
Vol 5 Chapter 914: Rescue a school girl who is about to fall "Ask a monthly pass"

"Well one by one" Tong Xiaoyun nodded, and suddenly found out-

Where is this? If you let your classmates know that you are going in and out of this kind of place, you can't tell if you have a mouth. In the future, I am afraid that many people will look strange when they see themselves.

"Hey, fortunately, I haven't said the place yet, and they can't get along. I just drove to the company and waited for them." Tong Xiaoyun thought for a while, still not at ease in her heart, so she said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing nodded, and then was about to send her out. Suddenly the manager ran over again and said that the boss had deliberately bought a few bottles of his own treasured stock, and used them to deflate and let the son taste them. With such words, Tong Xiaoyun left.

When Fan Wubing was about to leave, the manager deliberately kept him. "Young Master Fan, since the two ladies have left and it is still so early, you have to find a place to have fun when you go back. How about entertaining in a small shop? There are bodyguards brothers, it is rare to have time for recreation.

"Oh, one by one." Fan Wubian glanced at his bodyguards. Sure enough, there were a few people whose eyes were a little wandering, so he nodded and replied, "Well, I will spend it with you tonight.

Then he ordered a bodyguard to take out a bank card, and handed it to Jing Ying-"It is one million, and the password is written on the card. It is enough to entertain my bodyguards according to this standard." "You Fan Gongzi. Being able to patronize the small shop is a great face, so where would you dare to collect your money?" The manager looked terrified and resolutely didn't want to fan the bank card without a disease. Fan Wubing smiled and waved his hand and said, "You can't owe this kind of money. If you owe it, you will easily collapse in the future."

When he said this, the manager didn't persuade him, so he nodded and ordered the people under his hand to quickly find a private room for you and serve you with a fruit and wine plate. Don't neglect anything. "Mr. Fan, are you here?" the manager asked for instructions. "Oh, just find a few people and come here if you can talk. The lifeless ones will be avoided." Fan Wuyao said. "That's it, it's coming soon," the manager agreed immediately. After a few minutes, the beautiful and light girl from eight years walked in, chatting and smiling.

Fan Wubing looked at and nodded. The Xindao manager was more likely to come, and did not mention his identity to them, otherwise they would not come in like this. If they were all embarrassed, there would be nothing. Have fun.

However, it is estimated that the manager has also confessed some things, saying that this is a major customer, must make him happy. As for other things, if the other party needs it, try to satisfy it as much as possible, otherwise everyone will be a little bit lively, don’t just be cold. It's okay.

The manager paid 10,000 yuan for each of the girls, which can be regarded as a high production fee, and it does not necessarily need to be devoted to serving them. Everyone feels very happy, but they also feel that if they can get each other out If you are happy, there may be unexpected gains.

So after the eight girls came in, they enthusiastically showed off their figure and appearance in front of Fan Wuyi, and asked him to choose a frame to accompany the wine.

Fan Wubing took a look and chose two pure-looking long-legged girls. The rest began to drink and walk around in the room to get audio equipment, and then he was about to start karaoke to Fan Wubing. Relieve boredom.

The princesses here wear very transparent work clothes, but the ladies wear all kinds of clothes, but these girls seem to be the treasures of the store in the store, so they are wearing them. The grades are all high, and I glanced at it without a problem. The handbags on the side are all international brands.

Soon several other girls came out, and the atmosphere became warmer when the music started. They shook their heads, shook their bodies, and twisted wildly in the rotating lights.

Exciting music, dizzying lights, took the pictures of those girls like gods, and the girl who was sitting next to Fan Wuyi was the girl who had graduated with dance major that Tong Xiaoyun recognized. Especially hot, especially under the thin clothes, it seems that her twin peaks are more plump, and the most important thing is that the shape is very good-looking, and it is upwards. Looking down again, I wore a low-cut black tight-fitting dress, long leather boots on his feet, and a knee-length skirt, which is a kind of professional dress that is easier to arouse appreciation.

The **** the other side of Fan Wubing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also a small bullet. Obviously, she is better at observing words and colors. I saw Fan Wubing admiring the girl who graduated with a major in dance. , He kept teasing him with jealous eyes, saying that he has eyesight, and he picked the purest sister Yunyun here at once.

Of course, Fan Wubing knew that there might not be much truth in these words, but he couldn't see it clearly under the dim light just now. Now it looks closer up, this girl is more beautiful and charming, especially her slender. The legs, even if you don’t wear stockings, look very smooth, and they are still of a standard. What is more commendable is that probably the dance has not been put down. The flexibility of the body is very good, and you can feel it when you touch the waist. Sufficient flexibility, if you change someone, it’s really hard to resist the temptation here

The two girls that Fan Wubing chose to accompany the wine will be greeted, and they will follow! $, Talking without disease, to make him happy, this makes Mang Mang, who finds it very interesting, and feels a little bit emotional in his heart.

If it’s a different occasion, girls like them probably need men to coax them to cherish and take care of them, but here, instead, they flatter these men in every possible way. The world is really very real. Unpredictable. After all, it's still a family background and money issue that is at fault. Fan Wubing lay on the sofa, listening to them singing while half-closed eyes, while drinking the drinks brought by the two girls and eating fruits, he felt more comfortable.

What made Fan Wubing feel a little surprised was that the foreign language song of the girl who was learning to dance was sung very wonderfully. The professional-level contestants were nothing more than this level, which made Fan Wubing unable to help.

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