
Vol 5 Chapter 899: Color cotton and soybeans

1[o]423 Chapter 899 Color Cotton and Soybeans

Dan Bing and Cui Qi stayed at the planting base for a day, but Tian Manhua actually called him to come over, mainly to request an increase in the budget for scientific research. The five hundred million that had been invested previously had basically been paid.

"It's really burning money!" Zhang Qi said in a little amazed after listening. "Fan Wubiao said justly, "The actual research and practice lasts for about two years, with less than 300 million investment in a year, and an average of less than 1 million a day in expenses, which is really not that much. You have to know that Meng Sandu's scientific research fund is two million US dollars a day, and we can't compare with others. "

"I can't say that. Shen Manhua explained to the side, "Although the boss gave a special allocation of only 500 million, our actual income, except for the necessary equipment upgrades, is basically invested in scientific research. NS. When calculated as a whole, the actual investment is also around 1.5 billion yuan. "

"Such a base has a lot of profits, more than some listed companies." Cuiqi calculated that the construction cost of the planting base was aside. In three years, only 15 years of scientific research were invested. One hundred million is indeed a big deal, which is rare among other domestic companies. What's more, this is just a farming company, not a high-tech company.

Fan Wubing suddenly laughed when he heard the words. "You don't know what is going on with domestic currency companies? This little one is nothing comparable."

Zhang Qi is very clear about what Fan Wubing said. The so-called state-owned listed companies are good performers in one year, losses in two years, hovering on the verge of asset restructuring in three years, and are overwhelmed by countless new shares after three years. This historical law seems to have not been broken since the birth of the domestic stock market.

However, there is also a problem with Cuiqi, which is that the research in the base is all plant-based genetically modified projects, and there are no animal-based genetic research projects.

"The research on plant genes is relatively simple, and I don't want to create a large number of freaks in the laboratory." Shen Manhua answered this question.

Fan Wu was not ill. In fact, he was also a little disgusted with the problem of animal genetic modification. Shen Manhua did this. It coincided with his idea, but for scientific experiments, one was abandoned. The research on this aspect is indeed a pity.

But think about it if the plant-based genetically modified project and the animal-based genetically modified project are carried out at the same time, the funding investment will be even greater, at least three times more than the current investment. Such a large cost is indeed a bit for cultivating freaks. Children are hesitating.

Fan Wuyi's final meaning. It is also a sprint for the research of plant-based genetically modified projects, focusing on one point and making breakthroughs in the shortest time. That is the best.

In the past few years, Shen Manhua has made some famous achievements here, especially the research on the genetic modification project of cotton seeds has made breakthrough progress.

When it comes to genetically modified cotton, one cannot fail to mention Guo Sandui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences who has made the most achievements in insect-resistant cotton. Before he developed insect-resistant cotton, the domestic cotton seed market had always been monopolized by the American Meng Sandu Company. of. Afterwards, his insect-resistant cotton seeds quickly changed this situation. Although there is still a market for genetically modified cotton seeds of Meng Sandu Company in the United States, it is already declining and its market share is constantly being compressed.

The development direction of genetically modified cotton seeds researched by Fan Investment Group, in addition to insect resistance, is focusing on the generation of heterochromatic fibers.

"In fact, this means that after cotton grows, it is no longer a constant white, but generates various colors according to our needs, and this color difference can be controlled within a small range." Shen Manhua Explained to Hui Qi, and then glanced at Fan Wubing, "This is also a problem that Mr. Fan personally explained to us to overcome."

"Colorful cotton grows automatically?" Zhang Qi suddenly asked with excitement after hearing this, "That doesn't mean that we don't need to dye it? We can produce colorful cotton thread directly?"

Shen Manhua smiled and nodded. "Yes, we thought it was a bit weird at the beginning, but experiments proved that this idea is indeed feasible, and now we have obtained some satisfactory sample genes in the lab."

Seeing Zhang Qi was very interested, Shen Manhua agreed to take her to the laboratory to see a sample of cotton

The safety and security level of the laboratory is very high. It not only needs to pass the identity verification, but also needs to pass the inspection of several guards. The identity of the incoming person is backed up in the computer system before entering a room of the color cotton genetically modified project research room. Sure enough, thousands of colorful cottons are planted here, and the red, blue, yellow, and purple cottons that can be seen, but the chromaticity of some colors can not meet the requirements of the researchers.

"There are really colorful cotton!" Zhang

"Colored cotton that grows naturally. Obviously it is more environmentally friendly than cotton dyed with pigments, but considering genetic changes, we have not yet come to a very clear view on whether it is good or bad? Shen Manhua Said on the side, "So now we are only strictly controlling their growth in the laboratory. We are worried that it will affect other crops. We will not consider officially launching this variety until the morbidity or toxicity test is completely passed.

Fan Wubing is quite interested in this color cotton variety, otherwise he would not have specifically asked to conduct research on this project before.

Some naturally grown cotton is dark brown when picked. In fact, Indian farmers in the Americas are very familiar with cotton that is not inherently white, but the fibers of all brown cotton that is native to the Americas are too short to be imitated by machines for commercial use.

American botanist Sally Fox discovered that these cottons had a strong interest in colored cotton afterwards. She patiently cultivated cotton varieties with darker and darker colors, and selected those fibers with sufficient length and strength to be imitated into fabrics. It produces varieties of clothing, bed sheets, towels and gloves, and founded the Natural Cotton Color Company ten years ago to sell cotton in various colors.

The varieties sold by the company include red-brown, yellow-brown and olive-green cotton fabrics.

Since the colored cotton is not processed by any dysprosium and the caustic dyes used in the cotton processing technology, colored cotton can almost eliminate all environmental hazards related to the production of woven fabrics.

These colored cottons also have a unique but still unexplainable characteristic. Their color will deepen after being washed twenty to thirty times in the machine at first, and then change back to the color in the cotton field, but it will never change. Lighter than the original color.

In fact, domestic research and development of colored cotton breeding began six years ago, and colored cottons with lustrous, green, yellow, red, and purple colors have now been bred. It is in a leading position in the improvement of international colored cotton varieties. Two of them have been used in field production and product development since last year, but they have not been very successful at this time and have not been widely used in actual commercial production.

However, considering that the color cotton varieties of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences are not yet mature, Fan Wubing is worried that their patent problems will affect practical applications and raise production costs too high, so he decided to do it alone. It is easier to conduct research on genetically modified technology, and the market prospects are better.

In addition, he also has a large production base in Xinjiang, so Fan Wubing chose this project as a breakthrough in genetic modification technology. Now it seems that it is relatively successful. At least two years later, I believe that the color cotton project will be successful. Can be introduced to the market in large quantities.

Xinjiang is sparsely populated and has a natural barrier, which can erect a wide isolation belt for colored cotton of different colors, which is very suitable for the development of colored cotton. With this unique natural environment, Fan Investment Group can easily enter the field of colored cotton. In addition, a number of new varieties with good quality and bright colors have been cultivated. It is easy to pass the National Ministry of Agriculture's color cotton seed certification and obtain the color cotton seed patent.

In addition, Fan’s Investment Group has its own planting base and actually controlled cotton imitation factories and woolen mills. Therefore, it is very convenient to produce and process colored cotton products. It is easy to establish scientific research, planting, processing, and sales. The recommended color cotton industry chain can not only recover all the investment in a short time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~, but also hope to obtain huge profits.

At present, the research center is conducting stable genetic research on new varieties such as blue, red, duck egg blue, and research on the resistance of colored cotton to cotton aphids and cotton bollworm, striving to make colored cotton richer in color and better in quality.

Of course in various research projects. Fan Wuyao cares most about the soybean genetically modified project.

As the largest application in the future. For the genetically modified project that has the greatest impact on people’s daily life, Fan Wubing asked Shen Manhua to have enough patience in the genetically modified soybean project and to invest enough funds. Once the project can make substantial progress, then foreign genetically modified soybeans It is not so easy to enter the Chinese market anymore.

At least Fan Wuyi’s idea is very clear. If the government releases restrictions on genetically modified foods, then it is better to make them cheaper than to let foreigners earn the money. Anyway, it will cost money, and the fertilizer will not flow. Outsider Tian, ​​at least I will conduct group research very seriously, so as not to maliciously add any gene fragments with uncertain functions to the seeds.

Fan Wubing is not at ease about American genetic technology. I heard that they are developing genetic viruses for yellow people. This is something that I have to prevent. One by one today, the third beauty is sent to one by one...

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