
Vol 5 Chapter 926: reason

In the 1880s, an amateur pharmacist named John Pombarton developed Coca-Cola for his work on headache potions and magically turned it into a drink that took the world by storm.

The savvy Bombarton then quickly determined the 14 raw materials of Coca-Cola with his rich pharmacological knowledge and concentrated research spirit, and sealed the formula in the safe of the Atlanta Bank, which became a secret patent. He also asked Robinson, an accountant in his shop and an outstanding painter and painter, to design the trademark. Robinson meticulously worked out and painted it into a beautiful and unique trademark c. c For more than one hundred years, Coca-Cola has gone through ups and downs. The Robinson-designed trademark has been in use today and can be seen everywhere in the world, becoming the traditional emblem of Coca-Cola.

A survey company has conducted surveys, and Coca-Cola is the most recognized word in the world besides ok. As a German once commented, if movies are the soul of the United States, then Coca-Cola is the fuel of the United States.

In the first year that Coca-Cola was just launched, the average daily sales volume was only nine cups. Now people in more than 150 countries and regions around the world drink more than 7-2.5 bottles of Coca-Cola every day. But whether it is nine cups or 250 million bottles, the formula of Coca-Cola is always the top secret. So far, fewer than ten people know the secret formula.

"The information you have now is the secret beryllium obituary recipe that an American intends to sell to Pepsi. It is said to be from the same source as the Coca-Cola recipe. I don’t know how it was obtained, but the other party intends to sell it to Pepsi. , But Pepsi rejected his request and thought it was unethical, so it publicly notified Coca-Cola." Fan Wubing said to Wuzhi Xiaoji.

Xiaoji Wuzhi looked at the information in his hand in a daze, and said to Fan Wuyao, "I know about this. There was a lot of noise a while ago!"

As we all know, Coca-Cola's mysterious ingredients, which account for less than one percent, are the absolute secrets of Coca-Cola. Many chemists and competitors around the world have spent nearly a hundred years and still have not solved the mysterious formula of Coca-Cola.

Even now, boat companies from all over the world can only go to the United States to extract mother liquor, and then go back to add other ingredients to produce localized Coca-Cola.

Originally, Pepsi-Cola was able to unlock this secret, but in the face of business ethics and profit temptation, they did not hesitate to choose the former.

Coca-Cola's US headquarters said in an interview, thanks to Pepsi, our secret recipe is well preserved and there is no danger.

Since this case is not over yet, Coca-Cola is very cautious. The manager of the company’s external communications department said that Coca-Cola’s secret recipe is safe at all times. Although Coca-Cola is based on a secret, they do not comment on their own confidential protection measures. For such threats from the outside, Their attitude is very serious, and they will take all necessary means to deal with such threats to protect their business secrets.

"If Pepsi accepted this formula at that time, what would be the result now?" Wu Zhi Xiaoji said to Fan Wuyao with some emotion.

"There will be no results." Fan Wubing replied directly, "When PepsiCo received this secret recipe from unknown origin, it realized that it was a great opportunity to enhance its corporate image again. Not only did it inform its opponents. , And also greatly assisted in disguised reconnaissance. Therefore, it has become a spokesperson for fair competition and open-mindedness."

Pepsi spokespersons told the media after the law that competition can sometimes be fierce, but it must be fair and legal. They are happy that the authorities and the FBI can identify those responsible for this.

Pepsi's approach has not only been appreciated by its competitors, but also by the public.

"In fact, as an excellent brand, Pepsi has its own values, and they also have their own unique formulas, without the use of Coca-Cola formulas. To make your own brand, you must have your own things, which is also not available to formula holders. Taking things into consideration, they wanted to sell them what Pepsi-Cola didn’t want. In fact, they gave Pepsi the best marketing opportunity. PepsiCo’s handling of this matter is a good event marketing. To spread oneself and promote one's own brand values ​​is very beneficial to brand building." Fan Wubing said to Wuzhi Xiaoji, "And from a risk point of view, accepting formulas from unknown sources is not only useless for established brands, but also It is easy to cause a lot of legal disputes. If that happens, Pepsi will be ruined."

Xiaoji Wuzhi nodded and said, "Oh, ordinary people's ideas are always too simple. They think that after getting the Coca-Cola formula, they can quickly occupy the market and make huge profits. In fact, Coca-Cola has been used to maintain the brand for many years. Only based on the formula. Pepsi was able to tie with Coca-Cola in sales at the end of the 1970s, and naturally it has its success.

Fan Wubing also agreed, "To be honest, even if Coca-Cola sells 200 million bottles a day, it will be about 4 billion U.S. dollars in sales in one year. Even if it is 80% of the profit, it is only 3B U.S. dollars. Although it seems a bit utterly staggering to ordinary people, it is really not enough for us."

Xiaoji Wuzhi also nodded. He estimated that the auto production he managed by himself would soon be able to pass this profit standard.

It is said that some of Coca-Cola’s profits from beverage sales in China are preferentially imposed monopoly fees. Each bottle of trademarks receives a dime from the patent fee, each bottle of appearance patent charges one dime, and each bottle of secret recipe charges one dime. Dime, if you add beverage costs and bottle costs, it is estimated to be a typical fifty cents party.

Coca-Cola's profits in China are naturally very generous, but the profits of domestic manufacturers, suppliers, and repackers are very low, and it can be regarded as the golden sign of domestic sweatshops.

Of course, the security loopholes in the PET Coke bottles still used by Coca-Cola still exist. Every year, there are many cases of blackmailing manufacturers by drugs, and consumers are often victimized.

The cap of this kind of beverage bottle can be completely unscrewed once it is blanched with hot water, which is very easy to ache and poison.

Or cut the bottle from the bottle, burn it to soften the mouth of the bottle, pinch the mouth of the bottle, and the bottle cap will fall off completely. It is impossible for ordinary consumers to install the poisoned beverage bottle. I can see that I have done tricks.

When talking about this issue, Fan Wubing said to Wuzhi Xiaoji, “In fact, this kind of lid has some prospects for the Chinese market, because many people use empty bottles after drinking Coke. It is also a habit of using waste to hold something. Therefore, although the cap of a PET bottle is not safe, it is easier to be accepted. On the contrary, the sales of canned beverages with relatively high safety have not been able to exceed the PET bottle in recent years. Sales of beverages in bottles.

However, Wuzhi Xiaoji still has some concerns about Fan Wuyi's behavior. "How safe is this formula? Is it really able to achieve the effect of Coca-Cola? Also, will the person who provided the formula leak this secret?"

Fan Wubing smiled and replied, "It has been tested and is safe and effective. As for the person who provided the formula, in fact, they didn't know about it at all, because the channel through which I learned about this formula is a bit special. It leaked out. And the person who got this formula didn't know what it was."

Wu Zhi Xiaoji published with some emotion, "Fan Wuyao said," I thought that the mysterious substance in Kei Coke was so mysterious, but I didn't expect it to be that simple. "

Fan Wubing replied, "The magic is not the substance itself, but the whole set of processing processes. These processes are the most critical problem. If it is just a simple substance, how can it be kept for hundreds of years from others? What happened? Don’t tell me that Coca-Cola employees are pure gentlemen or something."

In fact, there are many secrets to Coca-Cola's success.

With the success of the Coca-Cola Show, there are many experiences that businesses can learn from it. In general, these experiences are very simple and obvious.

For example, the product itself does not have to be able to speak, but it must have a certain useful function that can be widely accepted. When you get used to the taste of Coca-Cola, you will find it very delicious, which will make people develop a hobby. Coca-Cola can make the nostrils feel itchy, can quench thirst, and has a little caffeine effect. Some people think it can treat headaches, nausea, and stomach pains.

Secondly, we must believe in our products, let the products establish a lofty image, and make the profession associated with it a sacred profession. To make the staff think that the product is world-class, they are working for the best company~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fan Wubian said to Wuzhi Xiaoji, "Salesman should have the ability to be a missionary, not Salary salesperson. In the 1920s, the president of Coca-Cola called all salespersons and unexpectedly announced that they were all fired. The next day he re-employed them in the new service department, but warned them. They are no longer salesmen, because there is no need to advertise the advantages of cola. They are staff members whose task is to ensure that soda water becomes an excellent blend of cola with ice.

There is also the need to create a sense of mystery. Although creating a mysterious atmosphere is ethical, it helps sales.

In fact, the secret formula does not mean much to them. The real secret of success lies in the influence of the product's trademark in more than a century, but the secret of the formula, the famous seven flavors, was once an important reason for attracting customers.

"If it's just for drinks, there is no need to involve the clothing industry, right?" Wuzhi Xiaoji couldn't figure it out a bit.

"It's just a concealment." Fan Wubing replied.

If something is done too obvious, it is easy to cause trouble, and there is still work to be done to confuse the audiovisual, which is not useless.

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