
Vol 5 Chapter 890: Also play tricks

6423 Chapter VIII also play tricks

They are busy in the company, while Fan Xin is still in Xiaohai Province after taking a special plane. Then accompanied by the leaders of Donghai Province. Go out to sea by boat and inspect the drilling platform here. And several offshore oil and gas field projects under construction.

The construction of East China Sea oil and gas field projects has always been relatively low-key.

The East China Sea oil and gas field project is a large oil and gas field developed by China in the West Lake Four Depression of the Six East China Sea Basins. It is 500 kilometers southeast of Shanghai and 350 kilometers away from Ningbo in the East China Sea area. The location is called the West Lake Depression Area of ​​the East China Sea by experts. . This, currently China’s largest offshore oil and gas field, consists of four oil and gas fields. In addition to Chunxiao, it also includes Pinghu, Canxue, Duanqiao and Tianwaitian oil and gas fields, covering an area of ​​more than 20,000 square kilometers and having proven natural gas reserves of seven. Over tens of billions of cubic meters, invested and constructed by CNOOC and Sinopec.

Since more than 20 years ago, China has begun to conduct oil and natural gas surveys in the East China Sea, and many oil fields have been present. Five years ago, Xinxing Company succeeded in trial drilling in the Chunxiao area.

Since CNOOC has exclusive rights to China's offshore oil and natural gas resources, CNOOC will be responsible for the construction of oil fields in the region since then, and Xinxing was also acquired by Sinopec this year.

However, at the same time that China is building the East China Sea oil and gas fields, Japan has proposed that since the Chunxiao gas field is only five kilometers away from the middle line between Japan and China, large-scale exploitation in this area will lead to an agglomeration effect, and the interests of Japan will be Damaged, so Japan protested China’s unilateral actions and demanded that China stop opening. China does not recognize the legitimacy of the Japan-China middle line. It is pointed out that the boundary between the exclusive economic zones of the two countries should be in the Okinawa Trough.

Because of this matter, the domestic initiative here has been very slow, probably because of the issue of disputes. However, recently it has been stimulated by international oil prices, and Donghai Province has obtained the approval of the State Council to do it first. He said again and again, your Japanese devil's objection is against, I should work and have to work, I can't listen to clam clams, right? The governor of Donghai Province, Wu Fukuan, is a typical person in the south of the Yangtze River. He has a soft and slow accent. Fan Heng inspected a few fields under construction with his escort, and then asked, "Is there any movement on the other side recently?"

The little devils often come to harass. Although they do not cross the boundary, the helicopters are always around here. Xiao, Wu Fukuan replied, "But the opposition from the civil organizations on the other side is more severe. From time to time, people drive in small boats to protest. On two occasions, they tried to climb onto our platform."

"How do you generally respond?" Fan Hyung asked.

"I didn't respond much. Ignore them and left. The other party protested as if they were singing. What should we continue to do." An executive in charge of oil and gas field construction replied nearby.

"No, it's too weak to do that." Fan Heng immediately shook his head and said, "If we don't let them understand our firm attitude, these people will come to harass them. Is there any project that the other party has started? "

Wu Fukuan didn’t understand Fan Heng’s intentions for a while. He didn’t know what Fan Heng meant by being weak. He didn’t dare to talk about where the bottom line was. A drilling platform project, but it has not yet officially started

Fan Hyung frowned and said, "Energy is the lifeblood of a country's economy. Why did Japan launch its war of aggression against China at that time? Wasn't it just for plundering resources and plotting to show? This teaches us that we can't forget it for a moment! They promote their middle line. , We must also adhere to our view of the Okinawa Trough demarcation line, and we must not let them think that we have acquiesced to this middle line rule."

"What does Vice Premier Fan mean?" This matter is very relevant, so Wu Fukuan didn't dare to call the shots indiscriminately, looking at Fan Heng eagerly and asked.

Generally speaking, there are not many state-level leaders who have clearly stated their positions. Most of the time they are humming and coping. If a clear attitude is formed, it means that a consensus has been formed in the Politburo.

However, Fan Heng was obviously an alien. He glanced at Wu Fukuan with a little dissatisfaction, and then said. "Let's talk about courtesy." "" Wu Fukuan suddenly realized after hearing that, since we insisted on the viewpoint of the demarcation line of the Okinawa Trough. Well, if the Japanese devils mine there, it also violates our legal rights. If you can come to us to make trouble, we can go to your side to protest!

Everyone has his own stand and his own principles. It depends on who has the upper hand.

Sometimes the work of the government is not very easy to do. People from the other side rushed to protest and formed a habit more often. In that case, it would take up to three points even if it was unreasonable, and it would obviously increase a little even during a lawsuit. Impression points. But the Chinese are a bit too honest. Even if the other party is bullied to the door of the house, he never protects his own legitimate rights and interests. That's why there will be September 18th that day. When it is time to make a move, you have to make a move in time, otherwise they will only treat you as a soft guy to bully.

However, Wu Fuzhen is also a little worried. The government will come forward to organize such a thing. Once it spreads out, Burning Disease is definitely worried that people from other forces will be passive if they use it to suppress Zi Renlai. It's like giving people a handle!

Fan Heng saw his hesitation. There are so few people who are willing to do things down-to-earth. They are all thinking about their official hats. After shook his head, he said, "You can have a spectrum in your heart. I will Find a suitable person to come over and operate this matter, and then you will leave if you provide convenience. It is indeed a bit inappropriate for the official to dispatch this matter.

"Yes. Yes." Wu Fukuan nodded repeatedly. Since he didn't make the shot himself, the problem is not big.

In fact, to be honest, it's like a demonstration or protest. Generally speaking, in addition to the vital interests. They are all organized activities. Otherwise, the East China Sea oil and gas field issue is not directly related to the interests of ordinary people. How could there be so many civilians charging forward and defending what national interests are fearless?

Take the devil’s protest organization, for example, it is also composed of rogues who are employed by the Japanese government. For them, there is basically a private fund to sponsor activities, and there are also right-wing Japanese lawmakers who are raising the flag for them in the parliament.

The main reason why Fan Heng expressed his attitude towards the East China Sea oil and gas fields so clearly was the result of Fan Wuyao's discussion with him. At present, the international crude oil market is brewing a new round of rising prices. Domestic oil resources and digestion capacity need to be improved. For the oil and gas field projects on the East China Sea that are waiting to be opened, it is necessary to maintain a high degree of attention.

Fan Wubing attaches great importance to this, and specifically pointed out what kind of harm will be caused to China’s national interests once it surrenders to Japan. Opinions are not consistent. Some people still feel that it is no good to be stiff with Japan. It is best to be able to fool the past, even if you must fight for a ugly one. It's also best to put it in the future. During my tenure, he should still focus on being safe.

Fan Wubing was very speechless for this kind of passing attitude. Therefore, he also understands that he wants to fight for greater interests. It can only be started from the private sector, but the actions of the private sector cannot be acquiesced by the government. It was impossible to unfold at all. This time Fan Hyung took the opportunity of inspecting Donghai Province to pave the way for Fan Wuyi's future actions by the way. At least when Fan Wuyi brought people over to deal with the matter, he avoided it. A lot of trouble.

The competition between countries is actually a competition between interest groups as interest groups. As an unprecedentedly powerful Fan Investment Group, it is fully capable of intervening in the policy decisions of East China Sea oil and gas fields. Since they are fighting for their own interests, it is necessary to do everything they can. For international competitors, it is a hostile relationship, and all means should be used. The so-called fair competition is nothing more than wishful thinking of the disadvantaged. In fact, where is there any fair competition under the intrusion of famous international consortia and large enterprises?

One of the most famous examples is the man-made destruction of China’s jumbo jets in the 1980s, which forced the United States to open up the market for McDonnell Douglas aircraft. "" The Chinese jumbo jet that was already flying in the sky at that time suddenly cut off all funding inexplicably, and without any clear instructions and decisions, all personnel were dismissed in a daze. It is still unknown where the severance order came from, and even a single word of record is not left.

China's large jet plane steamed from the world unexplainedly.

The person who ruined Yunshi back then, UU read www.uukānshu. com arranged his family in the United States in advance. After destroying the big plane, he went to the United States to reunite with his family. The whole family is still enjoying the beautiful beaches and bright sunshine of Hawaii. 'If someone suspected that the dismounting of a large plane was a conspiracy, they would definitely be criticized as ultra-leftist and Cold War mentality. However, the fact is that China’s large jets were destroyed in one fell swoop in the 1980s, forcing China to still buy American planes. , Has long become a classic case publicly disclosed by the US Central Intelligence Agency.

The CIA's success was not just because it bought the head of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, but because it took advantage of the Chinese people's revenge for the Cultural Revolution. One of the main reasons for destroying the large jet aircraft at that time was that the Gang of Four had been focusing on the development and production of the large aircraft, and keeping the large aircraft was not good for criticizing the Gang of Four.

The easiest and most convenient way to defeat a big country like China is to provoke disputes from within. The Americans have obviously realized this a long time ago.

Fan Heng knew these things very well, so he felt that his son Fan Wuyi's words were not unreasonable. When it was time to use the means, he should never be a gentleman. Without a bit of trickery, he would be no different from a fool.

…The third one will arrive today, please ask for monthly ticket support…one by one

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