
Vol 5 Chapter 918: New story person "Ask a monthly pass"

In the standing committee. Fan Xin talked about this lecture on the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Zhejiang Province. He talked a little bit about the gas station scramble that he saw in Linzhou when he inspected Donghai Province.

"I think. At present, oil companies in the petrochemical industry are competing for low-end resources between the two major oil companies, which has caused a serious waste of resources, especially the waste of national resources, just like a very ordinary gas station. The construction funds are only more than 600,000 yuan, but under the current competition between the two major oil companies, it is not a problem to sell three or four million yuan. What is more, a medium-sized gas station can compete for more than a dozen back and forth, and the owner will wait. Selling for a price, with an investment of 3 million, you can get ten times the return at this time, which is very abnormal." Fan Heng said at the meeting.

"Is this a market-oriented competition?" someone casually mentioned.

Fan Heng immediately replied, “This is not market-oriented competition. The reason for this situation is nothing else. It is precisely because the industry policy is undergoing changes. It can be said that private companies’ access to the refined oil market has been substantially blocked. Dead, the situation caused by the two major oil companies, Jiang Erzhi's substantive industry monopoly, is worthy of our deep consideration."

"The oil industry is the lifeblood of the country's economy. Proper centralized management and large-scale operations should be beneficial. You can't let the control of refined oil out of the government's grasp," Lixuan replied again.

"This is not the most reasonable explanation." Fan Hengli denied, "U.S. oil companies are also private companies. But in reality, the interests of this kind of industry are tied to national interests. So it won't happen. Whatever results out of control, being out of control can't be a reason to condone breakup."

In fact, Fan Heng has always disapproved of the monopolistic behaviors of the two major oil companies. Fan Heng is not in favor of state-owned holdings. He himself has deep feelings for state-owned companies. What he opposes is just like the two major oil companies. It is really unreasonable for the low-quality suspension of enterprises to occupy the refined oil market and drive others out by the shameless means of achieving industry monopoly through the early control of the market export.

The internationalization of China's petroleum industry is entering a new stage. From the perspective of international economics, the essence of the internationalization of China’s oil industry market is that international oil companies can make full use of the various elements and opportunities provided by the Chinese economy, and at the same time, Chinese oil companies can also make full use of the international economy for themselves. The various opportunities and factors provided.

"The global economy is being driven by scientific and technological progress, with multinational companies as the carrier, accelerating adjustment, optimization and upgrading. With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the economic activities of countries around the world are more closely linked, and the internationalization of production has promoted the world. The international flow and optimized combination of production factors within the scope. The industrial structure, product structure, enterprise structure, and technological structure of various countries are undergoing major changes. The degree of capital accumulation, industrial concentration and market monopoly is becoming higher and higher, forming a group of Large companies and large groups with international competitiveness. The economic strength and competitiveness of a country are concentrated in the strength and international competitiveness of these large companies and large groups." Fan Heng explained his understanding, "We really need Some large state-owned enterprises participate in the market competition and must obtain a certain advantageous position, but such a simple market plunder will only cultivate the inertia of the enterprise, which is harmful and unhelpful to the improvement of scientific and technological capabilities."

Several committee members who have been involved in economics have listened and expressed their agreement. In fact, for the world petroleum industry, due to the uneven geographic distribution of petroleum resources, the standard nature of petroleum products, and the high intensity of capital, technology, and risk in the petroleum industry. , Which makes the position of multinational oil companies in the entire industry particularly important.

In the past two decades, due to the long-term low oil prices in the international market. Multinational oil companies have made few exploration discoveries in their homeland and other countries. Higher discovery costs and lower oil prices have caused some oil companies to sharply reduce their profits. As a result, a violent wind of mergers and reorganizations throughout the 1980s. And intensified in the 1990s.

"In the past three years alone, there have been eight large-scale mergers of major oil companies, involving a total amount of more than US$300 billion. After a series of mergers and reorganizations, the company has basically formed the basis of Exxon Mobile and BP. The new pattern of monopoly of the world oil market by five super-giant companies such as Dan, Anglo-Dutch Shell, Total Fina Elf and Chevron Texaco." Fan Heng said to everyone, "At present, the five major companies mentioned above are mainly Multinational oil companies control more than 30% of the world's oil industry output. Their trade volume and direct investment exceed two-thirds of the world's total, and they have more than 80% of the world's advanced petroleum and petrochemical technologies. The competition in the world's petroleum industry is mainly manifested as follows: The resistance between these giant multinational oil companies. And due to the intensification of merger activities, multinational oil companies have a tendency to develop into a higher-level and larger-scale international oil oligarch. These giants in the world oil market will face the international The development of the oil market has had a profound impact."

It is worth noting that over the years, major international oil companies have undergone major changes in their economic growth methods. They have changed from a growth method that relied solely on investment scale expansion in the past to achieve low-cost expansion through capital-strict purchases and acquisitions to achieve resource and business growth. Optimize integration, enlarge and strengthen the main business, and enhance the company's core competitiveness. This is a successful way for today's multinational oil companies to develop and grow.

But it must also be seen. Because of the uneven distribution of world oil resources. The remaining recoverable oil reserves and recoverable resources are mainly distributed in the Middle East, while oil consumption is mainly concentrated in the United States, Asia-Pacific and Europe. The contradiction between oil supply and demand in some areas, especially the Asia-Pacific region, will become more prominent. Promote the internationalization of the oil market.

However, the international oil market is not unimpeded. Due to the technical and economic characteristics of the oil industry and the scarcity and strategic characteristics of oil resources, there are various barriers to entry in the international oil market.

on the one hand. The competitive structure of the original oil companies in the host country will have a direct impact on the new entrants of multinational companies. On the other hand, the current and possible industrial policies, foreign investment policies, and environmental protection policies of the host country government can have adverse effects on entering enterprises. In addition, in recent years, a new battle for world oil resources has been set off internationally. Most of the most favorable oil and gas regions, including the Middle East, Russia, Central Asia, and Africa, have basically been preempted by major international oil companies. occupied. These circumstances will obviously pose a lot of pressure for Chinese oil companies to enter the international oil market and expand overseas oil business.

"It is therefore foreseeable that with the acceleration of economic globalization, international competition has increasingly evolved into competition between large companies and large groups in various countries, and the degree of capital accumulation, industrial concentration and market disruption is getting higher and higher. The oligarch-led competition of multinational oil companies will become the main form of international oil competition. The internationalization trend of the market means that the Chinese oil market will be integrated into the oil market. It will become an inseparable part of the world oil market. Several markets. In the process of internationalization, Chinese oil companies must not only go out of the country and participate in international market competition, but also open the country to deal with competition from foreign oil companies. Therefore, having a strong international industrial competitiveness is a necessary guarantee for international oil competition. "Fan Heng finally said, "Low-cost industrial expansion can exist, but this is not the only magic weapon to defeat the enemy. How to improve the technological competitiveness of enterprises, increase production efficiency, and vigorously promote new technological research to promote production is the answer. The best way to compete internationally."

When everyone heard what Fan Heng said, they immediately understood that he was going to work with the two major oil companies, otherwise they would not spend so much time doing so much homework. Some people started to move in their hearts. Thinking about those people and what things are involved in this matter, what kind of impact will it have on you?

Fan Heng himself did not care about these issues. He said that the modern oil industry is a technology-intensive industrial aggregate. The speed and quality of its future development can no longer directly depend on natural resources, hardware technology, and even capital. It directly depends on the innovation, formation and utilization of software resources such as knowledge and technology.

In order to grasp and take advantage of the development opportunities brought about by the knowledge economy, major Western oil companies have adopted knowledge-oriented and high-tech industrial structure adjustments.

From the perspective of the technological environment of China's petroleum industry, most theories and cutting-edge technologies are basically tracking foreign countries, lacking independent innovation and competitive advantages. According to the statistics of the Petroleum Corporation’s economic structure research report the year before, only 13% of the 29 technologies represented by the Petroleum Corporation’s main industries of exploration, development, and refining have strong upstream technologies. , This number is very low.

In the downstream aspects of petroleum refining and petrochemical industry, there is a gap of about ten years compared with foreign countries. The main petrochemical process has not yet formed a complete set of technology with independent intellectual property rights. Although oil refining mainly relies on independent development technology, product technology The development is weak, and problems such as low quality grades and few varieties and brands are common. In the face of the extremely fast-developing world petroleum industry, if we do not increase technological innovation, the gap will become wider and wider.

From the perspective of the political and economic environment, "After joining Shanji in the future, the domestic market will be in line with the international market, and the main economic regulations and economic policies will gradually become consistent with the global economic operating rules. This requires the government to eliminate the impact on the petroleum industry in terms of systems, laws and policies. Obstacles to development, such as regional division, investment and financing systems, and taxation systems, and the rational use of petroleum resources, the supply and consumption of refined oil, the qualifications of refined oil operators and product quality assurance, and other supporting laws and regulations are no longer sound. Only by passing legislation and adopting effective economic development policies and industrial policies can the positive effects of joining the mountain be obtained.

Boss Zhu put his eyes on, looked at the information carefully, and listened to Fan Heng's speech there. After everyone had a heated discussion, he said, "The development of modern industry has two basic characteristics. One is the basic characteristics. The more downstream the product chain, the higher the technological content, and the higher the added value, which prompts companies to pay more attention to the in-depth development of downstream products. The product chain includes not only production links, but also product sales and the services they provide to customers. So as to realize the value-added of intangible assets brought by the brand. The other is that market development is the basic condition for the survival and development of an enterprise. Only by establishing itself on millions of users can an enterprise remain invincible."

After a pause, he said again, “The large oil company model with integrated upstream and downstream operations is an inevitable choice for the general characteristics of modern industry and the inherent laws of the petroleum industry. The petroleum industry is a complete product chain of exploration, development, refining, chemical, and sales. The high added value of downstream products and the driving force to occupy the market make oil companies inevitably pay attention to downstream and sales links. At the same time, in order to avoid the economic risks brought by oil price fluctuations, oil companies are encouraged to take the road of integration of upstream and downstream and sales. Competitive As a result, the competitive advantage gained by a few large oil companies by continuously expanding market share and controlling the sales market forced small and medium oil companies to sell only good reserves and crude oil to large oil companies, which ultimately led to the fact that the oil produced by the large oil companies was better than the oil they were looking for. More oil is refined than recovered oil, and the oil sold has more characteristics than refined oil."

After listening for a long time, Chief No. 1 finally stated, “It’s not the right way to dominate people with one’s roots. Technological innovation has become the most durable and fundamental driving force for industrial development. Every step up the world’s oil and gas production depends on new theories and new ideas. The promotion of technology and maintaining the leading position of technology have always been the guarantee for the long-lasting prosperity and growth of major foreign oil companies."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement. In fact, this exists in all industries. problem.

"Our company. It needs to rely on innovation to form its own core competitiveness, and build a well-known brand with its core competitiveness. Rely on well-known brands to enhance its competitive advantage and intangible assets~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, technological innovation is the core competitiveness of an enterprise The source of technology. Enterprises must form and develop their own core technologies through technological innovation, and on this basis, form their own characteristic products and services. At present, China’s petroleum industry’s technological innovation capability is still greater than the world’s advanced level. The gap, to a large extent, limits the development of China’s petroleum industry and the improvement of its international competitiveness. In order to speed up the development of China’s petroleum industry and improve its core competitiveness, we must rely on scientific and technological progress. Improve the benefits of petroleum science and technology." The chief said, "For specific matters, the relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council should do more research and come up with specific plans."

Fan Heng was a little funny when he heard it, and everyone would say something beautiful. When solving the problem, he kicked the ball back again, but he is the Deputy Prime Minister of the complicated aspect. What he asks is to unify everyone's thinking from the overall situation. Now that the desired result has been obtained, then The specific operation is easy to handle.

It is nothing more than strengthening the training and management of technology development talents, increasing technology investment, raising technology development funds through multiple channels and levels, strengthening technology cooperation, developing technology exchange markets, and accelerating the implementation and promotion of scientific and technological achievements, aiming at the multi-disciplinary and multi-specialized petroleum industry , The characteristic of highly intensive technology, the establishment of a research entity composed of multi-disciplinary staff. Make the research results serve the enterprise as soon as possible. Just serve the market.

These things. In fact, it is not a difficult task. The most important thing is that the upper-level thinking must be unified, and other things are easy to handle.

In the past, there was only one person to talk to, but now that with Fan Hyung who dared to speak and did a good job, the situation finally changed. "

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