
Vol 5 Chapter 906: Fan Hyung’s Confusion "Ask for a Monthly Pass"

Point of disease-free overseas petrochemical projects, mainly because the oil and gas in Indonesia have learned a little bit about the relative political problems of the government, the status of Chinese in Indonesia has also been improved to a certain extent, and the domestic economy has gradually improved, which is also a model. Investment Group has provided convenience for comprehensive investment in Indonesia's oil and gas resources. (Just read the novel)

Fan’s private support for Habibie and the assistance of the Fan’s Investment Group to the Habibie government in an interest-free loan of US$50 billion have also made Fan’s investment group’s position in Indonesia very stable. In particular, they have become the actual payroll of the public servants of the Bibi government, which makes the government very friendly to the Fan Investment Group.

All this gave Fan Wuyao a reason to go deep into Indonesia's oil market, forming a series of industrial systems of his own from crude oil extraction to refined oil processing.

Overall. Fan Wuyi judged that the social situation in Indonesia will stabilize. It is the right time for him to invest in Indonesia's oil and gas resources. The most important thing is that although international oil prices seem to be rising, they are still profitable compared to the sky-high prices in the future. Regardless of its profitability or its strategy of increasing oil reserves, it is necessary for itself to occupy Indonesia's oil and gas market.

For a long time, due to the chaotic situation in Indonesia, this country has always been one of the regions that the international community is not optimistic about. Although there are relatively abundant oil and gas resources. However, investors did not approve of the development here, so many resources were in an untangible situation. At this time, Fan Wuyi had already settled the Indonesian government. Naturally there is a reason to eat this big cake.

Unlike his son Fan Wubing who is optimistic about overseas oil and gas resources, Fan Heng is now caught in confusion about the reform of the two major oil companies.

At this time, he was in charge of the reform of state-owned enterprises, and naturally understood some insider time, so he became more and more incomprehensible about some issues. This made him very confused, and the depressed outsiders in his heart did not know.

Since the Asian financial turmoil swept the world in 1998, and the world economy was devastated, it severely led to a decline in global oil demand. At that time, the oil price fell to less than ten US dollars per barrel, which caused huge losses to the world’s major oil-producing countries. .

Under such circumstances, eleven OPEC member states have implemented the policy of restricting production and insuring prices since March last year, which has effectively restrained the further decline in oil prices.

Enter the new millennium. International crude oil prices have completely gone out of the trough of the previous two years. The United States...the price of Texas Intermediate crude oil has soared from 21 US dollars per barrel at the beginning of the year. The price of high-end products in the oil consumer market continues to rise due to the soaring oil prices. . (Just read the novel)

Since June 1, 1998, domestic crude oil prices have been linked to international market prices, while refined oil prices will begin to converge with international market oil prices in May of this year. The purchase and sale of crude oil prices between the two major oil companies will be negotiated between China National Petroleum Corporation and Sinopec. The settlement price between the purchase and sale parties is composed of crude oil benchmark price, freight and miscellaneous fee discounts, and quality discounts.

In 1998, China's petroleum and petrochemical industry implemented a strategic reorganization. Established two super-large enterprise group companies, PetroChina and Sinopec, respectively. The previous pattern has always been that China National Petroleum Corporation controls oil production, while Sinopec Corp. controls downstream crude oil refining.

It was not until mid-1998 that the two companies began to transfer assets to each other. China National Petroleum Corporation's parent company, China National Petroleum Corporation, acquired some of the refinery assets of Sinopec, while Sinopec was able to inject some of its oilfield assets. The purpose of this arrangement is to establish two oil companies that integrate upstream and downstream businesses. As a result of the limited competition between the two companies at home, they may rush out of the country in the future and become two Chinese oil companies with international influence. In the process of this huge asset reorganization. The Yangtze River has become the dividing line between the assets of the two companies. CNPC and PetroChina will control assets north of the Yangtze River, while Sinopec will control assets south of the Yangtze River.

. At the end of last year, China National Petroleum Corporation was registered with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. It is mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and development, refining and chemical industry, pipeline transportation, sales and other businesses. It has more than 50 member companies and total assets of more than 400 billion yuan. .

Regarding the separation of PetroChina and Sinopec, many people think that this is a huge loss of China's best state-owned assets and an expansionary monopoly of the industry. PetroChina quickly abandoned its advanced historical experience since large-scale industrialization, and the historical process of political and economic compromise. The rapid deconstruction of the cultural system led to the collapse of the oil and petrochemical industry chain in the national economy since the 1960s.

In the historical hardships of non-core companies, huge oil profits flowed to the international Gong Duan Capital Group.

As China's best state-owned assets, the splitting of PetroChina and its overseas listing is also the biggest unsettled economic case in contemporary China: What is the reason for the splitting of a complete petroleum industry system built entirely on China's own power?

Representative Xi of the Beijing office of the US Goldman Sachs consortium once said. Just read the novel~ He is most proud of being able to participate in the reform of the entire oil industry. There were only two choices at the time, or let China continue to maintain an oil company with 1.5 million employees, and witness that this company may be in an extreme dilemma ten years later. Either China can also restructure this company into a beautiful and competitive international oil company.

In fact, the future of this huge oil company is not as worrying as the naive representative Xi said. It has relatively independent oil and gas exploration and development, petrochemical, oil field construction and other systems, production command systems, and operation management systems. , Scientific research development system, logistics system, water supply system, power supply system, heating system, communication system, fine chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, medical security and diversified business development system, agricultural industry and commerce system, education system, real estate development system, long-term for China’s economy Providing huge economic support is known as the party’s economic foundation, and it has provided China’s national industry with valuable advanced experience with a complete industrial management system.

Take Daqing Oilfield as an example, this industrial system has developed independently and self-reliantly since China's industrialization. With an annual output of more than 50 million tons, 27 years of high and stable production, it has created a miracle in the history of similar oilfields in the world. The Daqing Oilfield exploration and development results and major projects such as two bombs and one satellite have been included in the history of China's science and technology exhibition.

By the end of last year. It has produced nearly 1.6 billion tons of crude oil, accounting for more than 40% of the country’s total output in the same period, exported 350 million tons of crude oil, and earned nearly 50 billion kilometers of foreign exchange. The Daqing Oilfield has been evaluated by the world petroleum community as a long-term high-quality oilfield. Let people say nothing about what is wrong with the ownership system, nor can they see any reason why PetroChina needs the participation of international oil monopoly capital.

After Fan Heng saw these information, he saw that the two major oil companies are now fighting for terminal resources, competing to buy gas station resources everywhere, resulting in a large loss of state-owned assets, the continuous breeding of ** behavior, and this time. The various phenomena that Donghai Province has seen in time are extremely depressed, but there is no one to speak. It is true and very uncomfortable.

When he thought about it this way, he was able to appreciate the distress of Boss Zhu. It is really not easy to do something practical. No matter if you act from that angle, you will be controlled by various forces. The so-called desire is not fulfilled.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still dialed the phone with his son Fan Wuyao. Fortunately, he still had an excellent line for in-depth communication to talk, which was unmatched by others.

His son, Fan Wuyi, can always suggest some solutions to him. This is also more effective than listening to experts chattering and expressing completely opposite opinions, and it is also more helpful to himself.

At least, there is no need to worry that his son will make some detrimental tricks to cheat himself.

Fan Wubing scratched his head after hearing his father Fan Heng's complaint on the phone. This matter has always been a very confusing mystery. He himself didn't understand it a bit. At this time, his father asked When I got up, I didn't know how to answer.

However, Fan Wubing has been committed to the research of oil and gas resource development recently, and he also has some insights about the status quo of domestic oil companies, and he will not be unable to communicate with his father Fan Dao.

"The total assets of PetroChina accounted for about 5% of the total assets of state-owned enterprises, and the profit accounted for about 25% of the profits of the entire state-owned enterprises. They play a pivotal role in China's national industry. This set of data is sufficient to show: It is a high-quality and efficient industrial chain. Why is such a high-quality national industry undergoing shareholding reform? Is it encountering a huge survival crisis or another hidden story? Is the chaos of the superstructure causing the chaos of the economic foundation? I think neither, but this good The economic foundation of China has hindered the huge privatization process of Chinese society.” Fan Wubing said to Fan Heng after thinking about it.

"Privatization process?" Fan Hyung felt a little uncomfortable after hearing these words.

"Don't feel uncomfortable after you hear this. This is the truth." Fan Xiu, until his illness, his father had a deep affection for state-owned enterprises, but this is precisely the most incompatible with the reform of state-owned enterprises he is currently in charge of.

In Fan Wubing’s view, the biggest obstacle for his father, Fan Heng, is not ruthlessness, but affection. His feelings for state-owned enterprises are too deep, which led him to appear emotionally and rationally in the process of reforming state-owned enterprises. Incompatibility. Lead to psychological imbalance, it is difficult to manage


Feelings are always the biggest obstacle for an ordinary cadre to grow into a politician. If you want to become a successful politician, you must first learn to abandon unnecessary feelings, or you can express yourself correctly only at the right time and the right place. The right feelings that should be expressed correctly are the way to be an official, and the only law that can be supported by both the ruling and the opposition.

"That is to say, you have to learn to perform." Fan Wuyi pointed out to his father Fan Heng sharply.

"Learn to act? Isn't that different from letting me cheat?!" Fan Heng raised his volume and asked not slowly.

"This is the only way for you to grow, Fan Wuyao said without hesitation.

Regarding the separation of China’s oil, the reasons put forward at that time were that China’s oil was inefficient and could not be compared with the US oil giants, so it had to be reformed. However, the economic scale and production scale are restricted by the market scale and the relationship between supply and demand, and according to the current situation. In terms of the scale of China's economic development, China will not have an oil company comparable to Exxon. The so-called profit depends on the size of the market.

It is not as large as the U.S. economy. Is it necessary to man-made the weird scale of China's oil to be richer than the US giant oil company in the world market? Could it be said that PetroChina will be able to reach Exxon's economic scale after the restructuring? This of course is impossible at all

Objectively speaking, it is the correct path that PetroChina should ultimately choose to solve in terms of production and operation methods, business management, financial and accounting auditing, logistics control, technological level, and scientific and technological research. It now appears that after the strategic structural adjustment, PetroChina ignores basic issues such as price, cost, investment and its financial and accounting system in line with international practices. This has caused extreme dissatisfaction with international monopoly capital groups. The EU does not grant China market economy status. The extensive operation, high cost, and high investment of petroleum after its overseas listing are not unrelated. This just proves that the ownership problem is not the real reason for China's petroleum strategic structural adjustment and overseas listing. China's petroleum and the world's largest petroleum block capital group are indifferent. The artificial gap revealed by actual comparison does not simply show the backwardness of the CNPC’s industrial management mode and operating mechanism at that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It now appears that the state-owned backbone enterprises were so-called rectified by the Goldman Sachs consortium in the United States. The motivation itself is not simple. What does PetroChina need the Goldman Sachs consortium to rectify? What is the strategic goal to achieve? Doesn't the country have the ability to rectify its own backbone state-owned enterprises?

When all the problems were not settled, the historical tragedy of PetroChina was born. The Goldman Sachs consortium in the United States personally participated in the massive layoffs of Chinese oil workers. Goldman Sachs pointed out the assets of China National Petroleum Corporation. Including the 1.5 million workers employed, it is impossible to easily go public, and the number of workers must be reduced from 1.5 million to 480,000.

As a result, CNPC voluntarily gave up the drilling team that made great contributions to it. Later, the Daqing drillers called this behavior a policy of unloading the grinding and killing the donkey. The angry crowd slaughtered a head in front of the Daqing Petroleum Administration. The donkey in the Daqing Oilfield has been dragged for decades to express the anger in his heart.

It is precisely because Fan Heng is able to come into contact with such an affair every day that he feels very depressed, but such things must be done. You can imagine the frustration in my heart.

The first one today is sent to Xiaolang to ask for monthly support one by one (to be continued), if you want to know what is going on, please go to 6 states, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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