
Vol 5 Chapter 902: Escalation of conflict

Land Quan Fan Wuyi said.

Fan Wubing was lying on the yacht’s deck to enjoy the sun. Although the sea was still a bit cold at this time, he couldn’t stand the sun. He was lying on the deck wearing sunglasses, listening to the waves beating on the boat. Humming a little song, it's also extremely comfortable.

After returning from the Northeast, Fan Wuyao received the secret mission of his father, Fan Heng, to compete with the Japanese on the East China Sea oil and gas fields, trying to beat the other's arrogance.

Before leaving, Fan Heng confessed to him the bottom line of the friction between China and Japan in the East China Sea. As long as there is no major incident, he will be tossed about how to operate it. Anyway, it is a civil friction and has nothing to do with government behavior.

Because there are also some differences among the senior officials on the East China Sea oil and gas field, Fan Heng has repeatedly urged Fan Wuyi not to let the Japanese grasp the handle, so Fan Wuyi needs to choose the way of struggle flexibly.

"This matter is mainly done by the police. If you leave it to the register, you don't worry, you should do it well."

Fan Heng said to his son.

Fan Wubing nodded repeatedly, expressing his understanding.

In fact, Fan Wuyao has long looked down upon the little Japan. On the issue of East China Sea oil and gas fields, their father and son have a high degree of unanimity. They both expressed that they must resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of the country and not let the little devil succeed.

Just before he came out, there were several conflicts in the East China Sea. In early February, the Chinese navy fleet consisting of guided missile destroyers and submarines passed through the humiliation between the main island of Okinawa and Miyakojima. A routine exercise.

During the period, the Japanese Maritime Eighth Guards dispatched the Asashiki frigate all the way to track and monitor, and the Chinese ship-borne helicopter flew over the Japanese Asashiki for alert. Subsequently, Japan accused the Chinese navy of provocation. The next day, the Chinese ambassador to Japan made a strong response to Japan's surveillance of the Chinese naval fleet. He said that China has many neighbors, but only the Japanese self-defense ships followed the Chinese fleet from the beginning.

In mid-February, the Japan Coast Guard released the record of the dialogue between the Chinese maritime surveillance and law enforcement ship and the Japanese ocean survey ship. According to reports, the State Oceanic Administration of China’s marine survey vessel Haijian 22 expelled the Japanese survey vessel in the waters of China’s exclusive marine economic zone. The two sides launched a two-hour chase. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested to China, and the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded with normal law enforcement activities.

In late February, the Ministry of Maritime Security of Japan issued a warning about the presence of a fishery survey ship from Taiwan, China, in the sea about 300 kilometers northwest of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima. The Chinese Taiwan Fisheries Investigation Ship immediately responded that the sea area is our exclusive economic zone. It is hoped that the Japanese side will not interfere with the operation, and the Taiwan authorities have also issued an instruction not to retreat.

Since the 6 East China Sea University held a joint issue-level meeting in October 1980, the two countries have talked intermittently for 20 years. Many diplomats have talked in vain, and no significant results have been achieved. In the negotiations for many years, Japan has always advocated the use of the six equidistant intermediate lines to divide the East China Sea, and this position has hardly been loosened.

In order to put pressure on the Chinese side, Japan has stepped up its unilateral actions in the East China Sea. The Japanese Government’s newly established Comprehensive Ocean Policy Headquarters put forward the policy concept of a strategy to ensure submarine resources and energy.

According to this strategy, the sea area that Japan intends to explore will reach 340,000 square kilometers. What has caused widespread controversy is that Japan will complete the exploration of the northeastern waters of China's Diaoyu Island and the southern waters of Hachijo Island within this year.

Japan has a long history of targeting insulting resources, and recently it plans to invest 3 billion yen to conduct submarine resources and energy surveys near its exclusive economic zone. This shows the policy determination of the Japanese government to actively develop submarine resources.

There is no doubt that Japan's upcoming strategy to ensure submarine resources and energy will affect the game situation between China and Japan in the East China Sea.

On the other hand, domestically, there are still hesitating policies on the Japanese issue. There are not a few people who speak for the Japanese. They are all worried that the Sino-Japanese diplomatic relationship will lead to larger-scale conflicts, such as causing Americans to intervene in the affairs between Japan. , Resulting in a greater uncontrollable situation, advocates no haste, be patient, and don't do nothing.

Fan Wubing is very disgusted with this opinion. In his opinion, the attitude of many people in China on the Sino-Japanese East China Sea oil and gas field conflict is basically similar to the situation after the September 18th Incident in Japan. It was also a group of people who expected the League of Nations to mediate the Sino-Japanese dispute, fearing that further conflicts would escalate the war. As a result, when the Japanese invaded, the country was still arguing and did not make any war preparations. As a result, even Nanjing It was slaughtered by others.

Although the current situation is not so severe, the risk of land resources being encroached on is still very serious. If you can’t express your country’s determination on this issue in time, it will inevitably not become the second September 18th Incident. , What is lost is the sea power that is hard to change.

Japan's series of unilateral actions in Toyo have increasingly made China appear passive. In this regard, Fan Heng believes that China cannot just stay on the passive side, and implement China’s sovereignty declaration in the East China Sea in action. It is best to have Chinese ships or planes cruising in the East China Sea every day. He is trying to push the government to do this. , But it is facing great internal and diplomatic pressure.

In this case, Fan Wubing was able to mobilize manpower and material resources as the ultimate military force for civilian forces to safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of territorial waters, which came in handy.

At this time, Fan Wubing had already climbed up from the recliner, picked up the telescope handed by the bodyguard, and glanced at the direction of their fingers. As expected, there are currently five or six smaller rubber boats floating on the sea. , And also found that the Japanese people above were rushing here with used sanitary napkins wrapped around their heads, wearing orange life jackets, and holding loudspeakers or something in their hands.

"If you want to play, just play a little bigger. I don't like the fear of those people in China."

Fan Wubing said to his opponents.

"How big is it to play?" the subordinates asked immediately.

In fact, Fan Wubing’s group of subordinates are not fuel-efficient lamps, especially when they came out with Fan Wubing and they were specially used to add obstacles to the Japanese. Naturally, they have no worries, and look like they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

"Put on a disguise, and then sprint with all strength, first turn half of them and talk about other things." Fan Wuyao directly ordered 7.

After listening, the subordinates immediately hung up the plaster flag that had been prepared, and then used a special mask to cover the original signs on the ship, and then everyone took out some new unpacked Of black stockings come to be put on the head.

"It's a public figure anyway, but it's not good to be recognized." Fan Wubing said a little mockingly, and then put on a black silk stocking.

The bodyguard handed him another silk stocking.

"Hey?" Fan Wubing was a little surprised. "Boss, you are such a famous person, a silk stocking can't stop it!" the bodyguard said solemnly.

Fan Wubing coughed his hand, and then replied, "The two stockings can stop it, but it's going to be suffocated."

"Boss, you are a master, you should be able to hold it." The bodyguard laughed.

"That's right, I'm a master, who am I afraid of?" Fan Wuyi laughed, and put a silk stocking on his head. Although it was a little uncomfortable, breathing was not a problem, except that the sunglasses do not need to be worn. , The whole person looks like black people.

Speaking of which, the boats of the two sides are not very far apart. Although the other party also has a telescope, it is because Fan Wuyijian did not hang a flag before, so he can't tell what nationality it is. As for my own people, I didn't think much about it, and I didn't have to rush for long before I encountered it on the sea.

Before the other party could react, Fan Wuyi’s big boat directly topped the other’s small boats. A dozen people on it suddenly fell into the sea, and the two rubber boats turned upside down. Put people underneath.

The person on Fan Wu's bed suddenly laughed when they saw it. Several people taunted them on the boat in Japanese. The sound was released through the horn on the boat, and even the Japanese underneath could hear them clearly, even if they were deaf.

It's just that the Japanese people don't understand why they were knocked over by their own ship here, and it seems that the other party actually did this deliberately.

"Baga!" The leading Japanese was immediately shy and angry. On the one hand, people rescued the falling accomplices, and at the same time they shouted at the ordinary people with a loudspeaker, "Who are you? Why did you crash our ship? Don’t you know if this is the Maritime Defense Agency doing work?!"

Although Fan Wubing doesn’t speak Japanese very well~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he can barely understand it after listening to it, especially when he hears this maritime defense agency, he immediately pricked his ears. It turns out that these people also Not a non-governmental organization, but a childcare organized by an official Japanese organization?

Thinking of the fact that in the East China Sea these people from the Japan Maritime Defense Agency were pretending to be non-governmental people and encroaching on China’s territorial waters, Fan Wuyi felt very annoyed. "So he told his subordinates next to him. "Damn, I met the righteous, and I worked hard to turn them all over for me! "

The subordinates should suddenly be, relying on their own boats to be big enough, they turned around and came back, and directly overturned the remaining rubber boats, and dozens of people floated in the water and yelled. .

Although this season may not be the coldest, it is obviously not very comfortable to soak in the sea water, especially once the inflatable boats are turned over, it is quite difficult to turn it over again.

This is how these people can't figure it out. What exactly are Fan Wubing's identities? Where did they come from? How come they seem to be struggling with people like themselves? But there has never been such a thing before.


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