Fan Wubing accept it with a smile, Guan Luping said goodbye and left.

Shen Ying opened the box with some curiosity. After looking at it, it was a new work, but it looked very good.

Seeing that she was looking at these calligraphy and paintings, Fan Wubing said to her. "There are still several famous calligraphy and painting celebrities in Lingxi Province. Although these calligraphy and paintings may not be very valuable now, if I guess it is correct, these few authors should be senior authors."

"Why?" Shen Ying asked inexplicably. "Small" take a break, let's take a break Ah, as long as the author is alive, the price will not go up. If there will be no more new works after returning home, the market price of these paintings will naturally rise sharply. "Fan Wubing explained to her, "So when they usually send paintings and calligraphy to leaders, they will not send the paintings of the late author, because in that way, the traces of bribery are too conspicuous, but there are no paintings for young authors. What do you mean, after weighing it, of course, it is most appropriate to send the paintings of those very young authors who have seen time running out, and the leaders can also appreciate their painstaking efforts. "

"Does this happen in officialdom?" Shen Ying asked again.

"Almost, the so-called insights in everything are learned. As you know, you are good at writing. If you want to be promoted, you can't help but think about it. The most important thing is to figure out what you want. You think that promotion depends on the wishes of the voters. Promotion is from top to bottom, do you understand the truth of these two words?" Fan Wubing said.

Shen Ying tilted her head and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not going to be in politics, so why bother with that brain? When you are so caring, do you still want to be an official one day? "

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "How could it be possible that I am only a special adviser to the State Council now. This is just to make things easier on certain occasions, otherwise they would give me a deputy ministerial treatment when I was so young. Is it that easy for you? It's just a vain title! How free now, do whatever you want, why put a curse on yourself? For the country and the people. That's a hero!"

Two people chatted, and the driver drove the car to the old club, after three people got off. It's just now that people are also engaged in group worship here. Most of the company’s middle and high-level executives came here. There were a large area of ​​various cars parked in the yard. Looking around, the imported famous cars were arrogant one after another. It can be seen that the treatment of the company’s middle and high-level executives in the past few years is really a bit too much. Generous.

"Ha!" Fan Wuyao thought suddenly, "Now that the global network industry is in a downturn and the focus on the industry is sluggish, you say that we are also in line with international standards, layoffs, and salary cuts. Is it reasonable?

After hearing this, Wushe Xiaoji immediately opened his mouth and said, "It’s not appropriate for those who are celebrating the New Year.

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