
Vol 5 Chapter 904: It's Korean!

Illness provoked the tension of the conflict between Japan and South Korea. Even if it was cut, Shanzhi's set task, but his actions actually exceeded the expectations of his father Fan Heng.

Originally, Fan Heng asked him to represent the domestic demand for China’s maritime rights and interests on behalf of the civilian forces, but he did not expect that he would rush into the disputed waters of the two sides fully armed, and also used torpedoes to sink the other’s maritime patrols. Boat, these things were beyond his imagination.

The reason why Fan Wubing would do this. In fact, there are reasons, mainly because China's current power and strength are not enough to support non-governmental forces to participate in such conflicts.

On the whole, there is a big gap between China's maritime rights enforcement forces and similar agencies in neighboring countries.

China has nearly three million square kilometers of maritime land, of which Ge, the exclusive economic zone under China’s jurisdiction, and the six largest aircraft with an area of ​​more than 2.6 million square kilometers, have a heavy task of safeguarding maritime rights and interests, but China’s existing sea areas The management power is scattered in many departments such as maritime surveillance, maritime affairs, fishery administration, customs, border defense and coastal police, showing the characteristics of multiple management and small functions.

Among them, the China Maritime Surveillance Corps under the State Oceanic Administration's main function is to carry out cruise surveillance of the sea areas under China's jurisdiction, to investigate and deal with violations of illegal use of sea areas, damage to maritime facilities, and disrupt maritime order. In recent years, the surveillance of illegal foreign scientific investigations and the reconnaissance of foreign troops in China’s exclusive economic zone, large six aircraft and disputed waters has become one of the important responsibilities of maritime surveillance departments.

There are three marine monitoring stations in the North Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea. The corps has more than 20 law enforcement vessels of various types." With the increasing number of maritime surveillance and foreign law enforcement tasks, these small vessels are basically useless.

The Maritime Safety Administration under the Ministry of Communications is mainly responsible for national water safety supervision and prevention of ship pollution, inspection of ships and offshore facilities, and maritime safety and life-saving functions.

The main task of the Public Security Border and Coastal Police Force, which is under the jurisdiction of the Border Protection Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, is to maintain the public order in the maritime areas under its jurisdiction. It is also the most paramilitary force among maritime law enforcement agencies.

Generally speaking, the domestic maritime law enforcement force is still in its infancy, and it is far from meeting the needs of managing maritime territories, unable to calmly respond to the complex situation of law enforcement in large-scale maritime areas, and does not have the emergency response capability to quickly deal with large-scale maritime incidents.

Compared with China, neighboring countries such as Japan and South Korea have already achieved paramilitary maritime law enforcement.

Currently, the Japan Coast Guard has a total of eleven jurisdictions. There are more than 500 patrol boats of various types and more than 70 aircraft, including two professional training colleges, namely the Maritime Security University and the Maritime Security School.

The South Korean Maritime Police Agency divided the surrounding waters into thirteen interconnected security areas, and established thirteen local maritime police stations accordingly. At present, there are more than 260 guard ships of various types, of which 13 guard ships over 1,000 tons. According to the plan, the South Korean Coast Guard will begin construction or commissioning of eight new ships of over 1,000 tons within three years.

Although the Vietnamese Coast Guard is relatively weak and has a relatively high tonnage of ships, dozens of armed fishing boats are often used for each large-scale foreign-related operation. These armed ships are basically active servicemen of the Vietnamese Navy. The ships are not only equipped with submachine guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, machine guns and even individual anti-tank rocket launchers, which have relatively powerful firepower, but also dare to fight.

In contrast, domestic maritime surveillance, maritime affairs, fishery administration, and even maritime police forces are insufficient to compete with the maritime paramilitary forces of neighboring countries in terms of ship tonnage, weaponry, military quality, and confrontation experience. Or armed conflicts are bound to be passive and have no ability to control the disputed waters at all.

In order to achieve the control of the other side’s economic zone and the six larger sea areas, especially the disputed sea areas, China’s neighboring countries have integrated the navy and maritime law enforcement forces, strengthened the cooperation and connection between the two, on the one hand, established a maritime maritime system combining military and police. Security system; on the other hand, it highlights intelligence sharing and joint surveillance and patrols in the use of power.

For example, the Japan Coast Guard has implemented overlapping areas between its jurisdiction and the Maritime Self-Defense Force's security area. Under normal circumstances, maritime security will then come forward to deal with maritime incidents, and the Self-Defense Force ships will provide support and cooperation. In the disputed Diaoyu Islands waters. The Coast Guard also coordinated the Self-Defense Force ships to participate in emergency operations based on the specific situation, and the two sides conducted various joint scraping exercises dozens of times each year.

After the Sino-Japanese disputes in the East China Sea have heated up. The number of joint patrols between the Maritime Security Agency and the Maritime Self-Defense Force has rapidly increased. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has also dispatched ships to assist the Security Agency’s activities on many occasions. The Japanese destroyers Kurama and Sawagiri have visited the Chunxiao Oilfield for near reconnaissance.

South Korea adopts a three-way maritime security system involving the maritime police, navy, and air force. In operations such as protecting the moat in the exclusive economic zone and controlling the waters of Dokdo, the coastal police ships first carry out approaching surveillance and inspection, and the navy ships assume the security. And fire support missions, ready to join combat operations at any time.

In recent years, Pay more attention to the use of navy and coastal police forces to jointly protect its marine resources. Han Meiqiyin and the Maritime Police Agency jointly decided to convert the security patrol area of ​​maritime police vessels from territorial waters to exclusive economic zones. The national fishermen’s illegal fishing is the focus, and a special law enforcement system has been established for naval cover and sea police capture.

Furthermore, because the domestic maritime security forces were not enough to deal with the forces of Japan and South Korea, Fan Wuyi used to sow discord. The strategy of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight successfully provoked a maritime conflict between Japan and South Korea.

Compared to China, which is very weak in maritime power, the Japanese are very wary of the ever-increasing strength of the South Korean Navy.

Therefore, when the news that the maritime patrol boat was sunk returned to the base, Lixuan from the Japanese side sent five armed helicopters to the sea area where the incident occurred, first to rescue the self-defense team members.

Although the Japanese who sank in the water were more embarrassed, they were all professionally trained in this regard. They were much better than the average person. Nothing major happened. However, two members of the maritime patrol boat were injured in the explosion. , The situation was very serious and was picked up by a helicopter for rescue.

With the help of a helicopter, the smoked people turned the rubber boat over. Then he lay on it and panted. Except for the serious loss of equipment, the rubber dinghy can still be used. After a rest, someone on the helicopter came down to help them drive the rubber dinghy back.

The patrol boats that had arrived in front of them were responding to them, and the missile destroyers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force and other support forces were also supporting them.

"It's a Korean stick!" The torpedo patrol who climbed onto the patrol boat from the water complained to the commander who came to rescue them with slight outrage.

"It's a Korean stick!" More self-defense players who climbed up from the water complained.

"Is there any evidence? The commander is still relatively calm...

The commander frowned and took the lifebuoy of the sex. When he saw the subtle Korean letters on the inside, he immediately jumped up, "This is a provocation! This is a war! This is a naked right to the maritime rights of Japan." Violation!"

But the adjutants next to him were calmer, pulled him down, and muttered in a low voice, "Your Excellency Commander. This is just evidence. As for whether it is a war or not, it is not our decision."

The commander also felt that his emotions were a bit overwhelming, so he calmed down and asked, "Is there any other evidence?"

"Have". More than a dozen people in the water took out the lifebuoys they picked up and lifted them up together.

"Uh, Yo Xi! The commander nodded.

In fact, the dozen or so lifebuoys are not important evidence. The most important one should be the sunken patrol boat. According to common sense, there are so few that can produce torpedoes. Countries, especially those that can be exported here. There are even fewer children. By analyzing the fragments of the torpedo that attacked the patrol boat, you can generally find clues and know the true identity of the attacker.

So at this time, the commander was not in a hurry to put the hat of the attacking patrol boat on the head of the Korean, in his opinion. If there is a conflict in this sea area and the opponent of the conflict is a Chinese person~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is obviously more beneficial to Japan's East China Sea strategy.

After all, the dispute between China and Japan over the East China Sea oil and gas fields has become more serious in the recent past, and the conflict has become smaller. Although both parties are more radical, they have also maintained restraint on the bottom line. Reluctant to take this first shot

However, if today’s affairs are caught in the heads of the Chinese, it will obviously help the ongoing Sino-Japanese diplomatic talks. At least it will allow the Japanese to be aggressive in the negotiations, occupy the height of justice, and be able to Gain greater support in the media.

As for how to toss. It depends on what the politicians in Congress think.

Fan is not sick at this time. But he has already returned to the country, first put his own yacht in the collection, and modified the exterior to paint. The internal weapons and equipment were first dismantled and returned to the warehouse, and then Shi Shiran returned to Shanghai. Here is the Emperor Tian Gao Yuan, and no one can control him. It is the most convenient way to hide.

As soon as Fan Wuyi returned to the third jade in Shanghai, the Japanese began to have trouble, and the spearhead was directed at the Koreans who were facing each other across the sea. The South Koreans were accused of dispatching a modified armed yacht, using German-made torpedoes to sink their own maritime patrol boat. As soon as the news came out. Immediately shook the entire international community.

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